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12999143 No.12999143 [Reply] [Original]

Coworkers are absolutely ruthless. Post redpills on how to deal with them

>> No.12999160

By not giving in to any bullshit they give you. Show emotion while doing it - but don't go full retard.
Show them you're not a resource to be gathered with little opposition, but an actor in the game they are all playing.

>> No.12999189


>Hey, I just come to work, I don't have time for this, too busy right now

The key is to appear always busy, even if you don't are, it makes you seem important and productive

>> No.12999205

Just quit.
I did that 3 years ago already, best decision of my life.

>> No.12999523

just react with explosive anger whenever they annoy you

>> No.13000208

It's very hard for an autistic beta like me to stand up to that bullshit. It's so tiresome, I wish they would just fuck off from me without me needing to explain that to them.

>> No.13000237

>without me needing to explain that to them.
You don't explain anything - explaining is proof of lower social status. You just fend off their attacks and not allow yourself to be an easy target while not going into full sperg-rage mode - they will use it against you.

>> No.13000259


>> No.13000297

Take revenge, set house on fire or burn their car

>> No.13000300


>> No.13000383
