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File: 15 KB, 343x342, PANews BT_N0404071377692051157A_I1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12932201 No.12932201 [Reply] [Original]

This guy his annual salary is higher than that of all players of AJAX combined. How can you defend this?

>> No.12932210

Just the merch sales alone justifies it. Are you retarded?

>> No.12932216

imagine actually selling ronaldo and thinking your team won't fall apart

>> No.12932234

> povertyball

>> No.12932272

Some race horses cost more than 10 Ferraris. Really makes you think

>> No.12932274

>a Welshmen can have too little velcro

>> No.12932341

With var no party.


>> No.12932348

Ajax soccer team is solely composed of Africans, a large fraction of their salary is their green-cards and the undisputable fact that Dutch women are the biggest sluts of any female ethno-group across all ages.

Bale is good looking and is a citizen in a first world country..

>> No.12932385


What a sick fucking game. Hoping Ajax wins it all, this is the best team they'll have for another decade.

FUCK Madrid and FUCK Barcelona

>> No.12932440
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1517099947896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you absolute fucking dunce

stick to shitcoins you utter cretin. Maybe try simply googling the team before you embarrass yourself you dork

>> No.12932489

All soccer fans are gay.

>> No.12932494

no need to regress to name calling, we can agree to disagree - like adults.

>> No.12932529

Haha get fucked spanish cunts. En dit komt van een kakkerlak

>> No.12932700

you could have at least like state the amount bruv

>> No.12932715

how easy are dutch girls tell moar

>> No.12932784

There was an African guy that moved to The Netherlands, apparantly he have had ebola and survived.
The Dutch government thought the virus could potentially still be transmitted and become active, so they tested everyone that had been in contact i.e. had sex with the guy, as the dormant virus resided in the bodily fluids of the guy.
They tested more than 73 girls/women, some of them minors - the kicker is the guy had been in The Netherland in 5 months.