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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 248 KB, 295x548, craig_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12987408 No.12987408 [Reply] [Original]

>he's not playing the moneybutton game
What is the moneybutton game? It is tailor-made for autistic neets who shitpost online all day. Step one is getting a moneybutton.com account. You will also need a twitter to play this game. Once you have your moneybutton account you need a little bit of BSV to play. You can pretty much just pajeet beg a few cents on twitter by following all the BSV people like satoj, ryan x charles, kevin pham etc.

now to play the game - you are trying to make the USD value of your money button account grow just by using your sheer autism to earn money on the blockchain. EZ mode is getting your gf to e-whore on bitstagram. costs a few cents to upload a pic to the blockchain but you can easily earn 10x that back in tips if you are good. doesnt even have to be porn. why spend autism making memes for /biz/ when you can post them to the blockchain and earn money if you are good at it?

if you have programming skills, its easy to make apps or games that earn more moneybutton tips. or start your own bistagram clone but for amateur porn and take a cut of every upload and tip. you will make millions.
this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible now. if you aren't earning bitcoin right now on bsv metanet you are missing. the. fuck. out.

>> No.12987440

why would you put all that effort into a shitcoin fork when you could build the same app and have it work better on a semi-legitimate (steem, eos, tron) or fully legitimate (eth through sidechains) network?

>> No.12987463


that took me 3 seconds. it will be there for eternity. it will earn me thousands of dollars over the next 20 years. screen shot this. (and put it on the blockchain)

>> No.12987506


LOL nice try Ryan you faggot

>> No.12987540

Please talk me through this.
Do I want a tip or buy button?
How do I get a picture on bitstagram tipped?

>> No.12987953


>> No.12988073

is there such a thing as unironic shilling?

>> No.12988114

how can i host my own website on it?

>> No.12988185
File: 158 KB, 1105x460, 1263229062344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>instead of building space colonies or cleaning up our garbage dump world we have our "talented" people trying to outjew each other creating shit like this

What a shit time to be alive.

>> No.12988419

>How do I get a picture on bitstagram tipped?
u just put it up there, with moneybutton. people tip u if they like it or have some reason to tip you like cool OC. the tips go to your moneybutton account. the point is to make more in tips per post than it cost you to post them, so you keep growing your account balance. if you are good at meme'ing or making good OC it should just come naturally

>how can i host my own website on it?
you can host the whole thing in a bitcoin transaction, and put your images, css, static html etc. on chain and reference them in your html as b:// objects.

>> No.12988431
File: 87 KB, 1287x784, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not him I am just using his tools to make money. you should too.

>> No.12988493

>Do I want a tip or buy button?
the tip/buy button thing is just if you are placing a moneybutton on a webpage, which you can do if you already have a blog or some shit or want to integrate it into your existing website

the point of getting a moneybutton account is that bitstagram (easiest way to shitpost and get paid) uses moneybutton for uploading images and tipping and the tips you receive go straight to your moneybutton account. no need to insert code or whatever you just upload images that are less than 100kb onto bitstagram and swipe the button to upload as long as you have a few cents

>> No.12988513

OP is Old method..

Just use https://bitstagram.bitdb.network

>> No.12988531

>building space colonies or cleaning up our garbage dump world
I'm at it, mom. Give me some time ffs.

>> No.12988550

I literally posted this on bitstagram, see >>12987463

some kind anons out there have already tipped me over 30,000 sats. just imagine when sats worth are >$1 each in 20 years. and the next generation of newfags who havent even been born yet who will some day stumble across one of my thousands of shitposts to the blockchain and they unironically tip me again when my shit goes viral once again

i am going to literally retire from making magic internet money just from shitposting with autism

>> No.12988565

What programming language does BSV use?

>> No.12988596

most of the metanet is being built with javascript. unwriter's tools are in javascript and devs are starting to upload tools in js straight to the chain so devs can build other tools by just referencing the existing blockchain objects. this is real 'layer 2' stuff being built on top of bitcoin