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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12972548 No.12972548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12972577

I don't think that retards like him could really impact the success of this project. However what these retards could do is reduce the amount of potential future breadcrumbs for us.
If this fact really annoys you, maybe you could start mass reporting the faggots like him to get him suspended.

>> No.12972855

In all serious we should declare a fatwa on these twitter cunts

>> No.12972866

start with creg blight pls

>> No.12972886

He's an obnoxious sperg and needs to be gassed.

>> No.12972892


>> No.12972908

Finrekt is an autistic linkie legend. Get back in your xrp cukshed

>> No.12972915

>t. Finrekt

>> No.12972976

I agree with you. These twitter cunts want validation and demonstrate they found link but they’re doing nothing but shooting themselves in the foot. Same as the chainlink telegram community cunts who keep sharing the breadcrumbs. I personally know one of the epicurean link breadcrumb givers and he’s stopped giving shit out. No larp but we were talking about the WSJ article and there’s a huge dot in the article but he stopped himself revealing it solely because of the twitter fags.

I am seriously asking you guys to help stop them as there hampering the chances of a major step. For those who think they can’t have that much of an impact, a few events are going to occur over the next few weeks which in isolation won’t mean much. We (he) wanted to give you something to prepare you but any slip on twitter or telegram would potentially cause issues with NDAs.

Report them. I’m all for trolling them but my friend feels this is going too far. I guess I’m pissed off because I enjoy the informative discussions and seeing you autists work is amazing but it seems we can’t do that anymore. Seriously, this is a crucial time and these guys need to be stopped.

>> No.12973111

Do we really need more discussions or info regarding this project tho? I think we have more than enough info already. I think we just need to sit back and be patient for some more time.
Or do you really feel that we should be enriching more impatient normies and nolinkers as a byproduct of more digging?

>> No.12973123

get the fuck out of here you massive faggot

>> No.12973153

Nice trips. No we actually don’t and I’m all for just waiting. It’s just that some of the old fags were given some crumbs and now they’re coming into fruition, it would be kinda cool to put stuff together. I guess we can wait till it’s all out but it was just a way of giving back to people who’ve held and gone through the turmoil of the pumps and dumps and watching it unfold in real-time.

On reflection, you’re right. We’ll probs just wait it out. It’s just sad that some of oldfags have to be quiet because of some fame-hungry marines who don’t realise they’re causing ripples which don’t need to be caused.

>> No.12973164


>> No.12973224

Yea, I feel your pain too. I have really liked the old threads, where everyone was figuring out the project and the connections.
However there was a post (cannot find at the moment, maybe someone can help us out), which said that all this mindless shitposting is just to pass time, because the smarter people from the community has already figured out the magnitude of this project, and just shitposting because they are bored as fuck.
So I guess the reduction in the numbers of quality content is not because of the emergence of these twitter turds, but something that has happened naturally without them.

>> No.12973232

He’s not. If you can’t see the damage he’s doing you’re a brainlet.

>> No.12973351
File: 93 KB, 640x360, honk dont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. But I am unashamedly pro-finrekt.
>If you can’t see the damage he’s doing you’re a brainlet.
Very wrong but in an interesting way. I don't know if you've noticed but the defacto mode of operation for the modern crypto enthusiast is to find an under the radar coin, mine it super quietly, shill your ass off during The Big Pump and then abandon it to die. This is no good for the network. People like finrekt get new blood into the ecosystem when everyone else is being a sly greedy faggot. You think that fucking dickhead "uncleoldfag" is fudding for the fun? No. He's trying to keep everyone else out, no matter how beneficial they might be to the ecosystem of the coin.
Fuck him and fuck you.

>> No.12973434

Well the "new blood" can buy into the coin, when that faggot chinkman CZ stops surpassing it with his bots, and we get propelled into the top 15 MC.
However I do agree with you, that we shouldn't try to censor anyone. But not because they are somehow beneficial, but because if they can impact the course of this project negatively in any way, then LINK I guess was just not meant to be the project, that becomes the next ETH.

>> No.12973856
File: 40 KB, 256x256, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know shit, you have no secret connections, you have no life, you are a jealous faggot who doesn't understand human social dynamics in the slightest. It's a shame that you might even hold link. You should kys now.

>> No.12974028

Kek Finrekt is based af

>> No.12974033
File: 32 KB, 1071x375, 0giveup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bluepilled faggot
dumbfuck checked
based and checked
dumbfuck with no luck
jealous zoomer
even more jealous doomer
trips of truth
no u
what damage you cancerous cunt
based and you get it pilled, uncle oldfag's aight though, everything is balanced
feel your pain bruh
based and linkpilled
>t.actually finrekt. not seeking fame just want this shit to go mainstream

sorry for fuckin up yall plans, oh wait, not at all, not even in the slightest. unless someone can give me a good reason to stop spreading the word of chainlink it won't end

>> No.12974052

are you an admin on the @chainlink communtiy telegram group?

>> No.12974054


>> No.12974121

finrekt (dave) is pure cringe but the brazilian nerd from oracle seems like a gentle boomer who doesn't care and is actually happy people are actually paying attention to his work

>> No.12974221

>People like finrekt get new blood into the ecosystem when everyone else is being a sly greedy faggot. You think that fucking dickhead "uncleoldfag" is fudding for the fun? No. He's trying to keep everyone else out, no matter how beneficial they might be to the ecosystem of the coin.
>Fuck him and fuck you.
Totally agree with this. Seriously, seriously, FUCK all you stupid fuckheads on this board that think Link is some secret fishing hole or some cool band that you don’t want anyone else to know about. FUCK yourself — you had fucking NOTHING to do with this project. You are just a lucky fuck who heard about it on Biz. Fuck all you fudding piece of shit fuckers. Finrekt is fucking awesome and not JUST because he talks about Link. This is not just about link you shit heads. This is about smart contracts and 4ir changing everything in a good way. Benefiting everyone, not just the big banks and big power brokers. If you don’t see that then you are a fucking shithead and you should go back to ripple or tron or whatever other fucking scam bullshit you are doing.

Finrekt, you are fucking based. Keep up the good work.

>t. One of your friends on twitter, frinrekt who you have described as “based” on a few occasions. I have to be careful on twitter since I post there under my real name and so need to be somewhat careful.

>> No.12974241

>finrekt (dave) is pure cringe
Seriously go fuck yourself fuckhead. What is pure cringe. The guy is constantly posting helpful information while you sit like a fuckhead in the basement jacking off to furry porn. Seriously shut the fuck up.

>> No.12974294

>i post on twitter

pretty much sums it up right there

>> No.12974341
File: 345 KB, 1125x988, dan-selman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Twittards are exactly the kind of room temperature IQ faggots that fail the marshmallow test. They'd rather have one marshmallow now than 100 later. Moreover, the damage that they are causing to the Chainlink brand is immense.

Shit post and meme all you want... but keep it on /biz/, idiots.

>> No.12974416

So that thumbdrive pic must e real. Every thread here got deleted. All the twitts were removed too.

>> No.12974530

I think shitposting and memes could be a little less but who thinking we should hide link is fucking joke. Twitter tags have brought a lot of exposure to it that would of never happened otherwise. You basement dwelling faggot larping like you have breadcrumbs but don't have shit and just want to make link your secret club are pathetic.

>> No.12974547

oh yeah I'm sure the people that need to be brought into link are browsing fucking twitter looking for investment advice from memelords.... we can be just like the XRP army!

absolutlely fucking pathetic. twitter is the domain ro retards and niggers

>> No.12974558

You don't think a ton of developers and funds are on Twitter. They might not buy because of some twitterfag but it can sparktheir interest and surely it has. Now go kys

>> No.12974570

Based finrekt

>> No.12974575


>> No.12974591

lol who do you think you're fooling? I've breifly looked at crypto twitter based off links posted here. It's full of legit fucking retards. You're trying to recruit bagholders, just like all the other retard shills. If you actually think you're doing a better job of making industry connections by shilling cringe memes on twitter, you're even dumber than your use of that platform would belie.

I can see it now. "So, here we have Larry Page, founder of google. Larry, what made you decide to bet the house on smart contract technology, as move now seen as the most brilliant decision in your organization's history."

Larry- "Well Michelle, I was browsing twitter one day, looking for inspiration from the biggest cesspool of literal fucking morons ever assembled in the history of humanity, and I saw this picture of a frog hodling a cube and it hit me...... I had to go all in on LINK".

>> No.12974594

ive already been replying to them. It seems like im the only one doing it

>> No.12974605

you know these faggos are delphi right? they all follow eachother

>> No.12974615

You're a fucking idiot. Yeah memes go around but a lot of good discussions does too. You are cherry picking because your neet ass wants to hide it for your own selfish benefit. No one buys from a post but people do go look into it themselves after seeing an interesting discussion.

>> No.12974629

all those twitter link shills are pure cringe. just shut the fuck up and silenty accumulate. the only thing you're doing by shilling link to the twitter community is costing yourselves (and all of us) more cheap link. pea-brained dumbfucks i tell you

>> No.12974641

Someone just outed themselves as a newfag who hasn't had any time to accumulate. Do the community a favor and swallow a gallon of gasoline then eat a match.

>> No.12974655

why are you so upset faggot?

>> No.12974693

Lol fuck off faggot. Go down the twitter in OP and count how many good discussions you find compared to the amount of pure cringe and blatant ripple-tier shilling. There are no 'discussions. The platform of twitter isn't for that. It's for brainlets to shill soundbytes and the ten of you faggots to circle-jerk each other and get a dopamine hit at some point in the future when you can say to some normie faggot 'I'm the one that told you about LINK".

It's pathetic self-serving garbage, much like twitter itself. I can promise you that you faggots turn away 15 thinking people for every retard that's swayed by memes.

At the end of the day, being able to see through the FUD is what separates the LINK marines from the casual faggots that infests other projects. You'll never find a redditor fudding Nano, nor will you find a Rippletard telling you that Ripple sucks. Link is different because it's OURS, and in that labor of love is what separates 4chan from other sites-- we don't take credit, we don't virtue signal because we have no one to impress, we form consensus through robust debate. Link belongs to anon.

>> No.12974714

All these twitter shills are nothing more than attention whores who crave some sort of validation in their lives. don't they realize that link isn't even meant for us (ie. plebs) so shilling it constantly to the twitter masses has absolutely no benefit whatsoever

>> No.12974722

no one fuds anymore. im doing my part replying to all theses faggots are you?

>> No.12974727

>reddit spacing

>> No.12974832

This. 95% of these LINK twitter faggots contribute nothing. They are not helping adoption or creating industry leads. They are parasites leeching off our decentralized autism to stroke their egos. The literal antithesis of Link anons and /biz/ itself.


>> No.12974839

>It's for brainlets to shill soundbytes and the ten of you faggots to circle-jerk each other and get a dopamine hit at some point in the future when you can say to some normie faggot 'I'm the one that told you about LINK".
they are doing it for that very reason. To be twitter famous so later on down the road

>> No.12975022

Yes and true

>> No.12975061

Amen, fuck the Twitter shills

>> No.12975108

Look at this faggot circle jerk thinking it owns LINK

>> No.12975559

Reminder that the linkNEETs have interacted with
Tom Gonser (Docusign founder and now link advisor): retweeted one of the link shills, that's how we knew something was up
John Wolpert (co-founder of IBM Blockchain and Hyperledge, now working at Consensys): didn't really know chainlink and was spewing nonsense, had a phone call with Sergey and got educated as a result of NEET shilling sparking his interest
Vinay Gupta (ran ETH's launch, CEO of smart contracts company Mattereum): we assumed he was already integrating link into Mattereum because he attend a link event, he hadn't actually looked into it, got educated as a result
Hesham bin Abbas (Saudi government head of blockchain initiative): knew about chainlink but learned more thanks to twitter neets linking him all the good infos
Accord team getting butthurt by shills (Go build something) which in turn sparked their rival OpenLaw to jokingly play along with shills, hinted at partnership before it got officially announced
Various lawtech players like Richard Tromans (Artificial Lawyer) and Adam David Long (Lawsnap) who have been keeping tabs on link but didn't necessarily understand the far-reaching aspects of the tech
All the main shill accounts are actually followed by some very legit people across all related fields
Now the Oracle dev playing along
Probably got other devs attention, which is something shills should be doing and Sergey encouraged, the consequence of fudding on reddit is also that it affects a lot of potential coders or business people who could contribute to the ecosystem, there's more to link awareness than speculation

>> No.12975679

I was in full agreement with the anti-twitter anon's until I read your autistic post.
Damn boi, you know your shit.

I support ONLY the twitter shills who TRULY know how to engage in robust debate to educate the people who ADD value to Chainlink's ecosystem.

Lastly, FUCK THE BRAINLET shills who do nothing but re-package our crumbs.

>> No.12975742
File: 55 KB, 1000x700, IMG_20180706_184246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure cringe my boy

>> No.12975822

Based and Red Pilled

>> No.12975854

How do I join the cause and become like him?
I only have a couple of hours a week to dedicate to it though. Is there a cheatsheet for how to react to things or something?

>> No.12976135

>I support ONLY the twitter shills who TRULY know how to engage in robust debate to educate the people who ADD value to Chainlink's ecosystem.
>Lastly, FUCK THE BRAINLET shills who do nothing but re-package our crumbs.

>> No.12976199


Finrekt stay championing the good word.