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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12940416 No.12940416 [Reply] [Original]

A mall near me has lost 2 of the 4 anchor stores and the shelves are looking pretty bare on a 3rd. 3 out of the 4 Kmarts around here have closed. I was thinking about what would these big empty buildings be good for when they empty out. This is a trend with these things closing, the buildings have to be good for something else. Any ideas?

>> No.12940424


>> No.12940425

Indoor airsoft

>> No.12940430


Yeah that's actually a decent idea.

>> No.12940444


>> No.12940453

It sure is funny how malls in "nice" areas are still fine and actually thriving. Last weekend I could barely find a parking spot, I wonder what the difference is......

>> No.12940457

Lots of them are getting turned into "downtown" areas or "town centers". Pretty much they take the parking lot and the empty buildings and build a ton of condos on them and turn them into walkable neighborhoods for a few thousand people.

>> No.12940470
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Make them into prisons since the failing malls are all in crime ridden areas.

>> No.12940484

/biz/ truly is filled with visionaries ready to make the tough calls. Can't wait until we finish our degrees and end up in political offices

>> No.12940487
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QE has artificially inflated the wealth of the top 5% in all developed countries. Same reason why the luxury good market has outperformed over the last several years.

>> No.12940490

I could see that working. There is one here that is relatively healthy store wise, lost only one big one and that is the plan. Plus hotels on the land that will be cleared. They are only removing part of it. The other one is about an hour away and circling the drain fast.

>> No.12940495

Malls close because they get nigger infested so white people dont go there anymore because they get harassed, shops close because they have only troubles with young thugs lollygagging
You cant really do something with them because the surrounding is the problem

>> No.12940499

I could see that working for some. I was also thinking a business incubator, especially in down areas where they are failing. Incubator could be an extension to a college/university.

>> No.12940500

mall scale VR

>> No.12940516

Well fucking said. This is my experience too. Although even the high end malls are full of gooks these days.

>> No.12940530

Seems to be pure economics, been around the country a bit and have seen both sides. The places that are in the rust belt and lost jobs fast over the past years are the worst off. Some are still close to being i recession and have a population decline and aging population. Young people go away , don't come back. Like Detroit was but smaller and spread across parts of the country. In booming areas, Nashville, they are putting up more and more shopping.

>> No.12940532

when your mall is full of such people though, it's much less of a deterrent for white people (who aren't even needed... the chinks spend tons of money)

>> No.12940555

>I could see that working
Well it's already being done by tons of cities at least around where I live. I live in Vancouver and there's multiple plans. There's also plans around the province for other communities like Kelowna that has a plan for the Capri-Landmark shopping center.



Malls are actually a hidden gift to developers. They can become the "downtown" cores of all the suburbs.

>> No.12940557

Yes, they are big spenders for sure, but it still detracts from the mall experience. Even worse is the growing number of poos.

>> No.12940790
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>> No.12940829

Skimmed through some of those plans. Well thought out and long range enough to make an impact. These looks like some of the best things to do to redevelop a mall in an area that can support it. For other areas it would be wait and see, try to get grants, developers, etc.

>> No.12940854

It's a lot easier to make an already commercial area mixed use than to demolish blocks and blocks of houses to become mixed use. May as well just use the big empty abandoned shopping malls. Lots of the ones I linked are in progress except for Brentwood which is almost done (at least the first phases) and I can say it's just been unreal for the surrounding area, the place went from a dead useless mall to vibrant, walkable and dense.

>> No.12940856


>Amazon Real Estate Transaction
>wagies not only have to work in Amazon wagecages, but have to live in Amazon-owned and financed housing

>> No.12940875

Makes sense, warehousing, distribution centers, maybe light industry and mfg. Distribution especially spread across the country in metro areas makes sense for Internet sales businesses.
Probably employ more robots and automated retrieval than peeps in wagecages.

>> No.12941259

Jebus Christ dude, you really should educate yourself on diversity, people of colour are sometimes just as smart, law-abiding and kind as a white person.
If you take a white person with down-syndrome, do you really think his whiteness makes him superior to a random black person? Not likely, A majority of all people of African descent (or at least a significant minority) will be more intelligent than a white person with down-syndrome.
Let that sink in, and let us please refrain from jumping to racism straight away, and get some nuances into the reason why black people ruin malls.

>> No.12941388

Its niggers. I was at a mall the a few months back that's been pretty popular all throughout my life. It wasn't a luxury mall or anything, but it was a nice calm place. Anyways, when I was there it was filled with spics and nigs. The volume of whites was drastically less. I was chatting with a security guard who said he had to deal with 8 fights over the weekend. It's obvious that this mall had just entered its death throes. It's always been the same cycle; whites are predominate, black start filtering in, chaos erupts, whites leave, and the mall dies a Black Death. Nowadays though, whites don't move to a different mall. They simply buy online. Malls in America will simply cease to exist except for exclusively white upperclass areas.

You wouldn't want to invest in a mall that's dying, because the cause of its death (black "people") will still be around to corrupt whatever you repurpose the building for.

>> No.12941435

look at all those boomers still walking around an empty mall..wtf

>> No.12941561

based id

>> No.12941583

just imagine a world without shitskins. the only way to achieve an actual utopian society.

>> No.12941594

it's possible, it's just only the jews want it bad enough for themselves and they're degenerate rats as well so nothing really changes

>> No.12941706

This, racists will never tell you the fact that 10% of black people are smarter than half of all europeans.

>> No.12941779


>> No.12941796

If anything niggers are the only thing keeping malls afloat. Mall products are fucking expensive as hell and normal people have stopped shopping there. Niggers fighting and doing gang shit doesn't put places out of business. When a fast food joint has that issue they just bolt down the tables and put up some bullet proof glass. When a convenience store has that problem they do the same. What's really happening is that malls have always been full of overpriced shit, retail online alternatives are vastly superior when it comes to saving money, and the US economy is a fragile piece of shit with an increasing cost of living waiting to collapse at any moment under its own weight.

>> No.12941806

>A majority of all people of African descent (or at least a significant minority) will be more intelligent than a white person with down-syndrome.

Congrats on this, seriously

>> No.12941818

get fucked socialist. we're privatizing all schools. MAGA

>> No.12941830

i said no shitskins

>> No.12941861

this but unironically

>> No.12941880

If anything non-whites are 'great' for the consumer slave economy. And this doesn't just apply to niggers. Pajeets and Arabs and Pakis love their expensive gold chains and expensive colognes because they're horny perverts. Asians love wasting money on the latest electronics. Blacks love sneakers. Hispanics love completely stuffing their obese children at the food court. They buy more useless shit, they take on debt and inflate the bubble, they're extremely materialistic, they are incredibly shallow and love having the newest flashy shit, they're too impulsive to save their money. If anything Malls should be thanking niggers for still frequenting their establishment while everyone else has long moved on. This theory that malls are being destroyed by niggers I really don't buy. If anything niggers just happen to be one of the last groups in your neighborhood dumb enough to shop at a mall.

>> No.12941884

Malls died like 7 years ago, are you slow in the brain? (rhetorical question). Maybe look up how stores are actually performing better than their online counterparts in sales

you mean the QE that ended in 2015?

>> No.12941943

My favorite thing I only ever see in malls are the pajeets that shop at express or are looking for new sunglasses. They think it will make them cool enough to get vajeen but they never had a chance to begin with. Fucking raj and taj

>> No.12941944

This might be true in the US, and blacks might accelerate the phenomenon of white shopping online.

However i feel that in western europa, in shit places, non caucasians have replaced the white natives and became the new consumers in malls.

It also seems that european whites are bigger cucks than americans, because they don't even have the willpower to move when a place turn non caucasian, in opposition to the US, were white flights already happened, like in Detroit.

I'm not a nazi, and don't advocate for genocide. However, we need a place (a city? a country?) on this earth for whites only. Japanese have that right, latinos, Jews (Israel), blacks have their Wakanda.

However, for whites to live among themselves, like other ethnicities do, is "facist" in this SJW western world.

>> No.12941961

>Comparing downies to random black normies

>> No.12942105

in my city schools are shutting down and the century old school buildings are being sold off. It'd cost just the same or more to retrofit malls into schools than just building a new school

>> No.12942135

i second this. there used to be like 10 big malls in my city growing up. Now there's like two. I stopped into the nicer of the two a few months back to look at shoes and it was like a third world country

>> No.12942236

jews aren't white they're worse than niggers

>> No.12942263


>> No.12942409

Nice Führerdubs. The Mall of America, which is kind of the ur-mall, is infested with Somalis and its days are numbered.

>> No.12942434


pretty much yea



>> No.12942448


>> No.12942464

Turn them into fighting pits/arenas where we can wager on shitskins fighting to the death for our amusement.

>> No.12942465

so the jews can't have it for themselves, because its not possible in the presence of shitskins.