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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 709x398, keklink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12921102 No.12921102 [Reply] [Original]

please please tell me this is some ironic hipster joke

Or does this "ChainLink" project UNIRONICALLY present theyr mega million worth project in a fucking STUDENT BASEMENT??

Ahhahahhahahhahahhaha they don't even have proper sound hahahhahhaha sorry I can't just handle hahahhahaha ahahaha it

>> No.12921321

its a scam duh. Anyone telling you otherwise is heavily invested, obviously

>> No.12921333

NPC tier fud

>> No.12921343

Already sold my 5k stack, it's ridiculous.

>> No.12921376
File: 105 KB, 1910x1000, reputable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rating the worth of a business by fancy architecture

>> No.12921393

this company is valued almost 150mm

great presentation,

top notch

if i was a linky, i would feel nothing but confident right now

>> No.12921398
File: 94 KB, 1024x538, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this worthless company LOLOL

>> No.12921424
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bezos' desk was converted from a fucking door, they bolted some legs on
what a JOKE hahahahahah
i'd rather invest my money here.

>> No.12921437

Be quiet Downer Dan

>> No.12921455

how long is it going to take you to realize that chainlink is nothing more than a 3 random guys with no experience and no connections, building something that nobody has shown any concrete interest in.

just because a bunch of pajeets spam it all over here doesn't mean anybody outside of 4chan takes it seriously.

>> No.12921468

tell me again how much money LINK made for it's investors?

>> No.12921490
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>> No.12921511
File: 611 KB, 921x538, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at 12.43.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink is working against 100x the competition, who . have just asmuch or more resources

the 2 guys in a basement meme is not possible with todays technology

couple a mismanaged team with 2nd grade speech ability and you have an excellent deterrent for future investors

no one with money would ever take this shit seriously and all of you should thank cz everyday
cheers, to france

>> No.12921568

omg that neet virgin posture hahhahaa

>> No.12921620

I just came back from the show in Paris, it was a terrible experience for me and my girlfriend. First of all Sergey wasn't even there and Dan instead took his place, except he obviously didn't prepare at all. You can tell he's just a salesman and has no tech background. He was just wearing a sparkling purple suit with a big hat and an unbuttoned shirt that revealed his pecs and chest hair, very vulgar display... I think he doesn't even know what a blockchain is. After the show I went up to him to ask if Steve was still working on aggregation, he just shook his hands very fast very close to my face and tried to change the subject, "don't worry about aggravation, I'm a ninja, look at my moves". I was ready to leave but my gf realized she was missing one shoe, I turned around and I saw Dan was burying his nose into it and sniffing it with a big grin on his face, I don't even know how he stole it in the first place. Maybe he really is a ninja

>> No.12921624


>> No.12921626

>all of you should thank cz everyday
so much this, without binance this shit would be in top 400

>> No.12921655
File: 184 KB, 757x615, 1551385785880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-does this "Amazon.com" company have any income though?
Oh they've already implemented an online store?

Okay, then surely ChainLink has implemented something that is earning right now right? R-right?

>> No.12921703
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1474587705491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of you should thank cz everyday
>so much this, without binance this shit would be in top 400
And why should we thank CZ for that? If LINK was at place 400 it would be worth 1.4 cents. I would be able to buy 700k stinkies. I'm not thanking CZ for shit.

>mfw it's LINK downtrend season and all the discordniggers assemble because they think they actually influence the price

>> No.12921719

that fucking chink blessed them so hard
now it just looks like an exitscam set up
that chink told my chief 100btc @ $10,000
fuck that shit, yall so fucking lucky, i just found out the only reason you are still relevant is that fucking chink gave you the most liquidity in the game for free

god damn nigga
150mm cap
fucking write cz a real thank you letter
do it now

>> No.12921849


I have said it before, CZ killed the singularity, we have now a small climb towards $5 and then we go down again to zero

>> No.12921880

almost like they spent money on their infrastructure and not on the office

LINK spends money on traveling around presenting the same fucking 1 year old pitchdeck with 0 revenue...

>> No.12921882

link is truly blessed by vishnu for it will reach a 5 billion dollar cap without a product or main net
praise be to vishu

>> No.12921967


x4 for me

>> No.12921973

I don't mean speculating in the fucking token stupid brainlet, i mean REVENUE NUMBERS

>> No.12921994

You asked how much money Chainlink made for its investors.
I'm an investor, and Chainlink quadrupled my money.

Eat shit.

>> No.12922014

someone post the video

>> No.12922046

start at this time

how does chain link make money?
great question

and start here to see this stupid ass powerpoint malfunction before announcing main net will be "sometime this year"

>> No.12922051


now it all makes sense after learning cz the godfather blessed this bunch of retards for reasons unknown

>> No.12922056

Why do you keep talking about CZ?
Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.12922089


Just buy a 3k suicide insurance stack, LINK is a stable coin so you won't lose your money if it doesn't work

>> No.12922108

because cz is the only reason your price is where its at today. you have nothing to show after 18months and plenty of ico$, no binance fee
im also assuming they made a lot of profit in the eth ath

and yes, i am slightly skiz

im acting salty because this is the number one shilled coin on biz with 145mm cap and no one can explain what the purpose of todays meeting was

cz and early profit will be a gift and a curse
your leaders are lazy and unmotivated
millions and bigmacs willl do that to you

>> No.12922118

>because cz is the only reason your price is where its at today
You're not well in the head lmao.

>> No.12922141


i guess you are the nkn fellow, just strap in, you can buy nkn after the singularity boyo

>> No.12922155


>> No.12922156

he's right retard, without binance you wouldnt even know the coin

>> No.12922173

I don’t hold any link but this is the weakest fud I’ve ever seen. Hint: have a look at how most of the biggest tech companies started out.

>> No.12922185

Today's meet was for Kaiko to shill themselves, nothing to do with link. Dan was just there to practice his public speaking skills.... embarrassing taking like. humm. like hummm, like, hummm like in Denver

>> No.12922201

2bh, after what i saw today, i would without hesitation buy witnet before i had to buy link and i dont know if witnet is even real or not, all i know is chain link is feeding you some sick hope

please name one positive think about todays french dip and its objective really nice banner swag set up btw, you should feel amazing fear knowing the shmorgishborg and computer problems were the highlight

yall have so much money to work with
which is why they have no urgency
sirgay doesnt care about any of you, please know there are more qualified competitors working overtime
im not hear to fud in hopes of lower prices, im genuinely concerned about the levels of delusion that only grow stronger
just dont kill yourself
when next tom chat?

>> No.12922226

Is that why the ICO sold out in literal minutes?
Also, Binance lists almost everybody. Especially in late 2017 when they were a third-rate exchange on the rise.

This is some absolute desperate-tier fud you're trying to cook up.

>> No.12922252

if you sell you are no longer investor

>> No.12922257


desu the hype in 2017 about the ICO was because they genuinely thought they were releasing that year

>> No.12922272

when people say umm humm its because they dont know what the fuck they are talking about

to me it looked like the main team remained off camera and used that tard as a mouth piece, they know they are fucking around

looks promising

lol.. how long do you think kaiko will take to launch and why is another exchange the right move in todays market

>> No.12922277

What the fuck are you blabbering on about mate you're making 0 sense. Binance bots traded LINK down to fucking 1000 sats after SIBOS. CZ can eat shit for all I care

>> No.12922287

I sure didn't think that.

Keep piling on the bullshit though.

>> No.12922291

bro, EVERY ico was selling out before the crash
you are low iq, i swear i have been one of links biggest critics for a while now, my only objective is to wake some retards up, its about to be q2 19

>> No.12922341

>bro, EVERY ico was selling out before the crash
No they weren't.
Plenty were extending or even cancelling their ICOs because they didn't reach their targets (which were way lower than 32mm).

>> No.12922392

Seek help.

>> No.12922466

the majority of icos before the crash did well
not all of them set a 32m cap and not all them met exact goals either

whats the angle for the exchange?
to siphon transactions thru your own entity?
how will an exchange bring value to link
seems like the safest move for a clean exit

iv tried

>> No.12922484

Chainlink was one of the biggest ICOs of the second half of 2017, in every way.
Remind yourself that Chainlink was a few weeks away from presenting its PoC at Sibos at the time of ICO.
And Binance is FULL of absolute shitcoin stinkers that have done nothing but plummet, ESPECIALLY after getting listed on Binance.

>> No.12922508

>Chainlink was
this seems to be the reoccurring theme, main net.. umm. uhh. sometime this year

oh uhhh and be sure to stop by our shmorgishborg and free swag station on your way out

>> No.12922531

link is in the top 400 brainlet

>> No.12922587

you can try to trick yourself idc
fuck the ico
fuck al that
here fax
you made 32mm , got nance fo free, and still have not a sliver of an example of a working "oracle" after 18mth
im not raging irl, i just cant comprehend why the one with no intention of investing is questioning todays showing more than actually link owners
this means you you dont have enough money for it to matter, and or youre retarded
this is all i will speak on the total abomination that i witness today, march 4th 2019
lets this day in stinky land be forever remembered as the faqquette massacre

i smell poo from coming from sirdelay the 10th

>> No.12922651


>> No.12922859

>Chainlink is the best smelling turd on a mountain of shit
I see

>> No.12923222

lmao dude you tried so hard with these, you're fucking adorable pumpkin.

>> No.12923262

lmao no. adorable though, nice try pumpkin.

>> No.12923311

lmao flaunting nigger brains

>> No.12923332

What's with all these fucking schizoposters.

>> No.12923349
File: 43 KB, 630x630, 2488323_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mainnet soon guys

>> No.12923356

Its a scam. You fuckwits. I got my popcorn ready for when it implodes.

>> No.12923429

Reminder that no ICO, NONE, has a working product with real world application. Why would they rush it and be like the rest of the bullshit crypto has shown so far? They only have one shot at this, given the big names involved, and they have said this themselves.
Seek help if you think they are going to rush this shit only to please a bunch of retards living in their mom's basement who spend 12 hours daily on an anime forum. They are out there doing the real thing while you jack off to some obscure hentai.

>> No.12923440

>2 years is rushing
your brain on link everybody

>> No.12923475

>building the literal bridge between what has been known so far as a worthless ponzi and real world application
They could release the mainnet in 2021 and I wouldn't be surprised. There's too much in stake here. If you are too poor you can wageslave in the meantime.

>> No.12923501

yeah and you'll still suck russian cock, i get it

>> No.12923538

this is terrible false
there are some companies who produced and acquired business in half the time and a fraction of funding/mk cap
cope more
your company publicly shit on you and didnt give a single fuck
they already made it
never trust a russian

>> No.12923549

Link marine from the beginning here. If the state of chainlink in 2019 doesn't have you carefully reducing your position down to a suicide, throwaway stack, you're a retard.

>> No.12923552

How much are we talking

>> No.12923565
File: 150 KB, 807x760, honkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this kill the linkers

>> No.12923568

you clearly doubt this project now
id move it all to eth now unless you have a better idea

>> No.12923577

Is it true that most marines are doing this?

>> No.12923585

> move
Branch out more like

>> No.12923601

like trade all you link for eth and hold
for a nice 20-25% gain until you see a better move, i dont know how you trade, i just know id rather be all in eth than link

>> No.12923609

>he didnt see todays 18th month update

>> No.12923612

How the fuck do you even have internet where you live, let alone figure out how to get to /biz/?

>> No.12923620
File: 522 KB, 1280x757, allstarteam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12923627

These persons look like they don’t exist

>> No.12923633

im not samefagging, no need to, sirdelay the 3rd just shit all over you today and you embraced it with open mouths
i live in america nigger

>> No.12923634
File: 100 KB, 601x664, Chainlinkspam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12923644
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 1551707569827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These persons
It was at this time that our humble anon realized he was the last white man left on a board infested with pajeets

>> No.12923654
File: 30 KB, 512x372, 136DAC5C-E3CD-4FC0-AC9C-0C13E27B4D87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12923663

hidden moon x100
do the needful sirs

>> No.12923672
File: 754 KB, 607x609, 1551706198744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes pajeet let the images speak for you.

>> No.12923679
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 7654352385674231332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shitskins follow you around everywhere you go, even in metaphysical spaces
We're going to have to gas them to get rid of them, aren't we?

>> No.12923690

Thanks for the gif, at least you’re useful for something nigger.

>> No.12923698
File: 238 KB, 425x533, 600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hans, leave ze flammenwerfer
Get ze gas

>> No.12923745

i dont know who these people are but they look like they are fresh out of scam town

i always saw pretty looking, "well finished" websites were scams in the early stages, especially ones who had their pictures and shit added, terrible way to start using funds

>> No.12923759

It's not a stock you fucking moron

>> No.12923938
File: 18 KB, 248x189, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 posts by this ID
>premise-link is shit/scam
>have to argue about it for 5 hours straight
>thread on auto, sweating to get a reply

Yo in case you missed, T.Gonsner went official with LINK. If you think that nigga is hopping on some scam token as advisor, you must be tripping daneesh.

Also your posts are basically dumb shit vomited for 100th time on this board. You not invested in LINK, cool. Don't act like trying to save another anon money while shilling some fuckin "witnet" token lowkey you fuckin ashy ass nigga.

>> No.12923972
File: 30 KB, 1737x147, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2bh, after what i saw today, i would without hesitation buy witnet before i had to buy link and i dont know if witnet is even real or not, all i know is chain link is feeding you some sick hope

Dude paypal me the fuckin money, whatever it takes for You to not invest in LINK.

capping this fuckin shit, like how you even manage to breathe on your own. I think you must have an app to remind you of that you fuckin lowiq shell of a human being lmao

>> No.12924019

>Yo in case you missed, T.Gonsner went official with LINK. If you think that nigga is hopping on some scam token as advisor, you must be tripping daneesh.
Yeah dude totally

>> No.12924038

Don't know about all. The moonbois will hold to zero. But I think the writing is on the wall. Gonna whittle down my stack to a suicide 10k bag. The TA looks good, we should have a pump soon and a chance to unload at an OK price. Call me a fudder or larper, idgaf.

>> No.12924040

I was heavily invested in chainlink and I truly believed it was the future of crypto, but something ominous is happening. I've since sold most of my shares and I'm exiting. I don't feel too good about the process anymore. Way too many redflags.

>> No.12924218

uhh.. ok..
i guess.. good luck tomorrow at round 2 of faguette festival?

sirgayass is looking very shaky right now

lets see how what the fuck he says tomorrow, AND MOVE CLOSER TO THE SPEAKER WE CANT HEAR SHIT

17dollarsand22 cents says he doesnt show a demo, or any sign of production progress tomrrow

and when this happens, i challenge you to give give an explaination for the shit weekend, what was their objective and did they accomplish it?

>> No.12924261

Cool story, from my 2 minute research on the topic, this guy was cleared of all charges, and he's tweeting and still working on "shopin", whatever this bullshit is. Also Shopin was not related to the case, because it was about some scams ran in 2014/2015. So flawless logic there sir
I couldnt' care less about this or any other presentation. I'm locked in, and don't even bother to check those videos/streams anymore since I'm waiting patiently on the delivery of the mainnet which will happen this year. I will be concern later about my next move. Until then, i'm just holding and laughing my ass off at /biz/ from time to time. I'm not the one here who should prove anything, nor i do care about your efforts. 20+ posts as a hater. My bet is you had LINK, you sold it, now you are here for confirmation of your decision. Good for you, make money elsewhere.

>> No.12924285

"persons" is correct spelling you braindead fuck

>> No.12924291

Since you haven't figured it out yet, let me tell you a secret. They're keeping it under the radar and low-hype for us anons to accumulate for a long time until it explodes. If you don't take the opportunity they are laying at your feet, that's on you.

>> No.12924338

>I'm not the one here who should prove anything, nor i do care about your efforts.
proceeds to nervously type a chapter contradicting his whole existance

>I'm locked in, and don't even bother to check those videos/streams
sounds like you have little invested, your zoomer is showing


>> No.12924522
File: 70 KB, 818x659, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not make a trip, you are literally wasting hours of your life to type today in multiple threads, just make yourself a tripfag, and act like we care.

>> No.12924738

Yo this is sad af. Implosion and extradition when??

>> No.12924878


>> No.12924889

silly faggot, trips for kids
sleep tight linkies