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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 779 KB, 795x754, DEROGOLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12988967 No.12988967 [Reply] [Original]

The DeroGold Association is the future of crypto today and we welcome you aboard. Our coin utilizes new technology thanks to the features that are being implemented in TurtleCoin. We have the algorithm CN-TURTLE which increases our hashrates enormously while staying Asic resistant. Lite-blocks (difficulty target at 20 seconds) are employed which reduces our blockchain size by approximately 95% in comparison to if we had not used the new lite-blocks technology. DEGO aims to be one of the most widely used cryptocurrencies for transacting. Please join us at our discord!

>> No.12989288

Why can’t it get listed on trade ogre or trade satoshi? It’s been alive a few months now.

>> No.12989316
File: 1.09 MB, 720x720, DeroGold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit take its time. In the meantime you can try Finebox.

>> No.12989327


>> No.12989548

Just looked, I guess it’s price did double since last month.

>> No.12990442

>still use a CryptoNight based PoW algorithm variation

No, thanks.

>> No.12991032

What's wrong with that?


>> No.12991236

It's a too complex PoW algo which brings no advantage by using it. That complexity also brings enormous advantage over GPUs for those few ones able to create good optimized ASICs or make FPGAs for it. Also, it's too CPU intesive to veirfy, validate and sync blocks, which increases the block time propagation in the network. Smart CryptoNote coins teams are already abandoning it and adopting better algos.

>> No.12991855

DeroGold is awesome, been mining for a few months with 1 cpu and 2 gpus and already got 30 billion

>> No.12991938

(Not true, by the way)

>> No.12991996

fake and gay. Privacy coins are the future. dero is a piece of shit coin with a single shady child molester dev. Dude got arrested for fucking an 8 month old. Derogold is the future. Sure wish I would have thought of it first.

>> No.12992128
File: 42 KB, 746x473, DEROGOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude got arrested for fucking an 8 month old.
That shit would be in the news. Got any links?

>> No.12992139

Yes, it is. Refute if you can.

You're a complete brainlet with single digit I.Q. who can't even read and understand a text. I was talking about CryptoNight, the Proof of Work algorithm, which is a complete shit, not about CryptoNote, the protocol.
Also, who spoke here about Dero, the scam?
Get a new brain.

>> No.12992161

Go take your poo to the loo, Ranjeesh.

>> No.12992211
File: 64 KB, 638x558, 1528578671397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't refute
>uses ad hominen

I knew you were another low I.Q brainlet.

>> No.12992371

>gets upset over ad hominem
>still resorts to calling him a low iq brainlet

>> No.12992551

But I presented arguments that bagholders of CryptoNight coins can't refute.

>> No.12992621

Talking out of your ass isn't "presenting an argument".

>> No.12992793

Why do you think the best CryptoNote coins are moving far away from CryptoNight? Why do Monero finally realized that tweaking their CryptoNight algo to another variant was useless after all those months? Why do Aeon intends to do the same? Why do it takes so long to sync all the chain from genesis and it takes too CPU power to do it with CrytoNight coins? Why do XMR had to raise block time from 60 seconds to 120 after slow block propagation was generating so many orphan blocks some years ago? Why do DeroGold did the same in the last fork (and is still having so many orphans)? Why do a CryptoNote coin like Swap can manage to have 15 seconds blocks without instability in their network (they don't use CryptoNight anymore, neither any of its variants, but a Cuckoo Cycle variant used by Grin too)? Why is it too hard to create a CryptoNight ASIC, and when someone is able to do it, hashrate explode and GPU miners get JUSTed? Why do many other CryptoNote forks like Masari and Stellite where raped by unknown hashrate from a single miner months ago?
Just think a little.

>> No.12992838

Okay, what you bring up here is interesting, indeed. I'm definitely going to look up Swap. I'm kind of satisfied to see the goblin coin that goes by the name Masari fail.

>> No.12993071

>5 BTC funding (when they were worth $6,500 each) in exchange of a part of the premine
>spends it all in 4 months to create a 4 page WP adapting ETH's Uncle Mining to CryptoNote
>returns to old job and stops to work full time in the project

>> No.12993416

Masari's and Ethereum's way to deal with orphans blocks (uncle mining) in low block times isn't that bad. It basically rewards not so efficient miners with a small part of the block reward and uses the orphan later in the chain, not "wasting" them, allowing lower block times (despite that, MSR didn't reduced their time, and maintained to 120 seconds). Dero's way is using a DAG, but their shadinness and premine spoiled everything. So, in my opinion, a good way to mitigate the problem is with the PoW algo.

>> No.12993486
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