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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.1297934 [Reply] [Original]

>was inspired after reading about Musk's work ethic
>go to library to study programming
>studied for 4 hours before deciding to begin the first day of the rest of my life tomorrow instead

Heh... This is my last day if relaxation guys...

>> No.1297937


Always be yourself, have faith in yourself don't look for a succesful personality and duplicate it

>code monkey work pays off
>same dog different fleas

>> No.1297955

the thing to remember with guys like Musk they had a much better opportunity then most start ups today. They didn't completely understand what the internet could be but we do so its going to be harder and more skill based. Good luck tho man hope you change the world.

>> No.1297980


See you tomorrow.

>> No.1298000

>your sample app was fun and cute
>thank you for applying
>but we only consider candidates from top 10 accredited institutions
>pls go. Yes right now get out

>> No.1298026
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I know this feel.

>> No.1298091

>the first day of the rest of my life is tomorrow
>this is my last day of relaxation

Fallacious fallacy
Drawing a line between your current self and your future self is delusional at best. You are assuming you're going to study hard and put in all your effort to make yourself a succesful entrepreneur or something, and that you just jump right in and never look back and in a year you're already working in CISCO or something.
Not how it works and the reason can be seen in the second phrase (last day of relaxation). By that logic you'll burn out before day 3.
But not only that, you don't suddenly make your life change, and certainly not by delegating your shit for tomorrow.
Before I make a meaningless tl;dr , I'll just say that precisely that mentality of "I'll do it later" is what is keeping you from doing things. Instead realize you'll have to do it anyway and change the 'later' for 'now' .
Simple as that, you'll see at least some improvement in your life. It's amazing when you realize how actually conscious thoughts affect our quality of life, conscious thoughts which we can directly control.
We often thing it's something deeper (and might be) but we neglect this stuff on the surface
Anyway, why am I saying this to an amphibian poster? Likely you'll just ignore me

>> No.1298120

Musk is successful because he's a genius. Don't get your hopes up for Musk-like success if that's what you're thinking.

>> No.1298163

But yes, I will say that someone who has an IQ of 115 with an insane work ethic can potentially see the success of someone with an IQ of 130 with an average work ethic, so yes, strive.

>> No.1299048

Yep, that is bang on. A dedicated dipshit with an insane work ethic will beat a lazy genius who always says i'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.1300058

Tomorrow is exactly like today. Nothing is different. If you won't change today you won't change tomorrow.

>> No.1300317

>there are other anons on biz that make NEET threads

im on to you

>> No.1300319

he might have ignored you anon but i didn't , thanks for the solid advice

>> No.1300337

>top-tier technical education
>enough financial means
>crazy work ethics
>lack connections and knowledge of current hot fields/trends
>not very sociable

Is there even much to do for one man besides coding meme apps?

>> No.1300397

How smart would you reckon Musk is?
142 IQer here, wondering if my brain could beat up his

>> No.1300400

You also have to learn to network and be social in order to make it big in life. Not projecting but considering this is 4chan 99% of social retard neckbeards.

>> No.1300402

Does not matter except in the mind of 1 special little autist posting on 4chan

>> No.1300411

thanks lori

>> No.1300978

Are you fucking retarded? If you measure intelligence by a meaningless IQ metric you're no where near his intelligence.

>> No.1300994

Those who start today are the only ones who have a tomorrow.

t. a loser