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12973567 No.12973567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And my skin is super smooth, glowing, and I look younger. I'm going to start drinking it starting tomorrow because I've been eating raw for 3 weeks now... and the health benefits are immense.

Here is Monica Schutt.... she's been doing urine therapy for a long time now and she's 44 and looks like a 19 year old hottie.


And as you read the comments you'll see so many people touting ridiculous benefits of it.

Basically.... your urine has info in it about what ails you. Like when a doctor tests your pee. So then when you swallow it your body creates antibodies for whatever is ailing you.

>> No.12973570

Also.... I'm a Linkmarine...

>> No.12973579

Back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.12973584

she's a qt. and she would be all about the golden showers. my kinda gal.

>> No.12973586

sigh... the absolute state...

>> No.12973615

> drinking something that your body kicks out

the absolute state

>> No.12973629

Your urine is sterile as fuck. Your urine is blood filtration, it isnt waste.

>> No.12973668

Never before said this but I think that's finally enough internet ffs

>> No.12973683

This is very wrong.
There are trace amounts of bacteria found in urine.
You're perpetuating a myth.

>> No.12973686

i didn't know that. are you in the medical field?

>> No.12973696

your body is full of bacteria. it's everywhere, in practically every cell.

>> No.12973698

Is this bullish for bitcorn?

>> No.12973709

Imagine the smell

>> No.12973715

No, I'm not jewish.

>> No.12973721


OP's vagina isn't

>> No.12973730

How come police can find drugs in your piss if there's no toxins ?

>> No.12973732


>> No.12973736

>looks like a 19 year old
no she doesn't wtf

>> No.12973739


5 months ago
Urine is the best medicine and free for oneself. I have cured all my allergies and I have eliminated kidney stones and fibrous tumors in the uterus, among many other ailments. And the most amazing thing is that it happened in such a short time with urine therapy. Nothing has worked for me as fast as this! Thank you very much to Monica for sharing this valuable and important truth, which is repressed by the education they teach us, erroneously classifying our urine as a "waste product". That could not be further from the truth. Urine is all the good things that our own nature gives us! The elixir of life and health, for an eternal youth. Monica, you are a great example for me. It is enough just to look at you to realize that you are the ambassador of this truth. And now I also see it in me, because by applying what you do and share so kindly, I am getting the same results in me. My life has improved in quality thanks to your wonderful guidance and inspiration. I will thank you forever! I will always remember it and I will thank you.

>> No.12973749

Surgeons washed their hands in piss when clean water wasn't available in WW1. Assuming your kidneys are normal urine is reasonably safe to touch. Not that I would, but you shouldn't get sick from contact with it. It is nasty though.

>> No.12973759

Kyle Szaltzer
7 months ago
I've been doing urine therapy for 6 weeks and it's changed my life! I've had sleep apnea for 10 years and it's completely gone! I suffered from headaches and stomach aches everyday, they're gone completely. I've suffered from acne for many many years and my face has cleared up completely. I haven't had this much clear skin since I was a kid. My energy levels are thru the roof and I don't get sore at all after working out at all. Read the book The Water of Life by John W. Armstrong. The best book and information on urine therapy you can find. He was a doctor in the early 1900s that cured hundreds of people including cancer, diabetes, venereal disease, leukaemia and many many other ailments.

>> No.12973774

you're right, she looks younger. Borderline prepubescent

>> No.12973778
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>t. doesn't understand basic biology
the absolute state of American education

>> No.12973816

based and pisspilled

>> No.12973820
File: 113 KB, 550x413, 1534603467976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just drink you pee dude lmao

>> No.12973919

>this one magic trick can cure all of your ailments
>just drink your own piss, that will fix everything

>> No.12974021
File: 487 KB, 1280x1556, 1538009333713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proverbs 5:15 Drink water from your own cistern, and running water out of your own well.

>> No.12974280


>> No.12974289

How the fuck do you mange to drink your own piss without gaging? Even the thought makes me gag.

Asking for a friend..

>> No.12974295

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

>> No.12974313

Mónica Schütt
4 months ago
I've been a very happy child, always full of energy and very witty creative and fun ideas, playing jokes on everyone! Laughing all the time... and that spirit remained with me through my entire life, but I noticed it getting slowly more and more obstructed by the usual burdens of life... unprocessed trauma... but UT really saved me from going into a depression and dark hole... it lit my sparkle again! It happened almost immediately! The very first tall glass of urine I took automatically put me in a very happy state for the whole day! But I only realised it later... not right away. Then, when I made the connection, I started drinking my urine like all day long and not wanting to waste any drop of it! I really dived right into UT from the start! Because I felt AMAZING and couldn't believe the incredible effect it had on me!! It was like rescuing my wounded child and bringing it back to life!!

But life happens... (as in "shit" happens, lol) and there were times I stopped practicing the UT as intensively as before... and then went back on it... regained the enthusiasm by again seeing the amazing effects it continued to have on me!

It was when I finally decided to give it a real go and drink ALL OF IT no matter what, day and night, that after about 2-3 months, I felt like an entirely different person!!! It was like having made an UPGRADE on my being!

>> No.12974323

I havent drank it yet but when i pissed on my hands to rub it in my face i licked some...its not that bad, especially when you eat raw food and eat clean.....i mean you can tell urine on a clean diet looks a lot better than urine when your eating loads of crap.

>> No.12974325

I want health benefits not to turn into a fucking wackjob.

>> No.12974351

>There is no scientific evidence of a therapeutic use for untreated urine. [4][12][13][14][15]

>> No.12974359

Says big pharma shills

>> No.12974409

A quick search says it cures cancer

>> No.12974420

i've been squatpooping / no shampoo for the past 8-9 years, / no soap my entire life. supplement iodine, selenium, boron currently. there's a bunch of other internet health memes that I won't list but followed for a long time too.
i don't believe in fish oil supplementation but i eat enough of a varied diet to compensate.

urine therapy is just too much of a line that i wouldn't cross. maybe if i were desperate. I don't mind pissing on my skin for a wart if i had any (but tea tree oil or vinegar are just as good) or i were stung by a jellyfish.. but drinking urine? It smells nasty.
even steve-o can't keep his urine down. is this mental illness or are these people onto something.

>> No.12974431

This is as gross as when girls like to use my cum as a face mask

>> No.12974435

There's no scientific evidence for the holocaust either and yet here we are.

>> No.12974474

Sweet God I just experimented peeing in a cup and taking a sip!!!!!!!! Sorry but you have to have something wrong with you to be willing to drink that shit!!!

You know when you go into an outside toilet that smells of stale piss and you have to hold your nose to take a piss there, well I have that taste in my mouth right now, fuuuuuck me you animals. I swallowed a ton of toothpaste to get rid of the taste.

That aside I might rub it on my face cause it actually makes sense cause it has UREA which is what is in expensive moisturiser. Also int he army they say to piss in your boots to soften them.

>> No.12974526

you will get detox symptoms once u start drinking it. You have to drink mid-stream too

>> No.12974533

urine has stem cells too

>> No.12974595

seriously. I have 3 girls who expect that shit twice a week now. I have to cut one off.

>> No.12975173

Its a myth retard

>> No.12975206

OP you should try a fecal facial, it's all the new craze. The bacteria and nutrients in your fertile stool are extremely beneficial to your deep facial pores. Just spread it around next time you take a dump and watch as your pores are completely cleansed by the pro-biotic formula of feces

>> No.12975232
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, cringeface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously. I have 3 girls who expect that shit twice a week now. I have to cut one off.
Imagine wasting ink and 6 pieces of paper a week to do this.

>> No.12975264

what does pee fetishes have to do with cryptocurrency?

>> No.12975472
File: 765 KB, 627x615, RoastieAlert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank's op I've been doing the same it gives me a great complexion. Pic related

>> No.12975541

unironically going to try this. Currently, I am using rose water but maybe I can mix it with some piss.

>> No.12975605

>Basically.... your urine has info in it about what ails you. Like when a doctor tests your pee. So then when you swallow it your body creates antibodies for whatever is ailing you.

>have autoimmune disease
>piss therefore would make it worse
cool story bro

>> No.12975639

it's is literally the method your body uses to remove nitrogenous waste. shut the fuck up faggot, you're out of your depth.

>> No.12975759

Are you Indian by any chance? (This includes Pakistan and Bangladesh aka India)

>> No.12975913

WTF dude, get yourself a facewash and a moisturizer and that's it. No need for you to drink or smear your piss on your face.

>> No.12976848

It works bro

>> No.12977230

just bought 100mk