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12961435 No.12961435 [Reply] [Original]

Raise someone else's kid, or lose half your wealth?

>> No.12961443
File: 22 KB, 852x480, C22A0DA7-387A-4889-9ADD-DF68BC6613A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose half your wealth
Christcucks lmao

>> No.12961463
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Ow Heyaw Naw

>> No.12961497

thats a false dichotomy

>> No.12961510
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this is the dumbest fucking post on this board. so she cheated on me. got pregnant. and now i should stay and raise a kid thats not mine? OP are you fucking retarded? lmfao

>> No.12961520

Hi guys Rory from chainlink here, If you say anything other than raise the kid you are a problematic incel loser

>> No.12961530
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>> No.12961538

>losing half your wealth
Pretty sure that goes out the window when infidelity is involved.

>> No.12961541

Obviously would have an agreement in place that I would keep my assets

>> No.12961544

>eating onions
>not lifting
>being connected to the web without ad-block
>no portraits of robert kyosaki and donald trump on your wall
>not marathoning MGTOW videos

I hope you guys aren't this stupid

>> No.12961545

pretty sure in france you aren't allowed to take a paternity test, maybe even in case the skin colour does not match yours. quite simply for reasons of "the child has the right for you not to know." so you have no option but to be a cuck, cuck.

>> No.12961553

Half your current wealth is not worth 18 years or more.

>> No.12961554

Spoken like a true incel

>> No.12961564
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The fact that a large % of white men would say yes to this question, makes me less racist/sexist/anti-semitic.

I hate these men more than any other group..

>> No.12961569

oh boy you are not going to like the future friendo

>> No.12961572
File: 69 KB, 568x491, 134D8BB6-4A0D-4CB5-AC47-878840952668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portraits of robert kyosaki and donald trump on your wall

>> No.12961585

You’re losing half your wealth in either scenario. Children don’t house, feed and clothe themselves.

>> No.12961587
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>> No.12961607
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>getting married in 2019

>> No.12961609

kill her
nothing happens with my money

>> No.12961621

there is also the option of simply moving
all in monero, the money is gone, you're gone

>> No.12961622
File: 29 KB, 533x629, ComeOn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kid?

>> No.12961639

this. horrible r/r

>> No.12961713

By that logic if you divorced her via her admitted affair you'd keep most your assets. Also you would not pay child support cause again, the kid ain't yours by her admission. A simple DNA test would be all the proof needed by the court.

To some this would be a godsend; perfect way to escape a failed marriage yet walk away with your money intact.

>> No.12961730

yeah nah, i liquidate everything and transfer it to bitcoin, memorize the key, and then go join the french foreign legion.

>> No.12962084

its prob going to r/cringe u disgusting redditor

>> No.12962198


>thinking a court will let you off the hook just because your wife got knocked up by someone else


He doesn’t know guys!

>> No.12962228
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>not killing wife and marrying daughter after unrelated step-daughter turns 8

>> No.12962310

>lose none of your wealth by selling everything and fleeing to another country

>> No.12962331

I understood that reference

>> No.12962371

fuck no

>> No.12962397

Hahaha he made it to 4chan

>> No.12963121


Paternity tests are illegal in most Jew-infected nations

>> No.12963139

hell no to both *fucks off to mexico*

>> No.12963164

In the land of the Freedom that is America it doesn't

btw you can't be part of ICOs either! Long live to Israel!

>> No.12963516

This. Having kids railroads or outright ruins people's lives. If you're self made and know how to /biz/ JUST losing half your wealth shouldn't be an issue; you can gain it back. But if you raise the kid you'll lose 18 years that you will never get back.

>> No.12963575

If you acknowledge paternity for even a day, you are on the hook by most courts. Leave immediately so that you she doesn't get half + child support.