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File: 123 KB, 861x860, IMG_20190312_132434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12999094 No.12999094 [Reply] [Original]

>he still thinks BSV is a scam

>> No.12999119

>so many smart words in unknown combinations
>motherfucking quantum mechanics!
>must not be a scam

>> No.12999140
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>> No.12999167
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There's no such thing in the real world, much less in a scam coin

>> No.12999517


Its a good thing you guys are here to look out for us, means a lot

>> No.12999535
File: 602 KB, 2048x1569, D1ZV4khV4AEb92C.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you retards are about to get rekt with your scamcoins. It's time for based white autists to clean up this shit hole. Good luck with your litecoins and erc-20 tokens fucktards.

>> No.12999549
File: 1.01 MB, 1417x918, Propaganda NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are running and not running at the same time
>Picture of Schrodinger's cat

You know you're dealing with a hyper brainlet when they immediately reach for a quantum analogy.

>> No.12999606

He's a brainlet, but so are you. Schrodinger wasn't trying to explain quantum mechanics in layman's terms, he was trying to show how fucking retarded the concept is by enlarging it. Obviously the cat can't be alive and dead at the same time, but brainlets somehow forgot that. The point is that just because we don't know which state something is in, that doesn't mean it's simultaneously in both.

>> No.12999651

>bitcoin whitepaper
>concise and crisp

>scam whitepaper
>full of smart-brainlet verbiage bordering on word salat

>> No.12999656
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>> No.12999658

t. just read wikipedia

>> No.12999712

Does it even say that in the Wikipedia page? I figured those cucks would take the approved approach to Schrodinger's ideas.

>> No.12999722

But he's actually been proven wrong. Quantum mechanics is just fucking weird and really does not seem to follow human intuition.

>> No.12999727
File: 703 KB, 1477x563, 15000024355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait to see all scam coiners get rekt. If you bothered to read the whitepaper you would see that bsv is bitcoin, and that it was btc and bch that forked. Instead you let yourself act like sockpuppets for blockstream. You are literally too stupid to make it. You are far from smart money, which you will learn the STIFF way.

>> No.12999761

Where is the bloated OP_RETURN mentioned in the bitcoin whitepaper?

>> No.12999764

Modern science has become a theoretical meme. You can't actually prove shit anymore, because it's all theories based on theories based on theories.

>> No.12999784

Quantum Mechanics doesn't exist. have you ever seen a wave function? Daily reminder scientists make this up to get grant money. It's all bullshit

>> No.12999798

>Doesn't know about the renaissance of electric universe/plasma physics

>> No.12999847


>he still posts day in and day out thinking people will pump his BSV bags


>> No.12999862


Oh, so a non-halting turing machine...

creg is going to redpill a ton of people on CS concepts because they'll actually have to learn about them to see through his fucking bullshit.

> rofl

>> No.12999869


>hasn’t read the white paper

Nice hash rate you got there bub. LMFAO

>> No.12999876


I blame Dedekind, shouldn't have cut the real number line. Just start that shit at zero.

> Based and Conwaypilled

>> No.13000018
File: 84 KB, 666x500, 2vv77m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For dummies:

Imagine having a machine which goes from state A to B and then to C or D or E.

Now we go from state A to B.
Now we go from state B to C.
Now we go back to state B and go to D.

We now have two parallel states of the same machine, the cat is dead and alive at the same time.

We can even use the output of state D to recalculate the input for state B to get a better result which might bring us to state E this time.

Yes, this even enables a new form of machine learning and all sorts of app.

Its even a new way of thinking therefore bring application which were simple not possible before.

Remember, each state is an immutable timestamp and each output is also an timestamp and the app itself is just the order of timestamped code snippets which can be changed at will.

Ultimately, Vishnu will emerge on the Bitcoin SV chain.

>> No.13000064

>Ultimately, Vishnu will emerge on the Bitcoin SV chain.
This made me kek. Thanks for a nice explanation

>> No.13000078

How can't this be implemented in a simple program?

>> No.13000121

Your simple program can be shut down, Vishnu will live forever.
Your simple program needs trust,
Vishnu works trustless.
Your simple program can't be changed by rearranging transaction.
Your simple program can't be used/arranged by everyone.
Your simple program is not secure.

Blockchain changes everything, Bitcoin SV is THE blockchain

>> No.13000184

Bitcoin SV is A blockchain, this can't be denied. It definitely isn't bitcoin, but something of it's own breed of thing. Perhaps better, perhaps worse, but significantly different from DLTs.

>> No.13000196

So is this something that can be termed as "useful proof of work"?

>> No.13000253

It's not a proof of work it's the explanation of possibilities.

Look, someone allready uploaded JavaScript libraries to the chain.

You as a coder only need to call the functions in a transaction to run code now.

It's so amazing. And if I run a transaction which calls a few functions which are stored in a different transaction and build a calculator out if it.... You could then make a transaction which calls my calculator function to calculate a number.

Your result could then be called from a new transaction and be used for whatever reason.

And so on...

>> No.13000284

It is bitcoin. And it's easy logic.

Bitcoin was defined by a protocol which is "set in stone".
Segwit changed the protocol, therefore it's not what was defined.
BCH changed the protocol, therefore it's not what was defined.

Bsv didn't change and is actively restoring the original protocol, which enables all this great stuff, therefore is what was defined.

>> No.13000296

Sounds like a regular mesh of libraries that produce more libraries/project with no need for OP_RETURN-db

>> No.13000322

OP_RETURN wasn't in the protocol.

>> No.13000326

Yes you can either call a program by a transaction, or you can build, call and run your own program by sending transactions in a particular order to onchain libraries

>> No.13000354

> lets confuse non programmers into buying our shitcoin
> talk about state machines and cats
> don't give any runnable examples, we can't
Your nonsense is a shame on the crypto space.

>> No.13000368

no, segwit was a soft-fork, bcash1 and bcash2 were hard forks, with explicit undoing of security protection satoshi put in to prevent minority forks like bcash in the first place.

bitcoin is the only valid bitcoin, there is no "left over" chain from before segwit, because that chain still exists UNDER segwit today in bitcoin. that same chain stops for bcash right when they invalidated the proof of work algorithm for chinese profitability purposes.

>> No.13000373

It was in 0.1.0
Here's the code:

pc = pend;

>> No.13000398

Where can I find JavaScript ?

>> No.13000406

There is no such thing as a soft fork.
You got manipulated by social media.

Bitcoin is what is defined as bitcoin.
You can't change the definition.
If your "modification" is not aligning with the definition anymore, it's not what was defined.

>> No.13000419

has Craig Wright already disclosed the fatal segwit vulnerability?

If not BTFO

>> No.13000433

>he still thinks BSV is not a scam

>> No.13000434
File: 30 KB, 552x615, 495AB382-6657-4B56-8458-3D84B0AB5EA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is btc still above 0?

>> No.13000456

Of course he hasn't. He is moving between lies hoping to hop into relevance.
Instead he is sinking into being a joke.

>> No.13000476

Bitcoin is not a general purpose database

>> No.13000494

>Back then, OP_RETURN didn't necessarily cause a script to fail. You could also use it in the scriptSig of a transaction, meaning that you could steal anyone's Bitcoins by pushing a non-zero value and calling OP_RETURN. Ah, those were the days

>> No.13000503

Right, Bitcoin is not, it's sound money.
But Metanet is.

>> No.13000521


Finally someone who gets it. The brainlet state of biz... I am unironically all in on BSV, accumulated over 120 by now.

>> No.13000528

enjoy your bags. ethereum already renders this trash obsolete.

>> No.13000541

Ethereum is rendering anything on its 17tps

>> No.13000543

You obviously have NO idea how ethereum works

>> No.13000547

Is not*

>> No.13000573

prove it

>> No.13000614

No, you have to proof your claim that etherum can do the same before.

>> No.13000667

If ETH is so good, why isn't anyone doing anything with it?

All the talent is moving over to SV.

I don't care about tokens or escrow contracts.

>> No.13000678
File: 966 KB, 430x498, 117D882B-034F-4807-A303-ED438D44507E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can u show me the java script on BSV pls

>> No.13000692

The gall of these pseuds and scammers

>> No.13000709



>> No.13000749


>> No.13001327

So much knowledge that even fudders keep quit. This needs a bump

>> No.13001374

pro sv side stated that metanet is not bitcoin. they BTFO themselves

>> No.13001443

Metanet is beeing build on top of bitcoin without changing bitcoin.