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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12962629 No.12962629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> be eurofag
> be bored on the weekend
> decide to fuck some cutie pie
> go to brothel / club and check out 150+ prostitutes
> pick 20 year old skinny girl from romania with super cute face and tight pussy
> pay 30€ for 25 minutes of fucking including a nice blowjob, missionary, doggy, and whatever you want. even real gf experience if the girl likes you.
> have fun

what is your excuse anon? why are you still an incel?

>> No.12962636

> what is your excuse anon? why are you still an incel?

Murican morality.

>> No.12962645

>paying for sex
Disgusting degenerate europoor.

>> No.12962648


I have a girlfriend I fuck for free

>> No.12962649

If they make you wear a condom, I ‘d rather just whack off, desu.

>> No.12962654

Not business, finance or crypto related. fuck off

>> No.12962661

I would be doing this if I sold in January '18

>> No.12962664

something even better

>Free sex
>unlimited time
>Can shower with her
>sometimes she buy/make you food
>free hotel in her place

>> No.12962668
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Hiv literally was just cured soon our pensises will be freed from plastic slavery. Rejoice anons! Just in time for the singularity

>> No.12962669

>paying for sex
You mean as opposed to
>wasting money on dates trying to win over a girl to finally lay
Or even better

>> No.12962678
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>fuck for free

Pick one.

You are paying for that pussy when you buy her gifts, dates, etc.

There is no such thing as free pussy.

>> No.12962682

Where the heck in europe is that possible? 30 euros for a 20 year old 9/10? Only in some rural backwards area in eastern europe maybe.

>> No.12962684


Americans are so cucked, even the catholic church promoted prostitution back in the church days, you guys are basically all the poison in the world thanks to the jews, even circumcision make you guys overcompensate and rage against the world instead of cherishing it

>> No.12962685


Even better

>browses chan sometimes
>top tier meme level
>comes from ex-Communist country so isn't materialistic at all
>pays half the rent
>Baltic genes make her prettier than 99% of bucktoothed Brit slags

3 years in, prolly wife up soon

>> No.12962698
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>super cute face
>posts jungle Asian

>> No.12962709

>even the catholic church promoted prostitution back in the church days
Uh, you realise this isn’t a good thing, commie? Can’t wait to see you degenerates replaced by Muslims.

>> No.12962714

>>comes from ex-Communist country so isn't materialistic at all

haha lol

>> No.12962733

If you invested that 30€ wisely and waited some years you could have 4

>> No.12962747
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Lol, if it doesn't come from god then why you should follow it? it's all spooks unless it's god will, if the institution that was closer to god in all human history accepted prostitution, it means that it truly goes beyond any reasoning you could have and it can only be explained by schizophrenic legalistic judaism leaking into the american culture

>> No.12962751

In Germany. It's even cheaper than thailand. Check the german fkk.

>> No.12962753

you mean church and all that?

better than getting cucked by the family courts. alsouch more time efficient. have fun wasting time dating thots. i'd rather pay a couple bucks and fuck an 8/10 without the hassle.


some blow you without a condom but i am not interested. i value my health although the girls are legally required to get tested every month i think.

Germany. We have so many clubs with HQ girls that even the Dutch have stopped visiting their own prostitutes kek

i know what you guys like

>> No.12962758

>the institution that was closer to god in all human history
Hahahahaha lmao

>> No.12962765

i was watching porn one time and my third eye opened and i saw the disease in their pussies.
stop before its to late

>> No.12962778


If you don't believe in the orthodox church and in the catholic church, there is no reason to believe in anything at all, it's just power dynamics and the only reason to not visit a brothel or to visit it is yourself

unless the jews cuck your country through the law to make the goyim frustrated so he goes to fight wars that there aren't even his ones

>> No.12962805

yet you agree with muslims on sex & prostitution

>> No.12962837

church is just another tool to keep the goy in check.

>> No.12962839

jealous that its so easy to get hookers in Europe. WHERE the fuck can I find some in Chicago?

>> No.12962868

pretty funny how germans talk about "muh human rights" and "ethics" and shit and then explicitly import and exploit 3rd world whores to export sex and suck german dick for cheap. kek.

>> No.12962873

>Needing to pay for sex with money or lifelong commitment

>> No.12962927

How can I do this in the US? I live on the east coast

>> No.12962962


that means they are more based than you think

>> No.12962964

>even real gf experience if the girl likes you.

You must be new to this. gfe is just another service provided that is intended to be more intimate. Deep kissing is usually included in this. It is not because the girl "likes you" and if they are as hot as you make out they do not like you unless you are chad.

>> No.12962969

She also buys things you know? Mine just saved me 200$ by buying me a headset.

Only reason women are expensive is because they keep forcing you to live frugal lives. They're always thinking about the next trip, things to buy, places to visit, where to eat out, while you actually have plans for the future she just wants to live the present like her instagram idols.

>> No.12962975

ive only seen some crackhoes in LV, NV. is prostitution legalized at the federal level?

exploit?? nice cope, those girls are here voluntarily because they love to suck the D and earn good money even by German standards.

> needing to pay
no one said you cant fuck stacy or some 5/10 on the side, going to these clubs is just another entertainment *option*.. a nice to have.

>> No.12963105

You cant. Brothels are (((illegal))). Now get on your knees and thank Judeo-Christian God for your freedumbs.

>> No.12963163

>real gf experience


>> No.12963174


She cuddles, kisses you passionately, does some erotic shit like putting her legs behind you and pressing you against her, says hot shit, ahegao included

>> No.12963191

Slavs (Russian/Ukrainian etc) are the real mvp on prostitution. Eu prostitutes has nothing.

>> No.12963200


what is this supposed to mean

>> No.12963222

>>paying for sex
>Disgusting degenerate europoor.
You really think you will pay less for sex with a gf or wife, dumbass???

>I have a girlfriend I fuck for free
You do, huh? What gifts she demand from you? Do you go to her or she comes to you and who pays for that transportation? You're not constantly messaging her till late hours? Add all those 20min calls and texts and moments of attention day in and day out . Convert your spent time into money, you'll be surprised. The effort to solve her problems, the dramas she pulls, the headaches she gives you. No girl gives sex for free, they use it as a coin for something else.

You don't pay one way but pay another dumbass.

The reason you don't see this is because she has you enfatuated to the point that you value her more than you value yourself.

>> No.12963231

>ive only seen some crackhoes in LV, NV. is prostitution legalized at the federal level?
It's up to each individual state. Every single state except for Nevada has blanket prohibition on prostitution. It's only not prohibited in a couple of counties there, and Las Vegas is not in one of them.

>> No.12963272

antibiotic resustant syphilis and ghonnoreah. enjoy anon

>> No.12963303

where do you live?

kek i thought it was legal on the strip.

>> No.12963312

you can but it's underground

>> No.12963320

That will cost you more.

>> No.12963358

AO means fucking/blowjob without condom. some also do anal, cumshot on face,body, in mouth, fingering, licking pussy (cucked af), threesome and more

>> No.12963430

how much do you pay for underground prostitutes? just out of curiosity

>> No.12963485

theres no such thing as free dick too dumbass. my girl spoils me all the fucking time. she pays for my dick probably more than i pay for her pussy

>> No.12963521

how do you prevent that she "forgets" the anti-baby pill. i am terrified of getting cucked by child support

>> No.12963524


Usually if you have the girl over you want to have more than one go throughout the night so if you add up all the seperate sex sessions it's probably about +500$ you might not be banging a 10 but it's still way more cost efficient to have 7-8 pussy for free

>> No.12963552

short term maybe but i doubt that's true long term. especially if you break up and she takes half your assets + child support / custody.

>> No.12963673

>I have a girlfriend I fuck
Probably true.
>for free
Objectively false.

>> No.12963721

They'ew free if it's your basement.

>> No.12963745

i'm married and that's kinda funny.

>> No.12963814

Because HIV is the only STD out there. Enjoy your penis falling out from all the gonorrhea.

>> No.12963962

Which country?

>> No.12964127

you are so obviously a virgin....

>> No.12964162

Do you get to kiss

>> No.12964322

Move to Nevada

>> No.12964326

the fucks ok yeah....the life long stds not so much. that said a lot of women have stds as well and a are worse than a prostitute at least a prostitute is honest about what they are doing

>> No.12964331

Lucky, so expensive over here op. Definitely couldn’t justify doing it every weekend, but at the price you are getting I probably would

>> No.12964347

fuck8ng germans they even manugacture pros to a better quality

>> No.12964382

Why don't you fags just get an ugly gf? She literally drives me around and buys me things. She will call me up for booty calls. Sure she's not a looker but she works hard and has a heart of gold, and she's easy on the wallet

>> No.12964383

>30€ ?

Where at?

>> No.12964413

Go back to your thread

>> No.12964418

I live in shitty America where it is illegal

>> No.12964582

I'm trying but most ugly girls are also fat and I just can't love a fatty.

>> No.12964814

I fucked a 9/10 dominican stripper for 1hr but couldn't maintain errection due to condom and percocets. Feelsbadman

>> No.12965313

Yet you all bend the knee to America. Our jewish overlords want eurocucks decimated and it's happening with hardly more than a whimper. Enjoy fucking your sluts and no more white babies goy.

>> No.12966476

Being a fatty is a total deal breaker for me too. Makes dating a little difficult because the (((media))) has been telling girls its totally normal to be slightly overweight. I met quite a few american girls who thought they were thin and by european standards they were almost obese. How you guys cope with this is beyond me

>> No.12966494 [DELETED] 
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I just want a loving gf 5/10 man.

I don't care about having sex with 9/10 prostitutes, there would be no connection, fake intimacy.

Fuck sake guys, I just want a gf.

>> No.12966515
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I just want a loving 5/10 gf.

I don't care about fucking 9/10s if there is no connection and the intimacy feels "fake".

I just want a gf, fuck sake.

>> No.12966521

So much salt itt

>> No.12966522
File: 121 KB, 576x720, 768E0F71-E136-4AFE-A494-F5C2171A88B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our jewish overlords want eurocucks decimated

>> No.12966524

Because I am one :^)

>> No.12966556

Why not have both?

>> No.12966585

Because fucking prostitutes is depressing when you still haven't had a real kiss with a girl (AKA non-prostitute) After fucking a prostitute I just want to rope that tad bit more.

>> No.12966770


going there today, /biz/ decides which one i fuck (preferably one who does cum in mouth)

>> No.12966773

As someone who has never been to a brothel and knows nothing about it - what is the process of selection there for women?

Do you get a catalogue with images or videos or how does it work? Do you get to see the girls in front of you before choosing one? Do they line up for you and you pick? Do you sit down with the girl before sex begins to discuss what you want and what you are paying for or do you discuss that with the pimp?

So many questions.

>> No.12966792

how come there are so many swissbrahs on /biz/ 4 real

seisch wie es gsii isch

>> No.12966793

Same man, living in Texas this brothel idea seems wild but I’m intrigued beats having/paying for gf

>> No.12966796

depends on the brothel. most common types:

1) (private choice) you go in to a room, the girls go in one by one and greet you. after the last girl has left the room, the host lady comes in and asks which one you want
2) (public choice) you enter the entrance, all the girls come out of another room and line-up and say hi and you just say the one you want

desu i prefer the first method, but depends on the brothel

>> No.12966799


>> No.12966803
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nice dubs

das problem minere meinig nah isch, dass es nur so zigüüner dete hät und die gsehnt irgendwie immer gliich us (rumänie, ungarn usw) darum gfallts mer nöd e so

häts nöd irgendwo es puff wo es latinas oder asiatinne hät?

>> No.12966804




>> No.12966820

Okay that's interesting. So while selecting, can you ask them to turn around for you and stuff? Like check out the wares before you buy type of deal? And are they naked or clothed when you choose?

>> No.12966827

i only know the second type but usually it's like a RPG game character selection screen, when you hover (eyecontact) with one, she will make some sexual moves like moving giddy with her tits or do some other type of sexual body language

and yes they will turn around if you ask them

they're dressed in lingerie/dessous

>> No.12966876

they usually wear some lingerie/sexy outfits. i think you can ask them to turn-around, but i havent done it. would be weird. theyre just young girls anyway, no need to humilitate them.

you know the prices and what they do/ dont do (anal, cum in mouth, etc) usually already from the brothels homepage, and once you selected one girl and are with her together in a room she asks "how long" or some variation and you say what you want for extras, she either says no to some extras or gives you the price. you pay, she leaves and gives the money to the host woman. when she returns the show begins.