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12984032 No.12984032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cute female gives me her number
>been texting with her for several days now
>haven't fucked up yet, but I feel like I will
This is really stressful biz. I have been alone for years now. Wtf do I do

>> No.12984035

you know what to do

>> No.12984039

send her a dick pic. better to get it out of the way so you don't get embarrassed in that certain moment.

>> No.12984060


>> No.12984065

You may be right

>> No.12984068

decide what you want from her. tell her what you want from her.

>> No.12984069

If a girl gives you her number and is actively texting you, you really can't fuck it up. Pussy like shooting fish in a barrel at that point.

>> No.12984073

just bee urself

>> No.12984093

fucks sake, have some faith in yourself. if she gave you the number she was interested. period. continuing to think you'll fuck it up will make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. let her decide if she likes you, don't make the decision for her. so relax. don't wait to make a move though. be confident and don't be needy or angry if she says no. just be cool and move on. there will be plenty others.

>> No.12984118

Ask her out for dinner or something ASAP
If she's interested she'll come, if not she's gonna make up a random excuse and then don't ever text her again unless she texts you 1st

>> No.12984137

So this is biz

>> No.12984169
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fake it til you make it

>> No.12984205


>> No.12984208

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.12984217

>This is really stressful biz. I have been alone for years now. Wtf do I do
I've been in your shoes before. You have to accept that you very well may fuck it up. If you don't accept that, you'll be too cautious and self-analyzing.
Don't worry too much since if you got one cute female to give you her number, you can do it with others too.

>> No.12984223

You tell her you really like her and you ask if she wants to continue this talking during dinner at some restaurant. You talk some more. Then marry and have kids and live happily ever after.

Just go with the flow.

>> No.12984224


>> No.12984252


the answer to your problem is to kill yourself. Then, you rise out of your body as a ghost, and you go to the girls house. You watch her life unfold levitating outside her 2nd story room, as she moarns over the only man she loved. You watch her cry herself to sleep everynight, thinking of how much she misses you, and how much she wishes you were there, and for the only person she ever loved to be with her.

t. ghost

>> No.12984255
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Show her how many spaghettis you can fit in your pocket, works every time. Also give her some eggs, the more the better.

>> No.12984270
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How much weed did you smoke?

>> No.12984437

fyi kyle, she actually thinks you're stupid and annoying

>> No.12984636
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I’m not OP but my name is Kyle

>> No.12984672

Always try to close for a date when texting a girl. Every message you send she becomes less wet. Would chad do small talk texts or go for the kill? Sending a random dick pic is one of the most alpha things you can do. Why? Because there is a negative stigma associated with them so she knows that you are alpha and don’t give a fuck.