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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12989013 No.12989013 [Reply] [Original]

Litecoin founder
Fmr. Coinbase Director of Engineering

>recommends dollar cost averaging during the bear market

Why does biz panic sell when Charlie says buy?


>> No.12989305

Any evidence other than “Ltd could go down to $20”? A lot of people get lucky once.

>> No.12989336

>lucky once.
lmao this based ching chong has been thru all btc cycles with his LTC bots paving the way

you need to go back

>> No.12989389

Wasn’t bashing Lee. Just trying to get more info. Out of every prophet I feel he is the only one to listen to

>> No.12989509

If you watch his appearances (magical crypto friends, etc.) he has this thing of subtly dropping hints about LTC's future price action.

>> No.12989535

Isn’t this the guy who sold all his ltc?

>> No.12989566

yes, and he bought NANO

>> No.12989577

Yes. Near the top, with a public disclosure, as large shareholders are required to do in the regulated markets.

>> No.12989762

Shit really? He bought nano? A significant amount?

>> No.12989783

cause when charlie said to sell it wasn't at the peak yet, and now that charlie is telling us to buy we haven't hit capitulation yet. We're on the final leg though that's for sure

>> No.12990073


On magical crypto friends he said once he said something like "What, why don't you think LTC can get to $10,000?"