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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12953665 No.12953665 [Reply] [Original]

21 year old with a single product e-commerce business that did 800k in revenue last year, averaging 5-10k a day nowadays AMA

>> No.12953683

how many hours do you work a week?

>> No.12953691

What product

>> No.12953697


why you are larping so badly?

even the best top-tier cam whore goddesses have less than 5k per day

>> No.12953704

Which platform do you operate on ? Multi or just on Amazon ? Do you use Shooify ? How did you perform market research ? Where do you source from ? Is it FBA ? What % of revenue is spent on shippping related things ? How do you matket ? Instagram / Facebook ?

>> No.12953722

dragon dildos

>> No.12953738


>> No.12953763

>1 post by this ID
in all fields

>> No.12953805

How many more years will Ovechkin play after his contract expires? He's never hurt so I think it should be 5 season or so easily

>> No.12953813

other then your business do you posses any actual life skills?

>> No.12953870


Clothing product

I'm not larping

Shopify no Amazon

I used Google/eBay My supplier isn't on Alibaba

In Asia but not China

Shipping/fulfillment is 20-25% of revenue, I use a small 3pl

mostly Instagram and Facebook video ads, a good chunk from YouTube influencers, and we did a few hundred k from a morning show feature last year


>> No.12953980

no fucking way. how do you spend the rest of your time? i'd be fine with even just making 20k a year if i only had to work 10 hours a week.

>> No.12954025

Why didnt you answer this question OP?
We all know you won't reveal the name of your company or any detailed info; this is the dime-a-dozen beta brags on 4chan thread

>> No.12954033

Are other people selling your product as well?

>> No.12954066

5-10k in selling clothes? Lol c'mon bro, just stop it already.
No need to lie, you're anonymous here.

>> No.12954098

Those are the kind of replies OP loves
Watch him post his bank account or some cheque so he can prove you wrong and attempt to impress people on 4chan

>> No.12954139

Dude, naming your company is begging for someone to rip off your idea. Fuck that. I've only seen it end poorly, 100% of the time.

Someone thinks people are nice, wants to help, gives his site out. A week later, he's got two more competitors. Fuck that.

I've got a product idea and I think I can pull it off but I would have to physically make my product in my apartment.

It seems the potential for many sales is great but since it's easy to build, I'm worried that anyone I hire to help me would realize they can just make the product at home and start their own online shop.

I'm thinking of having more than one company- one to hire people to make it and sell it to my other company, which will box and sell the items, but even then, that's no guarantee it won't be discovered and ripped off by an employee... Am I worrying too much? There's one major player in this niche but they don't seem like they've been brought down by their own employees. Maybe the key is some kind of non-compete, but it would be so easy to tell one of their friends how to make it so they wouldn't be violating anything.

My product is super similar to others, so it could be tweaked by an ex-employee and nobody would bat an eye.

Am I too paranoid, OP?

How hard is it to find a manufacturer in Asia? Will I have to worry about subpar materials? I suspect that even if I sp cify the right materials, it would be easy for a manufacturer to fake them.

>> No.12954172

Except he won't, because he won't be able to provide any proof to back up his little ruse.
No one makes 5-10k a day selling clothes online.

>> No.12954244

5-10k is revenue, not profit. But there are a ton of companies making more than that.

>> No.12954290

Doing any sort of manufacturing in Asia requires lawyers on top of lawyers to patent and secure your copyright.

If you can really make this product in your apartment then you should just share the specifications in an open source manner or with an eye to making the product through some sort of listing service that allows independent manufacturers to make it. Honestly, if you can make this in a space as small as an apartment you could easily differentiate your product.

>My product is super similar to others, so it could be tweaked by an ex-employee and nobody would bat an eye.

Ok, so this is a texas armadillo forum and you can use the advice.

>> No.12954298

If you can somehow get it made overseas do that. Before you worry about any of this I'd make a batch of a few hundred and see if you can put together a souped up website and get them sold.

As far as finding a manufacturer it's really hit or miss. Try to find a company that isn't your normal alibaba gold. Something that's been around for a decade or longer, mines been around for 30 years and they have never failed me.

A good way to find something like that is look at importing records to see where big companies get theirs made. Those ship manifests are made public and a lot of companies forget to email and have their records blacklisted.

>> No.12954347

What's your product idea?

>> No.12954370

Sleep in, hit the gym, saltwater fishing, women, friends, video games, family. I also spend a lot of time reading/listening to e-commerce content but I don't really consider that work

>> No.12954374

Do you have a cute pink butthole?

>> No.12954443

Why do you say "salt water" fishing instead of just "fishing" ? You spearfish in the ocean with a full dive suit?

>> No.12954468

No, inshore kayak fishing. I say that because fresh water fishing isn't as fun

>> No.12954483
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>responding to this larping faggot who won't show bank account

>> No.12954501

AHAHAHA he doesnt play vidya and masturbate to hentai all day. What an absolute cucked and bluepilled faggot.

>> No.12954533

It’s easy doable

Easy to find manufacturers hard as fuck to find a good one, even harder to know how to not get fucked.

Just start making it yourself and test the market. If it sells well jump on a plane and go figure it out

No it doesn’t and even if you did go to the trouble they don’t give a fuck about your patent

Currently in China sitting in a shipping agent’s office. I source manufacturing in China for a living

>> No.12954554

Where do you link with influencers that want to promote your product?

>> No.12954571

Find them on YouTube and email them.

>> No.12954572

Why not? A nice big lake seems much comfier than the ocean. What's different about it?

>> No.12954590

Does your product do something differently or have you built it solely off the brand?

t. Ran 4 successful kickstarters so far

>> No.12954613

Saltwaters nice because you catch so many different things, and they're always better fighters than bass. Plus the saltwaters real pretty here in Tampa

>> No.12954636

Yes. There are a metric fuck ton of people making this kind of product, but it's a huge broad market. Our is different and superior in a few key ways.

An equally important part of this business is having top notch branding and marketing.

>> No.12954650

Oh alright that makes sense then

>> No.12954811

Btw OP are you a car enthusiat by any chance? I wish I lived in Tampa, I could ride my Hayabusa all year round.
DO get a sportbike if you don't have one already, it turns any boring commuting into an exciting experience

>> No.12954826

>No it doesn’t and even if you did go to the trouble they don’t give a fuck about your patent

Yes they absolutely do give a fuck about your patents. I work for a company that makes a product that is currently under patent in China. They have already extracted 500k USD+ from copycats.

>Currently in China sitting in a shipping agent’s office. I source manufacturing in China for a living

You very well might be, but don't doubt that you understand all of the nuances of your business and don't cheap out on legal work.

>> No.12954853

do you own any LINK?

>> No.12954886
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I am. I'd like to get a v8 r8 in a year or 2, but we'll see how that goes. My car insurance is 600 a month for a 2015 corolla.. driving record ain't too clean

>> No.12954906

v10 or bust you fucking poser

>> No.12954919

do you own any LINK?

>> No.12954931


>> No.12954943


>> No.12955058
File: 162 KB, 1024x614, 40355061692_776350ec53_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might as well get Lambo Huracan if you're in that ball park, even that means a low-millage used model. The AMG Gt in a flashy color would also be perfect for you since you're young

t. 2003 Honda Accord

>> No.12955086

the reason he posted that car is because the V8 is substantially cheaper than the V10 version, as well as a generation behind the current R8.

You can get this car for around 70-80k

>> No.12955164
File: 65 KB, 750x562, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... that's dumb then. I'd get a brand new ZL1 instead. 650hp 650lb torque and apparently it handles like a dream unlike the previous pig-fat generation. I think they go for 50ish thousands

>> No.12955198
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Love that car in yellow. R8s cheaper though

>> No.12955253

Hey op I am looking at a clothing product as well, just ordered my first 200 units so we’ll see how it goes. Any tips on marketing? How’d you get those youtubers on board? Did you ever pay for likes/follows?

Don’t worry my item isn’t just a plain old gildan hoodie, there’s a function to it.

One concept I read about recently was your brand = a fantasy , so paint it as nicely as possible for your target market, rely heavily on emotions and stories etc

>> No.12955388

That last part sounds about right.

I have paid for likes (upvotes) before. When I launched the company I only had a couple grand, so was on a strict budget with not much money for ads. I launched by making a Reddit post that covertly promoted my product, bought 20 upvotes to get it noticed and it took off. I got $6k in sales. Did it a couple more times and was able to scrape together $10k.

I used that to get more inventory, and improve my product. After that I had a few thousand left for marketing so I invested in paying for around 10 sponsored YouTube videos. I went with smaller YouTubers with high quality content. A few of those videos did real well and I got a very nice ROI.

I later cut up these videos and turned them into video ads that I use on Facebook. I've probably tested hundreds of variations and a few of those have really knocked it out of the park

>> No.12955440

When you email youtubers, what do you say? Do you offer them money? How much? How specific is your ask?

>> No.12955469

I email them with a very short pitch of the product, and offer to send them for free to try. I also include the cash amount I would pay them.

Prices depend on the YouTuber and niche. I offer cash via PayPal, $15 per average thousand views they get on a video.

>> No.12955502

So what is it that you sell, t-shirts, pants? Many types of clothing/apparel ?

>> No.12955558


>> No.12955570

You forgot to type your reply

>> No.12955576

All I will say is that it is a single product. It's almost an accessory but not really.

>> No.12955592

That could be anything but ok

>> No.12955597

You can find great examples of product businesses like mine on e-commerce brokerage sites. Sites like
Website closers
Quiet light brokerage
Fe international

>> No.12955609

Is your logo cool?

Why do people buy your stuff ?

Also $15 per 1k views seems extremely low, why would they do it for so cheap ?

>> No.12955678


It solves a problem that causes frustration and slight physical pain.

It certainly depends on the niche. Someone doing 20k views per video is generally pretty happy to get an easy $300. People in that range are usually trying to hustle so they can do YouTube full time

>> No.12955709

So it’s either sunglasses or baseball caps. The retarded boomers in this thread may not know about “the scene” but having seen people like Gianni Mora and Asspizza make 250k as High school dropouts leaves a pretty impressionable mark on you.

>> No.12955737

I do lower six figures end up with almost nothing in my pocket. Not a good flex. Post your reported p&l and then I will care.

>> No.12955748

He just told you he's pocketing 5 to 19k a day, so about 3.5 mil per year INTO HIS OWN POCKET. That's amazing OP. Pleaae tell us how you pocket 3.5mil out of 800k in just revenue.

>> No.12955754

I don't care if you care.

My net was around $150k. Would have been closer to $200k if I didn't waste money on rookie mistakes.

>> No.12955768

how many hookers you fucked in the past month?

>> No.12955807

I just finished writing a book on how to learn chinese (its way better than the competition) and plan to sell it on amazon as a physical book for about 20$ (same as competition, but its not as long, i think people like buying the physical book over an ebook in this field for studying purposes)

I have a website that looks good with good stuff to help sell the book as well and will do advertising on social media.

What advice do u have for the price of the book, what am i doing wrong and what do u recommend?

>> No.12955836

Youtube net ad rates are significantly lower than a $15/cpm.

$15 for 1k views is perfectly reasonable if not fantastic for a small youtuber who probably isn't even qualifying for Youtube's partner program.

>> No.12955840

If this isnt a larp, why are you so insecure and sneaky that you didnt list your profit rather than revenue, when revenue is a useless metric that could be there even if you made 20k of actual money in the entire year?

>> No.12955847

Revenue/sales is still a positive indicator of the scale to which you are providing value to customers.

$800k is still $800k that customers have willingly parted hands with, and reflects the kind of product you're selling.

>> No.12955875

somethibg doesnt add up here. why is revenue lower than profit

>> No.12955896

do you do dropshipping from asia or do you import the goods and have them sent to a warehouse / 3PL fulfillment company? how about returns and refund rates? average shipping time?

>> No.12955915


checkmate .

>> No.12955930


>> No.12956160

> 5-10k nowadays
larp or not dont be retarded

>> No.12956510

What's the monthly GMV of your business?

>> No.12956562

With 10k revenue daily you can buy a new V10 every couple years.