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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 500x282, man-with-money-e1533514707611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12971476 No.12971476 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 19 and I just watched the wolf of wall street and I want to know how to become a stock brooker

I want his life soooooo bad

>> No.12971486

kys junior

>> No.12971508
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>> No.12971512

Sell your soul, not kidding.
Maybe you can find a gay chainlink holder (pleonasm) that will take your ass virginity as a sacrifice to KEK and will pay you.

>> No.12971527
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, biz 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy BTC and go long 100x leverage on bitmex, that's what Jordan Belfort would do.

>> No.12971535
File: 1.16 MB, 320x180, hum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repeat after me

*beat chest rhythmically*
hmmm hmm hmm mhmmmmmm
hmm hmm hmmm hmmmm hmmmhmm mm
hmm hmm hmmmm hmmmhm
zing! tweeeeeeeee!
hmmm hmm hmm mhmmmmmm
hmm hmm hmmm hmmmm hmmmhmm mm
hmm hmm hmmmm hmmmhm
caw! hmm hmm hmm caw!

>> No.12971541


there are no more stock brokers you stupid faggot, they are now exchanges like bisexual andall that shit you degenerate piece of shit you dont need to call a broker to click for you this is 2019 you fucking deluded piece of shit go kill yourself

>> No.12971562

This shit movie is a colossal waste of time. Ultra long-winded, repetitive, and not at all funny.


>> No.12971577

If you aspire to be like Jordan Belfort, you need to realize that he wasn’t just a stock broker, he owned the brokerage firm and had 1000 brokers working for him. You ain’t gonna make a million a week being an average stock broker

>> No.12971581

Didn't he lose everything and go to jail?

>> No.12971608

>wants to be a stock broker when he grows up
oldfag here,I haven't had a broker since 1999. If you're not managing your own trades at this point, you're probably a troglodyte who will lose his road construction pension gambling on QQQ option calls.

>> No.12971617

IT doesn't exist faggot. 66% of Goldman Sachs employees are computer engineers and IT geeks. Their trading desk has dwindled from 600 people to like 4. Go chase your illusions elsewhere chicken little.

>> No.12971633

Stoke broker is a meme career nowadays. Look into investment banking if you want something similar that pays really well. Be warned though, it will crush your soul if you don't enjoy it.

>> No.12971675


Those days are over because you can't cold call anymore.

Even if you are a salesman equal to Belfort, cold calling is dead. Impossible.

All the cons and liars ruined it.

>> No.12971906

It's for the best though anon, you don't want to end up like this guy and have to make this video apologizing to your clients for losing $150 million of their money

>> No.12971931


>> No.12971952
File: 61 KB, 821x533, 2gk2dihvbax11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me too. I opened an account on robin hood after I watched the movie. I asked my dad for $1000 and lost it all. I watched the movie twice to see if I did something wrong but nope, no idea why I lost everything

>> No.12971970

he was not so much a "stock broker" as someone who commited fraud. Just be willing and good at commiting fraud like Elizabeth Holmes and Bernie Madoff.

Basically you go around selling something (stocks or a company or investments or an idea) and spend the money on whores, knowing that someday when the investors want their money back it will all come crashing down. So you just party as hard as you can while keeping the lie going

>> No.12971980

>ITT no one in finance

Stock broker here, entry level, I facilitate transactions, I can't give financial advice.

If you can't place an order, you call in and I place it for you. Financial advisors are the ones that give advice and they make bank. Most of ours take a percentage of the overall portfolio and trade on behalf of the client.

Sales still exist but instead of selling to individuals you're selling to portfolio managers/mutual fund managers. And both parties are supported by financial analysts to vet and evaluate businesses, commodities, and the state of the market.

Faggots want to believe that financiers are doomed. But when the game changes the players change.

I guarantee financiers get paid way better than you STEM faggots. I never saw an advisors personal account with less than 1M in it. But keep that circle jerk goin, it doesn't mean a goddamn thing to the industry.

>> No.12972081

>I guarantee financiers get paid way better than you STEM faggots

Isn't this common knowledge? I never saw anyone claiming doctors are richer than financiers. The only way to be rich is to work directly with money

>> No.12972151

>I guarantee financiers get paid way better than you STEM faggots.
STEM is about having a good career while engaging in intellectually fulfilling work while feeling like you are helping create the future for society, it's not about "getting rich"

getting rich by doing nothing but managing accounts and not creating anything is for kikes

>> No.12972251
File: 175 KB, 621x484, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek you can see how JUST'D he is just by looking at his eyes. This must be soul crushing

>> No.12972253

The equivalent is pajeets shilling their sub $10k volume bitcoins on /biz/.

>> No.12972259

why do npcs and the most boring personality types love this movie

>> No.12972260


>> No.12972325
File: 192 KB, 1280x853, 1438884878005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure but first you must sell me this meme.

>> No.12973304


>> No.12973408

What did you invest in? Also why would you try to learn investing advice from a Hollywood movie?

>> No.12973430

But the titties tho

>> No.12973448

the things I would do to that angel, like showing the cock in her mouth, pulling hair etc.

>> No.12973458

Surely this is a larp and bait

>> No.12973747

It's true! also, look up what happened to his clients. He didn't put up cash for the margin call or liquidate any positions, and so once it jumped past the liquidation each one of his clients had a balance of -50,000. Meaning each one of them is now owes the broker for 50k. hahaha, moral of the story, never trust your money with a Floridian.

>> No.12973768

it has to be, but im taking the bait, >>12971952
what happened? post your robinhood statement, we want to break it down so maybe you can do better in the future.