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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1295482 No.1295482 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at a career-crossroads and I'd really like some advice. I'm currently working in customer service for a large telecom company. If I keep doing this and collect experience from the industry maybe I could open up my own business down the line, Some kind of phone shop I think.
On the other hand I could get a job at the Tax Agency in my country, collect experience, get a job at as a consultant at some accounting firm and create some kind of career along those lines. I have an accounting degree and I have patience, so I could do it. The only problem is that if I have to live the rest of my life as a wageslave then I will be depressed, unfullfilled and might as well kill myself.
The idea of opening up a business down the line is the only thing that I actually value and care about. I have few friends and few interests besides business. It sort of feels like if I don't have some kind of business my life will just have no point.

Wat do, /biz/?

>> No.1295486

you sound really naive for some raisen

how much $$ do you make per year? What would your phone store sell? Where do you live? Are there classes you can take to increase your technical knowledge in your field? Can you do IP phones?

>> No.1295550

>how much $$ do you make per year?
Too little
>What would your phone store sell?
You know, subscribtions, smartphones, pads, wifi-equipment, colorful phone cases, etc. But the main sell point would have to be service, because anybody can order a phone online and the main reason people go to stores is to be able to ask the staff questions, I think.
>Where do you live?
European welfare country, simply put
> Are there classes you can take to increase your technical knowledge in your field?
>Can you do IP phones?
Don't know what you mean, but then again I've only recently started this profession and english isn't my first language.

I've heard of people who have opened phone-stores, so it has to be doable. But I really think I need feedback on these thoughts.

>> No.1296672

Could somebody just tell me what the right thing is to do here? Should I keep labouring or go for the business idea?

>> No.1296685

I'll tell you what you can do: you can go to hell, that's what you can do. Did you get that? Make sure you take notes.

>> No.1296691

No margin in phones unless you're selling carrier contracts. I work for a major retailer in my country and its a shit tier category outside of selling plans.