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File: 50 KB, 688x292, bf5IgYg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12939210 No.12939210 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine only making 66 USD per hour sitting on a bed.

>> No.12939218

Thot begone

>> No.12939225

Imagine paying money to see women naked online. Not even hookers in real life, just thots on a computer screen.

>> No.12939262


>> No.12939269

this. im old enough to remember sex phone lines being a thing. didnt get it then, dont get it now. you can touch lick, smell and fuck a prostitute, so i dont get cams... or peep shows or strippers... whats the point? just fuck a whore ffs...

>> No.12939288

Why would you lick a prostitute?

>> No.12939302

i said you can, not that you should.

>> No.12939304

They are still a thing. I prank called them in 2013 when I was in middle school. I usually got banned after a minute of faking a female voice because I couldn’t hold in the laughter.

>> No.12939316
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>not licking a prostitute

>> No.12939324
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>licking a prostitute

>> No.12939357
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>He doesn't know

>> No.12939365

Biggest bubble and biggest scam in today's internet is the E-Thot thing. This market needs to crash right now.

>> No.12939369
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>licking a prostitute
imagine the taste

>> No.12939371
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tastes like fear and regret is kinda nice

>> No.12939381

1000 cocks

>> No.12939424
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 1547236716851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lick umbilicus retard are you 12?

>> No.12939439

>imagine the taste
soap and regret, mostly

>> No.12939580

Its not going to crash, although it will become saturated such that 95% of money goes to the top 5% of thots.

>> No.12939588

Someone report her to the irs

>> No.12940146

its not "seeing" its to have a connection, a communication (a relation-ship if you will), with a hot girl. thats why guys pay for it. "seeing" is just the added bonus and incentive.

>> No.12940156


>> No.12940165


>> No.12940177

No I don’t lick umbilicus and I’m long not 12

>> No.12940381

but how do u know if it's her for real? maybe its a fat hairy dude and the women is a pre recorded hologram being ai controlled to act according to the user's messages

>> No.12940395

You'd be surprised how lonely and desperate and seriously ugly some of the people who this are
The really ugly ones normally have a trust fund from parents and man you wonder how you missed that train

>> No.12940578

Sex lines are worth it though. At least if they're no limits. $20 for a half hour and they will put in the effort, carry the conversation, and indulge your fantasies that most girls would recoil at and ruin your social reputation. Better use of your time then trying to finagle girls to send you boring naked pictures of themselves they took with their iPhone or whatever.

>> No.12941630

i like to watch camwhores sometimes, but when I add up their tips I'm like holy shit you could get a real hooker for this amount. freebie watcher, obviously. i don't get how these losers have so much disposable income, there's tons of them

>> No.12941645

How do I short the thot bubble?

>> No.12941659

what about girls that have thousands of followers and will never give any individual their undivided attention?

>> No.12941681

>Not being in the 20,000 token club on Myfreecams.

None of you are gonna make it.

>> No.12941693

I spent close to $1000 last year on camwhores

>> No.12941714

What was the best investment you've made into a camwhore?

>> No.12941723

Why? Share those pics and vids bro

>> No.12941750

I can't wait for virtual reality sex and companionship so these thots lose their jobs.

>> No.12941956

i wouldnt regret if she looked like barbara palvin or some 10/10 jb

if aids then kms

>> No.12942145

Sorry work pulled me away as soon as I posted that.

I YOLO'D everything into this THICC Russian camgirl last year and it was worth every penny
She has since quit, but the videos I have saved of her will last me a lifetime.

It's a more personal and arousing experience than regular porn. Sometimes I just want to stare into a girls asshole for like 30 minutes and conventional porn will not allow for that because it's "boring".

Sorry friend, I can't really share any videos because I built really close relationships with these girls and that would be betraying their trust.

>> No.12942194

Strippers are just a party thing and to rev us up to go fuck a hooker. Everything else is useless though

>> No.12942216

I can offer you 0.001 ETH for the vid >>12939225

>> No.12942229
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A man of culture

>> No.12942281

>Sometimes I just want to stare into a girls asshole for like 30 minutes and conventional porn will not allow for that because it's "boring".
Would these girls do it in real time (through private cam) or would they make you private videos? Did they ever see you or did you prefer to keep your identity concealed? Did they ever give you any discounts or try to manipulate you into spending more and becoming a regular?

>> No.12942442

>Would these girls do it in real time (through private cam) or would they make you private videos?
I usually tried to schedule a time to see her in real time, but sometimes it's hard because these girls live on different timezone so I'd request a private video.

> Did they ever see you or did you prefer to keep your identity concealed?
> Did they ever give you any discounts
Never asked because I never was hurting for money
> try to manipulate you into spending more and becoming a regular?
I wouldn't call it manipulation, but they will try to become your perfect waifu so you keep coming back
That's exactly what I wanted though

>> No.12942460
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>middle school

>> No.12942479
File: 20 KB, 575x323, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not watching strippers to get amped to go home and fuck your landwhale wife

>> No.12942485

>sticking your dick in something you wouldn't lick
If you treat your dick like a second class citizen, might as well chop it off like the other discord trannies

>> No.12942504

Thanks for the answers, anon. I have considered spending more money on camwhores, ordering custom videos and such, but I haven't made it yet. Women that I actually find attractive charge like $150+ per video.

>> No.12942663

You mean 2003?

>> No.12943492

incels and your dad if you're white

>> No.12943536

> Sorry friend, I can't really share any videos because I built really close relationships with these girls and that would be betraying their trust.
Kek this is exactly what all e whores trick their pay pigs into thinking. Same with twitch whores. In reality, a lot of them think their fans are pathetic. Pretty sad senpai.

>> No.12943698

>Sorry friend, I can't really share any videos because I built really close relationships with these girls and that would be betraying their trust.

jesus christ

>> No.12943765

>1 retweet

You know. At least she got paid. The one who retweeted her vile is another fucking level

>> No.12944477


>stare into butthole
>ruin the girls trust

holy Blue pilled fucking shit. get a grip you pathetic faggot, fuelling the roastie destruction that the rest of us have to clean up.

>> No.12944498

I have a bad habit of licking hookers assholes....is that bad?

>> No.12944513

>Sorry friend, I can't really share any videos because I built really close relationships with these girls and that would be betraying their trust.

If I ever get this bad, kill me

>> No.12944529


Is it bad that I'm a patron to Belle Delphine and pay $100 a month?

>> No.12944532

>>licking a prostitute
>imagine the taste
It's not that horrible, you gotta inspect them properly before though.

>> No.12944589

No that's based

>> No.12944626

this is the whole point of strippers

>> No.12944631

They say it's good luck.

>> No.12944860
File: 85 KB, 707x500, CCCD6EA8-7227-4EB1-9976-C9782222D2A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its bad enough that u know her

>> No.12944916
File: 60 KB, 600x566, 1517416875772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you following this man. Why do you see this tweet. You are part of the problem.

>> No.12945089
File: 158 KB, 332x318, take her serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just burst out laughing I still am typing this thank you anon

>> No.12945116
File: 114 KB, 1080x1081, 1516266457757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry friend, I can't really share any videos because I built really close relationships with these girls and that would be betraying their trust.