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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12960143 No.12960143 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up
>ate the junk food left over from yesterday's last binge ever and drank coffee and browsed internet
>feel so fat because of the binges and lack of regular exercise
>check my bank account: NEETbux has arrived although I have wasted more money than I thought
>got email about a job I applied for at a small company; position has lot of responsibility
>emailed saying I couldn't have the interview
>don't have enough money to move to London at short notice and I'd quit the job for my other one after a short time anyway
>made the correct choice, as things stand, but still feel sad (especially because I have wasted over £2000 on junk food in the past 6 months)
>look at LinkedIn profiles and realis people the same age as me are already high up in companies while I'm still waiting to start my first real career job
>go for a walk and listen to dumb podcasts
>Staceys out in full force
>drinking Starboocks, about to have a fast food binge, then maybe gym at night

I need to work full time for 2 months at a retailcuck job to have more money than I need (1 month is enough to move back to London at short notice). But it's so demoralising to work. I waste money on junk food instead.

Seeing people's LinkedIn profiles is demoralising, especially people at startup companies who get promoted multiple times a year. God knows what level of enthusiastic normieclone you have to be for that.

I listened to cumtown podcasts because they're funny but I hate when these things get too chummy. That's when I feel like a loser listening to virtual friends. That's why I prefer BBC stuff despite the bias and Joe Rogan. Bam Margera was on the podcast and I felt pathetic for looking both ways when crossing the road.

I have a bottle of coke at home and I earnestly contemplated about whether I would be cucking myself by drinking it.

People start companies. They're producerbulls and then women join and get promoted at lightning speed while moping consumercuck betas like myself achieve nothing.

>> No.12960151


>> No.12960165

I could go for a cup of coffee right now. Your threads always make me want coffee. There's a slow-drip coffee machine at work, but I'm too scared to ask if I'm allowed to use it.

>> No.12960759

...and the biggest cuck on biz award goes to:

>> No.12960840

I would almost never suggest this because he’s such a basic self-improvement huckster, but you need to walk over to Barnes and Noble RIGHT NOW and buy 12 Rules for Life by Judas Peterstein. Lock yourself in your room, read that shit, and take what he recommends to heart for the next 30 days. After that, you can go back to binging a being a loser, but you probably won’t want to if you actually follow his advice for 30 days because you’ll see what it feels like to not drown in nihilism.

>> No.12960856

Not sure if referring to OP or the cuck above ya

>> No.12960942

This, this fuckers ignored all the good advice over DOZENS of these bullshit threads, always with the same woe is me i cant figure it out nihilism


>> No.12960947

this. please mods, ban this fat sorry faggot.