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File: 550 KB, 2264x1176, astroworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12917026 No.12917026 [Reply] [Original]

There used to be a tripfagger who larped and fudded here constantly on chainlink. Lambo anon with the chainlink lambo stickers is wearing a shirt with a company called Astro World and Salesforce has a mascot called Astro.

I did some digging on the Astro World company which doesn't seen to exist. Why would a rich lambo owner be a member of staff at some wageslave company called "astro world" anyway. But most importantly check how that is labled on his shirt....

Salesforce and AWS are partners.

Has he been taunting us this whole time and leaving bread crumbs?

Also...Where is astro??
wtf is going on here guys?

>> No.12917036

Astro World is the newest Travis Scott album you stupid autist

>> No.12917052

Astro World "STAFF" you dumb fuck. We aren't talking about your boyfriend here. faggot

>> No.12917055

Same logo

I’m selling all my links now, just finally realized that all the breadcrumbs are schizo autist delusions

>> No.12917061


Oh yeah you stupid fuck???

>> No.12917070

the chainlink is a meme is a meme is a meme, meme

>> No.12917072

It’s a tavis Scott shirt you fucking idiot. Google astroworld staff

>> No.12917074

Nice utm link

>> No.12917078

Ok maybe i dont listen to nigger rappers because im not a faggot so my bad. STILL WTF!?!? Why is he "staff" with it labled AWS and then Salesforce has a mascott. Reeeeeee

>> No.12917087

Something very fishyy here

>> No.12917095

lose some weight bro, I can tell you sweat while sitting

>> No.12917114

Sweating means you are losing weight though? So I should keep sitting? based as fuck

>> No.12917127

The best fud against Link is how absolutely fucking stupid you people are.

>> No.12917137

leave this place

>> No.12917172

>Didn’t deny being fat.
Not only are you an autistic tard, you are also also obese. How do you live with yourself?

>> No.12917197


OP... get some rest man. Go for a walk or get a dog.

>> No.12917204

Kek. This

>> No.12917222

>How do you live with yourself?
I wake up. I breave eat and drink and sleep. It's quite easy desu
You are probably astro trying to derail my thread.

Why the fuck has his name appeared in salesforce AND on lambo anon???

>> No.12917240

dude, stop, we got it, link is the one, dont need this shit anymore chill and stop being deluded, go outside

>> No.12917273

The line is blurry. Can’t tell really vs fake shill and fud anymore. Everything is shill, everything is fud. Not sure how I can handle the link eoy PTSD. Either 1000 or zero, I’m going to need a lot of therapy

>> No.12917288

>his name
We’ve already established this tardanon, astro world is the name of some rappers album. Leave this shitty site before it corrupts your already tiny brain any further.

>> No.12917338

No listen you dumb fuck. Why the fuck is lambo anon wearing that fucking shirt? why the fuck is salesforce mascott called astro? Why does astro not post on here anymore? Why is salesforce mascott phrase "Wheres Astro?"

You lot are fucking brainlet tier stupid.

>> No.12917346

I'm not autistic enough for this so I will not stop asking until I get my answers.

>> No.12917388
File: 548 KB, 500x500, 1550197997198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so deluded that even though the answer was explained to your face you still don't understand.

This is just a random wealthy guy that had crypto, including link. Astro World is an album. He's not a developer or influencer. He is just another random person that knows about the project. You found one coincidence and it's sad how much you're trying to connect these dots. There is real people involved in Link that have real connections and here you are trying to connect some Instagram flexer to a financial enterprise software.

Do you not see how retarded you are.

>> No.12917501

>You found one coincidence
Except I pointed out 2 you math brainlet faggot fucker.

1 link is a coincidence.
2 links is not a coincidence.

Dumb fuck.

>> No.12917509

Dude chill out lmao just buy link

>> No.12917513

I have unironically just bought 100 more links since figuring out astro is a big player. He is probably marc benioff. If anyone can confirm I will buy another 100 later.

>> No.12917527

Why is the Lambo towel head wearing that shirt??? Because he likes rap music, the album just came out this past fall and wasnone of the most popular albums of the year? The guy did the super bowl halftime show, it’s not some obscure shirt you fucking dumbass.

>> No.12917552

ok goood job you answered 1 out of 4 questions and it was about your fucking faggot rapper boyfriend again surprise surprise.

>> No.12917557

a whole 100?? jesus guy slow down you’re gonna dry up the whole supply!!

>> No.12917572

>100 link
So this was a bait thread all along. Either that or you’re trying to make it seem like you were only baiting to cover up your autism.

>> No.12917578

Astro still posts in the chainlink discord (the one linked to the r/linktrader Reddit). Why don’t you go ask him.

>> No.12917610

no he doesn't

>> No.12917744

prove it

>> No.12917772 [DELETED] 

Bittrex new exchange and free coins,

In July 2017, Binance created it's own Token Binance Coin (BNB). Before they launched their exchange they did a sign up and referral programme where they gave out 1000's of token to people. Today those tokens are trading at over $10 each.

In April this year, Bittrex is opening a new exchange specifically aimed at the Asian market, called Bitsdaq, registered in Hong Kong. They are also doing a candy programme where you can get 1000's of their BXBC tokens for free.

You will receive 1000 tokens just for signing up using the link below..


Then there is a 200 token DAILY reward for just login until 31st of March 2019. So if you sign in everyday of March you can get yourself another 6200 free BXBC Tokens.

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This is all totally free money. It's possible to accumulate over 20000 free tokens by the end of March. Even if they are trading as low as $0.50 by the end of the year, that amounts to $10K. Imagine they are trading at half the value of BNB at the moment

Don't delay, register TODAY. Each day you wait will cost you a minimum of 200 tokens.
The exchange itself looks very professional and smooth. Nothing less than you would expect from a professional company like Bittrex

>> No.12917777

You're still trying to pin a guy with a shitty chain link lambo paint job to a Travis Scott album that wasn't good in the first place. Like I said, there is way more interesting people and connections we already covered in the past year but you can't even name the guy wearing the shirt.

>> No.12917787

>Everything is shill, everything is fud

this has been my entire chainlink experience

>> No.12917797

Checked what a waste.

>> No.12917802

Fuck your 7777s
I'm not trying to pin a guy to a shirt. he is literally wearing a shirt that says astro while salesforce mascott is also called astro. I dont care about your opinions on faggot rappers or whether his album sucked your dick good anough.

>> No.12917812
File: 54 KB, 960x953, 1544963182878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are still connecting these far as fuck dots but you can't even name the guy.


>> No.12917849
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1551181289183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it just be fucking absurd if Chainlink actually hit $1K in the foreseeable future and thousands of tards became members of the 1% and started attending booshie parties rubbing shoulders with the likes of Warren Buffett? Imagine the looks on the faces of all those truly wealthy people who worked hard for it when twice as many tards show up and turn their networking events into a zoo, throwing feces at each other. Imagine the smell.

>> No.12917862

What the fuck?
Most retarded thread ever. Its Travis Scott's tour lmao, op going into psychosis mode

>> No.12917933

no no you fucking dumb fuck. I don't care about you wanting to suck some rappers dick. IM talking about the absolute direct taunt from this mother fucker with THE LINK Lambo combined with the letters meaning AWS. AMAZON WEB SERVICE AWS is partnered with SALESFORCE. And literally who is there mascot? Fucking ASTRO.
Stop being dumb fuckers. This is not psychosis. This is REAL. Fuck you all

>> No.12917946
File: 22 KB, 488x463, 9863BC79-C908-416D-9E62-2689D5C32450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12918008

You fucking dumb fuck linkies are fucking stupid fuckers cant even connect dot to dot that an 8 year old can do. MODS ban these retards for being retards.
Im gonna go buy 150!!! more linkes because you fuckers are gonna regret not picking up on this big news and I will be laughing at you all when im rich.

>> No.12918023

You need to get help.

>> No.12918039
File: 1.06 MB, 800x2300, isthisassblaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12918048


>> No.12918057

Literally going to dump 850 link on you all right now. why the fuck do you think its falling suddenly huh???!?!?!! HU!H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12918077
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 148664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Are you really this retard OP? https://greylelo.com/products/astroworld-staff-hoodie

>> No.12918087

OP actually thought he had something, now he's pretending to be retarded and ironic to cover up his fuck up. This is just awkward now

>> No.12918090

>see guise i was joking da whole time

>> No.12918095


Fuck you this is not a joke

>> No.12918110
File: 29 KB, 446x357, Stop_posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12918140

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12918164
File: 430 KB, 750x1277, AC0EF739-AE18-465D-A783-A254B4314B5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally from an hour ago.

>> No.12918180

Just go and ask him yourself discord. Invite code: /DFHtuU

>> No.12918190

So astro is actually working with you all on discord? how the fuck does his name show on salesforce website and why the fuck is lambo anon taunting us? Can you help me please

>> No.12918198

I cant make a discord

>> No.12918388

>all the pathetic FUD attempts in this thread
on topic, good find, OP! seems like there might be some big news around the corner! might even be that Travis Scott is partnering up with ChainLink, which would be, dare I say, HUGE! good job doing the detective work and finding stuff that's gonna bring us a brighter future:)

>> No.12918471


>> No.12918476

You don’t need to make a discord just join the one astros in and ask him yourself. Or just send him a private message on discord.