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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1295871 No.1295871 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Reminder:
Money is everything and literally everything else is fucking meaningless GARBAGE

>> No.1295878

We don't want money, we want the shit money can buy.

OP is a faggot.

>> No.1295893

Speak for yourself.

>> No.1295904

You are a literal nigger

>> No.1295910
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I've been a poor fag for the last 3 years.

I just got a job making some pretty serious money. Roughly $100k a year.

Obviously it's good. Obviously it's better than being broke.

But it did not change my life like I thought it would. Life doesn't suddenly become crazy fun, and good times don't flock to you. You still have to put in the work to live a happy life.

>> No.1295949
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>when you make a sale

>> No.1295969

>work to live

>> No.1295975

Look billy its a consumerist nigger. "Gee whiz does he really just work and buy shit from the Jew monkeys" that's right Billy without these creatures there would be nothing to exploit and get rich off.

>> No.1295984

How'd you pull that off faggot.

>> No.1296015


You must've mistaken me for your father again.

>> No.1296019


>He thinks I work
>He has a friend named Billy

Confirmed for red neck. Crackers are like the niggers of white people, worst than any slav. Crawl back to onion town you degenerate ape.

>> No.1296125


Started my own business.

I had done sales before so that training helped me sell my service.

>> No.1296128


When I waited tables my buddies and I would always have the debate: which is the worse customer, niggers or rednecks?

Rednecks always won.

>> No.1296133

What good is money if you're not spending it on anything?

Just to cultivate nine 0's networth? Retarded, you're not going to get buried with all that money

>> No.1296168

Money and personal enjoyment

Fixed it for you

>> No.1296238

just do good and provide value and success and prosperity will come naturally . no need to be a money grubbing little gremlin

>> No.1296239


Whats your business about ?

Dont worry, I live in a 3rd world country, god bless you.

>> No.1296416

More importantly, create value

>> No.1296563

Your health, personal relationships, everything
It's completely worthless

You dont get buried with your ~experiences~ either

also cremation is better

>> No.1296567

>You dont get buried with your ~experiences~ either

You completely missed the point and didn't even explain.

what good is money if you're living as if you have none?

>> No.1296591


home contractor baby

>> No.1296607
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pic related.

>> No.1296734

with affluence you dont even need to hardly spend anything


>> No.1296737

So what do you do with the money if you can't spend it on anything?

Why not just pretend to be rich but convince yourself you have $1,000,000,000?

>> No.1296747

My son taking his first steps towards me and playing in the sand with him while my wife looks with tears of joy in her eyes. That's some shit money can't buy.

>> No.1296749

it can be spent
but nigger tier materialsim is for children and
nig nogs

>> No.1296758

Sounds amazing anon. I love kids and all my friends look at me crazy when I mention it.

POWER RANKING is as follows

That being said, money is pretty great.

>> No.1296839

Yeah, we. That's referring to something beyond yourself. I know you have trouble seeing that, Voldemort.

>> No.1296875

you sheltered first world faggots thinking money doesn't buy happiness have never lived a day in true poverty.

>> No.1296879

>being alive and healthy trumps being mentsly depressed

>> No.1296885


yeah, our ancestors put down the fucking effort for us to worry about personnel happiness and professional projects instead of food or shelter. fuck us right?

>> No.1297374

Why have I noticed that people who say this shit are never rich?

>> No.1297390

I want money to get more money without working

Think like a capitalist

>> No.1297427

Actually a pretty solid list.