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12932688 No.12932688 [Reply] [Original]

Or do i ignore and just stick to lsd ?

Seems powerful,
just wanna ask the great computer about link price eoy 2025

>> No.12932690

your mom is the true redpill

>> No.12932693


>> No.12932702

Lucid Dreams if done correctly are better than any drugs.

>> No.12932710

Do you practise it anon?

>> No.12932716

you obviously haven't tried meth or heroin then

>> No.12932718

Lsd is man made
You will never make it
Field shrooms is the only way

Say bye bye to enlightenment

>> No.12932726

Only happened to me a couple times, and it was afternoon naps / light sleep. It was like half-waking up but willing yourself back into the dream.

>> No.12932727

Lucid dreams fucked me up. At first it was mind blowing the things that I saw but at some point you're always tired and waking up as if you were having a heart attack.
Also, sometimes you're stuck ina dream and can't wake up for hours.
I would advise against.

>> No.12932731

Oh yeah, can you achieve 360 vision, experience having 5 legs and slay faggots as spartan with these?

>> No.12932738

meditation and gnosis is the redpill

>> No.12932739

But I like my dreams to be unexpected.

>> No.12932747

I know it bro
but sometimes it happens things you don't want to happen, believe me bro

>> No.12932843

yes and more

>> No.12932853



>> No.12932858

Dreams are 1000x better than drugs.

>> No.12933031

The last time I lucid dreamed, I consciously decided in my dream to kill all the people in this house. I am constantly seething with rage at the stupidity and perversion of our times.
I frequently wake up in dreams within dreams, where I "wake up" in bed, usually hallucinating quasi state of sleep paralysis and fumbling to turn the light on so I can record the previous dream, and some weird stuff will happen. Perhaps I will find a gun in my bed from the last dream. Or I will be standing in the dark in the room outside my bedroom. Stuff that is nearly impossible to distinguish from reality. And then I actually wake up. Or am I still dreaming right now?

It is incredibly heady stuff. If you want to do it, you have to start keeping a dream journal and journaling your innermost thoughts in general. This is absolutely essential to increasing your consciousness in waking life to the point where you're capable of "turning it on" in the dream world.

>> No.12933038

>Also, sometimes you're stuck ina dream and can't wake up for hours.
Bluepilled faggot.

>> No.12933050

You can take those drugs in a a lucid dream. K.O

>> No.12933089

I lucid dream a lot. It’s fun but also disappointing. In the dream state, you don’t have the “hierarchy of needs” that dictates most of your actions in waking life. It’s like okay great, I’m dreaming, and I know that I’m dreaming, so I can do anything, but I know it’s just a dream, so what does it really matter what I do?

I usually end up going back to high school and playing the role of titty inspector.

>> No.12933098
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Well this is pretty fucking weird. I literally just had the first lucid dream of my life a few hours ago. I was trying to ask everyone how the fuck I could wake up from a dream cause I felt I need to wake up. Then I realized: Holy fuck I'm actually fucking lucid dreaming!! So I ran out the house and tried to fly. I only made it like 10 feet in the air until I got scared and woke up. Was really fun, hope it happens again sometime

>> No.12933100

black seed oil helped me lucid dream.

>> No.12933135

Same I was really into it back in high school, managed to lucid dream ONCE. I stuck my finger through my hand which is one of the “tests” you do to activate lucidity and it actually worked, but I woke up 10 seconds later

>> No.12933422

Ye same, I had tried a few times to go lucid when I was in high school as well but as soon as I would try some trick like that the dream would destabilize and I would wake up in another dream or just wake up legit.
This night I slept for 15 hours because I had been pulling all nighters reading about crypto until I took xanax and just knocked myself out

>> No.12933494

I just end up fucking all the girls when I Lucid Dream kek

>> No.12933524
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same bro. i just start grabbing at all the titties i can before i wake up

>> No.12933543
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>lucid dream about having a gf
>wake up
>spend day twice as depressed and miserable as usual

Yea, real "therapeutic"

>> No.12933598

Hey guys I just started meditating this evening, by trying to open my pineal gland, I think something happened and I've literally felt sick and nauseous for about 3 hours now. Why has this happened? If this is what meditation feels like then no thanks...

>> No.12933603

Total blue pill.

>> No.12933781

You're still dreaming Tyler

>> No.12933856

I've been lucid dreaming for the past like 8 years maybe. Ask me anything. I know about all different methods, WILD, DILD, DEILD. Ive had over 100 lucid dreams easy.

I usually just have some kind of sex with someone I couldnt irl

>> No.12933891

Have you ever looked in lucid dreaming meditation?

>> No.12933926

When I do it, everything is more vivid than real life but almost completely nonreactive. Are their techniques or practices that make things more animate?

>> No.12933928


please wake up, please. can he hear us? why wont he respond. wake up. i hope you can hear me. i miss you.

>> No.12933950

why can i never get away from the person chasing me in the dream? its like im running in quicksand

>> No.12933954
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Please take some time to lay out all the best secrets for us, anon. I haven't been able to do it since I was in middle school. I did it multiple times back then and it was so fun creating my world and exploring without limits. I want to be able to go back again.

>> No.12933979

Lucid dreams I find to come the most when I’m 100% off of drugs. Last night had a dream this alligator was chasing me on this weed farm and got my arm but I wrestled that hoe off and then it attacked this fat chick and started eating her. The guys running the property had rifles and were acting like bitches so my gf pulled out her gun and blew all their heads off. The sense of relief I felt after those guys died was amazing.

>> No.12933989

Admittedly no. Seems like the move though. I'm gonna try and do that next time, but honestly the urge to fuck someone that I usually couldn't is pretty high and I immediately just go for that

Yeah, try and take things slowly, and trust that things will react to you. That seems like more of a mental block than anything. You expect things not to react so they don't react. If you slow down and trust that things will react because they must, they'll react

To start, when you wake up, try and recall as many details as you can about your dreams, and write down as many separate dreams as you can down in a journal or on your phone or something. In a separate entry for the same dream write down all of the things that were obvious giveaways. With consistency u will start to question things in the dream state. Upon questioning, do a reality check (some things consistently are fucked in dreams but not irl. For example, if you hold your nose shut with your hands, you can still breath in from ur nose in dream). Once you confirm it's a dream you can start doing what you want from there, usually it's best to take 30 seconds or so to calm yourself down and immerse yourself, use your hands and eyes and increase the vividness . Getting too excited will wake you up

You can also look into WILD, wake induced lucid dream. This is cool and very trippy. It involves waking up for a split second via some alarm that only lasts one second, and then not moving your body, so that ur body enters sleep paralysis and dream state while your mind stays conscious. Sleep paralysis is very interesting, some take it to be scary but I think it is a cool experience that isn't scary as long as u know what's going on

>> No.12934008
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That ain't fo me

>> No.12934066
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Do you intentionally go to bed at night with the goal to lucid dream? Do you use the alarm (WILD) method? Have you tried just keeping mindfulness as you fall into sleep and making it through the sleep paralysis phase to start dreaming? Are you just hyper aware and manage to take over during dream states often? Which method do you use the most? How many times per month does lucid dreaming happen for you? Do you do anything to counter calcification of your pineal gland?

>> No.12934073

hello fren. i had lucid dreams for about a year straight. and yes i often had sex with women i couldnt irl. there was a mantra i use to do, but i forgot and never wrote anything down.

how do i get back into lucid dreams? any mantras or evening rituals to get prepared for it? I did nofap and i feel that was a factor for jumping into lucid dreams.

sure, some may say
>lucid dream
>sex with someone you couldnt

but there were some lucid dreams that were very revealing, and i did things like flying like a bird. still feel i can fly too. kek

>> No.12934115

Psychedelics should be the only psychoactive you consume

>> No.12934126

>I am constantly seething with rage at the stupidity and perversion of our times.
>on an imageboard dedicated to speculation over magic meme money that gives aids to the environment

>> No.12934314

If you smoke weed consistently, you will have maybe 80 percent less awareness and 80 percent less dreams in general. Idk if nofap would make a difference, if you havent cummed in a while you'd probably have sex dreams regardless lucid or not

I also have had very cool lucid dreams, things like floating in clouds, destroying cities. One time I flew up to a tornado and was very disappointed with the graphics of it.

Sometimes I have sympathy for the people in the dream state, even though I know it's foolish to

No, it just happens to me at this point because I have a feel for the dream state. Sometimes it's feel alone, sometimes it's something that doesn't make sense, and I question it and figure out the logic doesn't add up. I now mostly just do it naturally. It happens anywhere from once every two weeks to sometimes 4 times a week. I haven't decalcified my pineal gland

>> No.12934630

do you do any mantras? how do you prepare to jump into lucid dreams?

>> No.12934677

Nah the dreams come to me naturally after journaling and such. Mantras are useful though once inside the dream for example "increase lucidity" will make the dream more clear "slow time" to make it last longer etc

>> No.12934788
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This is might be more difficult to answer but how long do they typically last for you? Do you remember all of your dreams each night now that you have been practicing this for so long?

>> No.12934889

I remember around two dreams a night usually at least out of the theoretical 4-5 (one per REM sleep cycle).. I think especially when I drink alcohol, the last two REM cycles create extra vivid dreams because of the REM rebound effect.

The dreams could only last a couple minutes, if I get too excited, or upwards of 20-25 if I really ground myself in the dream state

>> No.12935181

bullshit i can lucid dream when i journal for a few days. literally every drug is better. also people who think lucid is like that leo di caprio movie is completely retarded.

>> No.12935432

>fully master lucid dreaming
>set time dilation to infinity
>literally never wake up

>> No.12935467
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yeah there have been reports of people living out entire lifetimes and shit in a single night

like meeting a qt gf, getting married, raising a family and growing old together.

i think if i did that and the alarm clock went off at 7am and i had to go to work, i'd kill myself right then and there

>> No.12935729

I haven't done lucid dreaming since HS.

I do have problems to work out though, so it may be time to return.

>> No.12935754

> Mushrooms in field is so enlightening
> Not DMT which is completely natural but requires knowledge to extract
The gods know better to give tools to people not ready for them

>> No.12935794

Every time I try to lucid dream I end up paralyzed and I hallucinate shadow monsters in the corner of the room.
A while after doing that I started feeling trains rushing in my head at the moment I turned from consciousness to sleep. Fortunately, that stopped happening a few months after I gave trying to lucid dream.

>> No.12935796

if you can't wake up at will you aren't lucid dreaming, pleb boy.

>> No.12935878

Haha what do you mean by "man made", retard? You also type like a loonatic.

>> No.12935914

>lucid dream the true redpill?
Oh for fuck's sake OP, lucid dreaming must be right up there on top of the most useless skills...

it's degeneracy surpassed only by the plebs who take up tulpamancy to summon a succubus for sucking them off and end up being dominated like a little bitch in the dream state by a figment of their own imagination.

seriously OP... you'd have a much better chance of figuring out link's 2025 eoy price by going with controlled remote viewing developed in the military environment at fort Dale during the 80's... Swann, Dames, Buchanan, pop to mind as folks who are present there.

But lucid dreaming... LUCID DREAMING?????

You condition the triggers, you induce dreams whenever you want, you practice till you gain control over every aspect of the dream and become literally omnipotent

(or just kick back and have top keks laughing at the humongous levels of dumbfuckery your own subconscious is capable of making up on its own)

And then what?

I don't care how many simulations you run in your sleep pretending to be a millionaire trader or an olympic medalist of the 100m dash.

>> No.12935965
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>trying to open my pineal gland
enjoy your demonic possesion