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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12978600 No.12978600 [Reply] [Original]

Recession coming, it's going to be destructive. How is this going to affect bitcorn? Is this going to trigger the diamond bullrun or are we going to 0$?

>> No.12978626

Judging by the fed hyperinflationary moon

>> No.12978649

Dollar will get weaker, Major inflation will follow, Bitcoin will go to 100$

>> No.12978668


>> No.12978722

>Bitcoin will go to 100$
>being this retarded
yes anon, in times of hyperinflation people will be selling their bitcorns for worthless fiat

>> No.12978750

How much do we think fiat will inflate by?
$10 becomes the same as $1 ??

>> No.12978779

Bitcoin is only valuable because retails can afford to speculate on it with their disposable income. The whales/manipulators don't care for it outside of a way to make money off retails. Crypto is the poster child for "irrational exuberance".

>> No.12978791

Plot twist: no (((central bank))) "currency" is real so neither is any debt tied to it.

it's all (((make believe))) and it doesn't matter.

>> No.12978798


just wait until the retarded boomers panic sell after a 10% bart in stock market and housing

they are dumb entitled greedy fucks and will be throwing money in btc / gold /silver but the real win is that the world reserve currency being in danger means half the world will need a replacement and there won't be one. China will fall as they are over leveraged, and when a global recession hits all of their export economy for non-essentials like electronics will get wrecked. Euro won't survive. Germany is powerful because they control the euro, along with luxury exports which will again be worthless. The smaller successful euro countries are heavily subsidized by not having to pay for a military and reaping the rewards of free trade without contributing anything with either their big natural resource stockpile or offering tax havens. Same as the tiny stupid rich arab countries. They won't be so lucky to continue living the high life in their tiny countries when the giant neighbors next to them start starving.

Strap in boyos. If shit really hits the fan, I live in the rural south with farm land and my family's only assets are property. We might recruit 10-20 guys to help work the land and help guard under a free-for-all situation. I'll be recruiting autists from biz and pol, with an extensive questionnaire to make sure you've been browsing at least 3 years to gauge trust. Those with reserve funds in silver/btc jump to the top of the list in the case of our new community needing to pool together and barter for farm equipment in the future.

>> No.12978804
File: 465 KB, 1242x1279, 1544484692158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange man good

>> No.12978853

Ray dalio thinks the USD could easily lose 30% of its value and potentially lose reserve currency status.

I would think that money would stream pretty freely into btc and crypto, seeing as buying land, stocks, gold etc is more of a pain.

>> No.12978874

Exactly, crypto is easy to invest in and imho a lot more young ones are investing in crypto instead of stocks, gold and land.

>> No.12978876


Weimar and venezuela showed us that people will desperately search for any form of currency that doesn't devalue like fiat does

>> No.12978899

cringing hard at these /x/ threads

>> No.12978944
File: 170 KB, 500x820, 0-rare-sexy-pepe-2737948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recessions dont exist or occur ever

>> No.12979052

These threads are FUD and the people making them don't actually give a shit about it, or just recently started to after 8 years of the debt being at "all time highs" for (((whatever reason)))


>> No.12979091

It doesn't matter what the numbers say as they're just numbers on a screen

>> No.12979110

I'm kind of down for this anon

>> No.12979212

Except those numbers force the citizens into slavery through inflation and debt. Sure the government can spend as much imaginary money as possible but we are the ones who pay it back. Can't deny that purchasing power is down the shitter, wages aren't rising and the only way to keep our economy functioning is to import as many third worldwide as possible otherwise we start sinking.

>> No.12979223

buhbuh FUD lmfao. How does money have value when they can print unlimited amounts? That's the biggest fucking ponzi out there.

>> No.12979588

To be fair, the USA looks A LOT like the Roman Empire now..
And the military wanted to be paid in Gold after the silver denarian fell..
What do you think about that?