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13004619 No.13004619 [Reply] [Original]

Moon soil is full of water, helium 3, carbon dioxide and other stuff. Why the fuck haven't we mined the moon yet? 25 tons of helium 3 can make energy independent for 1 year. 3 billion dollars per ton of helium 3 makes any mission viable cost profit wise. A neutronic fusion reactors are necessary if we want humanity to become a interstellar civilization.

Anyone want to make a token to fund moon mining?

>> No.13004632

Nice now we fuck our tides by removing mass from the moon

>> No.13004634

will chuck in 10mm when LINK hits $1000
pm me

>> No.13004644

Redpill: Currently impossible to send something to the moon and make a return trip.

>> No.13004651


>> No.13004698

Because thats bullshit.
You don‘t need Fusion between Deuterium and Helium 3 for that energy.

If you actually COULD do that you could also use fusion between Deuterium and Deuterium which would produce around the same amount of energy with the added Bonus that you dont need to go to the moon since Deuterium exists in abdunance here on earth.
All oceans have around 23 billion tons of Deuterium.

>> No.13004720

ye but that has containment issues, and is less safe. the h3 reaction yields are neutrino the deuterium fusion yields a proton.

>> No.13004758

The containment issue is way smaller than the going to the moon issue.
Its obvious the market will go this direction in the beginning as its easier and cheaper.

>> No.13004772

>implying we can't send nuclear waste to the moon

>> No.13004780

If the nuclear waste has a half life of around 12 years its not a big problem anymore.

>> No.13004782


>> No.13004797

Not to mention cheese. Mining the moons cheese would solve world hunger

>> No.13004857

Its not cost effective and profitable.

There is also the question if fusion is even gonna be needed when we start building Generation IV nuclear reactors that will be around 100 to 300 times more efficient than the current Gen 2 and gen 3 reactors.
They run on thorium and earth contains a shitload of it.
Thorium is three times as abundant as uranium and nearly as abundant as lead and gallium in the Earth's crust.

So there really is no need to go to the Moon for energy.
Sorry bro, it ain‘t happening.

>> No.13004872

helium-3 can be applied much more quickly and broadly, not to mention the reactors built would be built in space.

>> No.13004886

Too expensive, Thorium gen IV reactors are cheaper and that tech already exists.
And Fusion is build currently on Deuterium Tritium fusion so no need for Helium 3.

There is no need to go to space.

>> No.13004988

fuck it. im pitching it to musk anyway. mining on the moon is a good business because of manufacturing in space.

>> No.13005009

It won‘t work and cheaper alternatives kill your idea.
Deal with it.

>> No.13005010

The massive amounts of energy needed to escape gravity make it a non-profitable venture

>> No.13005048

There is absolutely no reason to go to the moon or to Mars.
Everything we need, we got here on earth.

>> No.13005059

because we cant get there and never could