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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12922367 No.12922367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did they take it? I was mutilated, yet nobody cares. Why?

>> No.12922385

Because the big game is on this weekend

>> No.12922390

dude stop posting creepy shit like that, I browse /biz/ before sleep and don't want to look at photos like that, this is beyond fucked up

>> No.12922394

this is day 1 shit, dude.

>> No.12922395


>> No.12922452
File: 3 KB, 111x80, 1548425788085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this realization injured my soul some time ago and it's still not better

>> No.12922476

They took mine as well. I was so young... Pieces of shit my body is ruined im a cripple!

>> No.12922477

Because we, the west are far greater then our barbaric enemies that cut females vagene... oh wait... what’s that I smell? Hypocrisy

>> No.12922488

Should I understand this reference?

>> No.12922507

was he ok?

>> No.12922509

ask /pol/

>> No.12922528

/biz/ is /pol/ and /pol/ is /biz/

>> No.12922552

this two hour video will tell you everything you need to know about why you were circumcised and why you should be fucking angry about it.

>> No.12922555

normalfags (particularly older normies) care about watching sunday afternoon nigger handegg more than they do about serious things like this
it is abstracted away to mean that normies care/think more about things that don't matter than they do about what does (hence, the current state of reality)

>> No.12922622

Checked and this. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.12922630

you are missing out on a lot

t. guy with big benis and foreskin