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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12982372 No.12982372 [Reply] [Original]

We just barely started talking about paperclip and this faggot is already shilling it to normies.


That's why we should stop talking about chainlink altogether and go / stealthmode/. FUCK SHILLS!

>> No.12982383

It's a literally nothing hackathon project you minibrain, what exactly are you "hiding"?
If you think this is big news there is no hope for you.

>> No.12982400

Good, normies will drive price. fuck. you.

>> No.12982412
File: 193 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190310-215439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shills are dumb as fuck

The devs you would want to reach are the good ones at startups and big tech companies in the Bay area and NYC

Guess what?

They're all borderline-SJWs who think pepe is a symbol of hate.

Even if you reach them, you're just telling them that link is the pepe Nazi coin

Also lol at PayPal's reply

>> No.12982418

Unironically fuck you impatient cuck. Bet you have weak impulse control too.

You're probably a lard ass!

>> No.12982434

I'll start posting nazi shit and tagging Gonser and Blythe if these annoying moonboys keep at it. How annoying...

>> No.12982444

post your stats impatient fucking fatass

>> No.12982486

Disconnect your internet until 2020 please.

>> No.12982498

Suck my willie until 2020, fatass shill

>> No.12982504

Also, checked!

>> No.12982529

You’re an absolute idiot. Normies will actually harm the price. On an unrelated note, could you please do an IQ test and post the result? Thanks in advance.

>> No.12982542

Last post of the day. The moment has arrived. The audits are done and version 1.0 is being delivered. The gate to adoption has been opened and one will get the first glance of the plumbing of web3.0. The confidence will make sense in hindsight as the hard work is complete, enterprise is in. March will not only awaken the crypto community but raise eyebrows in the enterprise.
Welcome to the 4ir, talk to you in Aprilll

>> No.12982573

Yeh, Nick Dodson was helping them with audits last time. Cool guy!

>> No.12982583

Last post of the day. The moment has arrived. The audits are done and version 1.0 is being delivered. The gate to adoption has been opened and one will get the first glance of the plumbing of web3.0. The confidence will make sense in hindsight as the hard work is complete, enterprise is in. March will not only awaken the crypto community but raise eyebrows in the enterprise.
Welcome to the 4ir, talk to you in Aprilllllll

>> No.12982589
File: 24 KB, 460x260, 1552210610899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12982594
File: 122 KB, 1000x667, 1551985642935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a train to New Delhi and shit on seven of your favorite streets, Jardeep.

>> No.12982628

Last post of the day. The moment has arrived. The audits are done and version 1.0 is being delivered. The gate to adoption has been opened and one will get the first glance of the plumbing of web3.0. The confidence will make sense in hindsight as the hard work is complete, enterprise is in. March will not only awaken the crypto community but raise eyebrows in the enterprise.
Welcome to the 4ir, talk to you in Aprilllllllllll

>> No.12982641

The parasite Twitter shills leeching memes and research from /biz/ to make names for themselves and the faggots who tweet fat sergeys and adelyn brappers to actual players in the industry are two sides of the same cancerous coin.


>> No.12982653

>the same cancerous colon.
Yes, we're benign polyps.

>> No.12982671

Not cancerous then brainlet.

>t. Medfag

>> No.12982679

>admits he wants to take a train all the way to fucking New Dehli just to shit on seven different streets
>Is stupid enough to call me Jardeep

You mongoloid shills aren't very bright eh?

>> No.12982820

How? How exactly will more investment in chainlink hurt the price? you. dumb. queer. spic.

>> No.12982902

I stopped flying after 9/11 and don't know how to swim, Jardeep. Who are you to judge my mode of transportation? You shit on streets my man!

>> No.12982923

It won't hurt if you're a brainlet ass cock sucking cuck good for nothing poor impulse control lardass filthy ass nigga who has a stack as miniscule as his microdick. You'll probably get to buy a used 2006 Honda civic and install an expensive sound system, you retard.

For serious accumulators, it'll hurt because it's less time to accumulate and it'll pump and dump instead of organically increasing its price.

Now go shill, you lardass!

>> No.12982948

Pathetic... fucking cockroach

>> No.12983138
File: 97 KB, 400x400, diepajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say Hello to my little friends!