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File: 204 KB, 1467x1508, green_wojak_bat_eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12957015 No.12957015 [Reply] [Original]

East coast is waking up.

>> No.12957048

>muh browser plugin token
Fucking idiot

>> No.12957089


lol I know right?

>> No.12958034


> sizzlin

We hitting .25 boys. Just watch.

>> No.12958066

BAT is the dopest cryptocurrency

>> No.12958299

> thinks it will moon
> doesn't realize people will be getting free BAT
> literally just needs ads to play to earn BAT
> low demand because it takes zero effort to earn it

>> No.12958317
File: 48 KB, 511x305, BATDubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dopest cyptocurrency
>thinks it will moon
Hell yes.

Also checked.

>> No.12958335

Look man, I'm not trying to FUD. I don't think it's a shitcoin and I don't think it won't be used, but if it's going to be exchanged for attention it's not going to become BTC or ETH level of value. It's gonna stay low because everyone will have some

>> No.12958443

>low demand
Yeah, because advertising is a low-demand industry.


>> No.12958512

> Superbowl ad costs $5.25M in 2019
> ~100M people watched the Superbowl in 2019
Calculate that per person

>> No.12958598

The superbowl rakes in over a billion dollars in advertising a year (https://www.forbes.com/pictures/emdm45hje/the-most-valuable-super-bowls/#43defea366f7)), or over $10 per person, and that's just one-off event. If Brave becomes a top 3 browser (already going to be default on third-stringer HTC phones) it could represent constant advertising exposure to hundreds of millions of people

>> No.12958640

I wasn't able to see their booth at the barcelona conference, looks pretty cool


>> No.12958667

Yeah and that's the SUPERBOWL we're talking about. That is consistently one of the most viewed broadcasted events in America. If advertisers were to pay YOU, the viewer, for your attention for watching Superbowl ads, they'd pay you over $10 for the entire game?

So we're talking cents per ad for an individual for the consistently one of the most popular events each year. And accumulating BAT will be as easy as clicking on a video and waiting like 30 seconds. This is going to be a stable coin if anything

>> No.12958883

Individual advertisers are essentially paying to expose themselves to you for a short duration at some point during the game, not the entire game. The internet is far bigger and more constant than the super bowl; right now Brave has under 10 million users but that could change quite quickly as we saw when Chrome came onto the market. While individual advertisers are only paying around $.20 a head, they're also spending astronomical amounts of money on the ads they're producing for these events. Brave could eventually represent higher quality exposure with less overhead cost even after accounting for the end user's share of BAT.

Through theoretical mass adoption outside of the advertising industry it will probably be stable as the white paper suggests but the question is where it will stabilize at, particularly when it allows for "0.000000000000000000"(?) divisions. A lot of it probably depends on how conscientious average users are with their own stacks

>> No.12958935

Yes but if the other goal is to fuel and support content creation, I doubt BAT will rise much in value given that there will probably be micro transactions or subscriptions. People won't hold onto their BAT long and it will constantly be flowing

I could be wrong too but I really don't see how one BAT could ever be like $1000 in the future. Also if BAT becomes a hit, I bet Google will do something similar for chrome to cash in, especially with YouTube as one of their assets

>> No.12958963

Lol, everyone gets so autistic about the ads that they don't even see the bigger picture. BAT is the first and only crypto natively built into a web browser. Metamask will never go viral. Paywalls and premium content will drive the price of BAT higher, ads are just the cherry on top.

>> No.12959099

ads in general wont pay necessarily that much per person but it's not so black and white. Firstly, brave ads will be inherently more valuable due to the targeting abilities. In the super bowl, you're just blind showing an ad to millions of people. Some will be interested others will not be. With brave, you can hyper focus specific audiences, making each viewing of the ad worth a lot more. Secondly, you can time when and where to show the ads. Brenden gave an example of displaying a competitors car ad, while buying a different car online. And third, a lot of ads are interactive, and depending on how you interact, can be given more. Again, with the car example, he mentioned if you were to book a test drive with the competitor, upside premium of one of these ads is over 50 usd. Obviously that wont be the standard at all, but the point is the ad value can vary greatly, and can be much more valuable than traditional advertisements,

>> No.12959166


Shut up. Brendans totally not adding another layer to the OSI model which was supposed to be done when the protocols first came out.