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12912524 No.12912524 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you joined the military yet? The pay is not the greatest at first but the benefits during and after your service are absolutely unmatched. They can pay for your college and even get you a home. Why wage all the time for nothing when you can do the same thing but get massive benefits and gibs?

>> No.12912711

Air Force... more like CHAIR force HA

>> No.12912719

I'm getting in shape to do that right now.

>> No.12912738

I wish the air force did those 2 year enlistments the army does.

>> No.12912836


Did four years in the Marine's as a grunt from. The things I was forced to do in the name of 'honor courage and commitment' will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Consider that before you join.

>> No.12912846

>Why haven't you joined the military yet?
cant do the duck walk

>> No.12912863


>0311 feeling bad because he had to shoot some third world child rapers and wife beaters all hopped up on heroin

Go fuck yourself lcpl.

>> No.12912935

>be military officer
>deploy and collect arab money
>invest in bitcoin while deployed to afghanistan 2012, forget about it
>get medically retired at 30 years old
>get 100% disability for life while still being completely functional and getting VA pension and military retirement
>wife and kids get free college anywhere
>don't pay personal property or income tax
>get free license plates for life
>pay $580 a year for complete health insurance with zero cost share
>remember bitcoin, sell in december 2018
>literally do what ever you want all day everyday as a millionaire, while also collecting over $6k a month from military/va

>> No.12912989

prob gonna do this when I get my RN/BSN.
Or just go for it if/when the economy tanks.
Ive been using their top-tier PT reqs as benchmarks for all my workouts.

>> No.12913354
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Does this look like a chair force?

>> No.12913651

Your branch does basically no leg work at all. Fuck off retard.

>> No.12913672
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>Air Force does no leg work at all
>t. some 11b or 0311 who has never been on a real combat deployment but still talks about being a real killer at the local watering hole

>> No.12913698

Am I wrong?

>> No.12913703


Yes. You actively don't know enough to know that you're wrong though.

>> No.12913709

Air Force Pararescue jumpers are fucking badass dude.
Definitely not the chair force.

>> No.12913764

Bitch, I bet the only fighting you’ve seen is your momma trying to get her panties on over that donkey butt.

>> No.12913848


join the national guard. don't fall for the active duty meme.

be in the national guard and be a weekend warrior like i was. show up for drill (your job you were trained to do) one weekend every month, get paid your rank (I started out as an E3, ~$700 a month (for 2 days really).

do your 6 years, and have a notch under your belt.

i have friends that embraced it and got a job on the base and that's their full time job.... mostly mechanics. and their "drill" is the same thing, doing their job, but they just get drill pay every month. whereas I kept my day job as a delivery driver for a small company and showed up for drill.

my friends also opt in for deployments all over the world. and they don't go to shit holes, they go to US bases in prime locations across the world. last one my boy went on was in thailand. he was paid $40,000 for being deployed 3 months.

to each his own, but military is great benefits, great pay, they'll clothe you, educate you, feed you, house you, guide you, etc.

i liked it, but i didn't want to commit for life (not that you have to), so i didn't reenlist after my 6 years.

good to put on job applications that you were in the military. that always got me preferential treatment.

>> No.12913885


Nope, don't do this. You don't get any of the benefits until after six years, you don't get to live overseas except when you're deployed, which will pull you out of whatever you're doing in the civilian world.

Scratch that: do this if it's right for you don't do this if it's not right for you.

>> No.12913904

>selling the bottom

Kek you're definitely disabled that's for sure

>> No.12913932

what can i do if i cant run for 30 seconds

>> No.12913965
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You forgot veteran's preference on literally any government job from mail carrier to CIA special agent. If you served overseas during wartime you essentially get affirmative action for government jobs and can even get a direct "non-competitive appointment". It's the only way white males can get affirmative action. Not to mention lifetime access to retraining programs if I ever want to stop NEETING and learn a trade.

Military benefits are the best kept secret in the U.S. Sure it sucks while your in, but once you're done it's pretty sweet.

>> No.12913986

no benefits until after 6 years? you're retarded dude.

as soon as I got my CAC card proving that I was in the military, benefits were in full effect.

my 20k signing bonus..... i got 10k after i finished tech school. i signed enlisted, 2 months of fake drill, 2 months of BMT, 6 months of tech school. I was a weekend warrior from there on out. I got the other 10k of my signing bonus after my 6 years.

>> No.12914011

>be in the national guard and be a weekend warrior like i was. show up for drill (your job you were trained to do) one weekend every month, get paid your rank (I started out as an E3, ~$700 a month (for 2 days really).

Bitch, you don't make $700 a month as an E3 reservist. You make like $150-200

>> No.12914012


I was a 51. Thanks though.

> muh SMAW

>> No.12914020

also, air national guard, most deployments are voluntary. only emergency situations like hurricane duty you're forced to do.

and if air national guard is going to war on the battlefield with the army and marines, you're all fucked. military or not.

>> No.12914022


And its much more complex than that. You sound stupid if you don't acknowledge that.

>> No.12914034

Imagine being proud of dying for Israel

>> No.12914037


fucking this lol. And I used to be a POG hater too until I realized I was being not only a giant asshole but am completely wrong as well. You realize this once you're all running for the concrete bunkers on Leatherneck because Chinese 105 rockets are inbound.

>> No.12914044

shiiii i was getting direct deposits of $600 average. lowest was like $540, highest was $770. this was in 2011.

>> No.12914048


You really have no idea what your talking about. Go play some COD or whatever war game the kids play today.

>> No.12914051



I'm talking about VA loans, insurance that's not just active when you're activated, GI Bill (post-9/11 not the fucking Montgomery), etc

>20k signing bonus
>air national guard

Bullshit. I would have believed 10 or 15.

>> No.12914065

I'm not eligible.

>> No.12914118


Oh, well you should know better you dumb fucking grunt. Do you ever sit back and wonder why so many grunts kill themselves? I'm up to like 7 suicides now and I got out in 2014 so here's my theory:

When you build your entire identity around something that lasts 4 years and then separate from that organization (usmc in my case) it tends to be really hard if you're not prepared for it. Then these asshole kids show back up into civilian society as insufferable assholes and complain that no one wants to help them. All while declaring they're the most toughest badass dudes on Earth. (which is supremely ironic because for all our tech we got our asses fucking kicked by spray paint, batteries and lamp cord , much IED ingredients)

Anyways I bet you're one of they guys who shovel pills in your face all while making fun of liberals for crying about things they care about. Maybe if you cried and dealt with your ptsd in a constructive manner and stopped pushing people away you would feel better too.

And before you attack my credibility, don't, because I was in Sangin Valley with 3/5.

>> No.12914141

you've never been in the ANG have you? ANG deployments are just going to a different base across the world to do the same fucking job you'd do here, just working with other military or even training them or them training you. it's literally just a JOB.

i never needed that shit. ANG "paid" for my school as part of my "contract" with them. if i was sick, i went to a doctor on base, paid nothing.

you'd use the GI bill for someone in the military who wants to go to say Harvard for further education after tech school. that's my understanding anyway.

>> No.12914169

Would it be possible to become an officer just to join the Air Force reserves? I don’t want to do active duty. Just want to clock in once a month and be done with it.

>> No.12914175


What AFSC were you that they paid you 20k as a bonus for enlistment? How did you have access to Tricare? Was your contract for student loan repayment?

If this is all true then it sounds like you blindly stumbled into something and don't really know what you signed or did.

>> No.12914183


My buddy made a video of our deployment a couple years ago. Dogs name was Dorcey btw, named her after one of our Lt's. Check it out.


> Its a very strange thing looking at someone's body where the entire bottom half has been blown off, including the penis

> really makes you think

>> No.12914191

that's one of the benefits of the national guard. you're committed, but you can still live a civilian life. it's also a lot cheaper for the government to have their military on stand by, rather than constantly using resources for active duty.

sorry if you're suffering from ptsd, i have friends that are. from minor twitches to complete personality changes, i've seen it and it's horrible. that's why i didn't join the marines or go in active duty. i'm actually afraid of war and all that shit LOL. my job was client systems and cyber security systems. i sat at a desk most of the time and set up/trouble shoot networks.

>> No.12914199


I didn't read the whole thing first. You're right. Plus my dad was a Guard pilot too.

>> No.12914243


Actually really good points. And that blog post really wasn't directed at you so sorry about that. I did want to get that out though but was too aggressive about it.

But ya I was really fucked up for a while. The scariest part was that for the first 2 years after I got out I really had no idea who bad I was. It was only once the high of war started to wear off that I really started struggling. BUT did some EMDR, read a couple books, and challenged my world views and I've done a complete 180. It certainly didn't happen over night, it was a two year process, but I'm doing pretty great now.

It just really hurts me to see these guys I've served with struggle. But at the same time perhaps its a form of atonement for what we've done. The Taliban aren't great people and have certainly abused their power, but their reasons for fighting are way more legitimate than the US's. We really are occupying that country just for the sake of occupying it. I think the Hearts and Minds strategy by Mattis was brilliant exactly for that reason. But that's another convo.

>> No.12914303

if true, i commend you. war is hell, but i wouldn't know. im one of the fortunate ones to get in, do what i had to do, and continue life. glad you're doing good anon :)

SO, if you're gonna join the military, join the air national guard. you're least likely to suffer PTSD and they are the safest and highest paid military personnel. keep one foot in the boot and one at home. be a weekend warrior!

>> No.12914380

I'm about to commission as a LT in the army national guard as an engineering officer. Im planning on doing a PhD program, or work somewhere very demanding. Will the army national guard cuck me out of this?

My school has been paid for entirely by ROTC scholarship so there's really no going back for me now but I'm curious

>> No.12914388

Since this is /biz/ I'm all in chainlink btw

>> No.12914394

Goy Force, kek

>> No.12914407

air force guys are the biggest pussies. I was going to do Air NG but when i met my future "battle buddies" i did a 360 and got the fuck out of there.

Army national guard is a better fit, yes they are still somewhat pussies compared to marines for example but the average iq is significantly higher, say 95 instead of 85. This means there is less bullying etc. Some people talk shit here and there but not what I would imagine from marines.

to the anon claiming NG doesn't get bennies after you get out, yes va home loan still stands, va business loan. No montogmery gi bill afterward but you had 5-6 years to finish school so no excuses there.

>> No.12914462

Training for spec ops soon

>> No.12914478


It certainly is. I'll never forget that one time an afghan was laying IEDs and had his son with him. His 10 year old son accidentally ended up stepping on it and just blew him apart. He brought him to our ECP in a wheel barrow and honestly looking back that was the turning point for me. It didn't matter if what he was doing was right or wrong, and at that point it didn't matter, a child was dead for no good reason. His entire life, which at this point consisted of nothing but warfare, was now snuffed out for no reason. Things like that stay with you.

And thank you for the kind words. I joined as someone who wanted to kill, got what I wanted, and then turned into a pacifist. Strange how that typically happens. Its not a natural thing to want to kill your own species because these are our brothers and sisters. And there is so many great things about the Afghan culture that its just heartbreaking when you step back and realize what we're actually doing to a country. If we really cared we would leave. Because the afghan kids who were born in 2001, the year we invaded, are now 19 years old and looking towards orgs like ISIS because its the only way they can get justice for their country and their families. (ISIS is REALLY fucked up though).

And I also find it really ironic that most of the dope grown in Afghanistan finds its way to the US for our own citizens to consume and die from. The universe is literally laughing at us and we have to take note and change.

But yes, if I had to do it again I would join the Guard, you'll get money for school and you'll mostly end up helping rather than hurting. Beside's the warmongers in washington are moving away from a standing army anyways because the shits too expensive. That's why Eric Prince should scare everyone, because he has the worlds most powerful private army and in the future will answer to no one.

Nah you'll be fine.

>> No.12914507

I've always dreamed about being in the USAF. Too bad I'm not an American.

>> No.12914520


Most Marines in the fleet are fat alcoholics who play COD all day when they're not in the field. The calisthenic abilities of the US military right now are absolutely atrocious because everyone would rather go to the gym in the morning instead of run. You should hear the moaning when its PFT season.

I'm only speaking about the grunts here though. Funny how we (03's) always have the hardest time transitioning out because we were able to be lazy for 4 years. The kids working in the shops are way better prepared for civilian life just because of that alone. That's why its mostly grunts killing themselves.

You can think of us as the high school quarterbacks that peaked way too early in life. Except war really fucks you up so instead of not living up to our potential we turn violent.

>> No.12914530


Do you want to fly? What country do you live in?

>> No.12914576
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>coworker keeps talking about how great being in the navy was when he was my age
>talks about all the benefits hes currently got and experience it set him up with
>keeps telling me i should join but after i finish college so i can become an officer
>find out that he only did 2 years before being discharged for medical reasons
He makes it sound great but I'm trying to figure out if he's only romanticizing it because he did the easy shit and managed to escape all the shitty parts along with getting all the benefits.

>> No.12914594

this is very true. it seems most people in my flight were 18-19 year olds coming from the middle of fucking nowhere. some of them had never seen a black person in real life before, much less a huge pissed off MTI screaming at them to do basic orders like stand straight and they can't comprehend that and just shut down and look like a deer in head lights engulfed in total fear. lmfao, i loved that shit.

compared to marines, absolutely, ANG is a big group of pussies. however, the IQ part, you might be wrong about. they have some DUMB mother fuckers in the ANG. especially when you finish tech school and work with some of them. like how the fuck did you get to this point?

i always said "i am my father's son", so the yelling was just normal talking for me.

>> No.12914600


He did do two years though which is long enough to get the good and bad parts. But any branch besides the Marine's treats their people pretty well. Personally the Coast Guard is a great option too, or the Merchant Marines, I have two cousins that do both.

>> No.12914617


I think its more nature than nurture honestly when it comes to this though. The baseline for all branches is the ASVAB, so it not like we're all total idiots. And when you go to MEPS there's really no way you can cheat on it either.

>> No.12914628

true, but i'm sure they all have different minimum scores that correlate to what job you qualify for, regardless if it's the job you pick/want.

i.e., marines have a much lower minimum score than ang.

>> No.12914637


thus, the smarter ones get the "safer" jobs. dumber ones get the shit.

>> No.12914703


>> No.12914718

Cuz you have to sign an 8 year contract.

>> No.12914775

>He did do two years though which is long enough to get the good and bad parts
I guess, but he also saved a lot of time. I'll probably graduate in my mid 20's, and then to become an officer it seems like I'd be giving up the rest of my peak years when most people just consider military service as a short period in their early 20's to get a leg up in the civilian world.
>Coast Guard is a great option too, or the Merchant Marines
Mind explaining why?

>> No.12914868

i would rather not die for the kikes, however the benefits are promising, so a somewhat better alternative would be to just marry a female soldier and let her do all the work.

>> No.12914885


Do not become an officer unless you are truly wishing to do it for the rest of your life.
You're taking a slot from guys who want to do this for 20 years. There are plenty of officers who join to get a leg up, and they are terrible leaders. Either do your 20 (unless you get hurt) or go be an Officer in the reserves.

>> No.12914887

30 yo. Joining the Air Force. I have MEPS on Thursday. Wish me luck
>i would rather not die for the kikes
Just don't sign up for the Marines/Army or Navy Seals.

>> No.12914898

> He brought him to our ECP in a wheel barrow

If he was your enemy why would he bring you his dead child? Did he just give up at that point?

>> No.12914902

It's just a couple of dicks. Don't be such a baby

>> No.12914918


Good luck bro and remember, whatever your recruiter tells you, do not fucking lie. I REPEAT: DO NOT FUCKING LIE. There is a waiver for everything except fucking lieing.

>> No.12915088

Being a human meatpuppet killing innocent people to make kike bankers richer?
No thanks

>> No.12915111

Might as well get a lobotomy while you're at it.

>> No.12915347

Is the NG that worth it? I’m near a base. 25. Soon2be fiancé, House shopping, Bachelors degree, 3 years professional wage cuck. Can I side gig NG? I work for a company that loves the military so they’d support me. What can go wrong here

>> No.12915422


Its complicated. There's really no front lines and we walked through the community at least twice a day. So we knew the people and they knew we wouldn't turn someone like that away. I think the intel guys may have talked to him but in reality a low level IED maker really wasn't high on anyones list. Especially in Sangin lol. Also what more is there to do? His kid was dead because of his first order actions. That's the worst punishment a human could go through.

>> No.12915428


This is true. At the time it was horrible though.

Ah so you want to exploit someone for their resources just like they do. How noble.

>> No.12915435


Just good orgs. They take care of their people and the direct mission isn't to kill its to protect. You'll usually find less psychopaths there too which is always nice. The Marines otoh...

>> No.12915453


They usually get stuck in supply or as cooks. There's a lot of moving parts to an infantry battalion, and the concept of Marine's being bullet sponges has been outdated for a while.

>> No.12915468
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The military is a scam lamo

>> No.12915484

Weird. I'm still pretty baffled by the story. So he wasn't arrested? Or he was?

Anyway, sorry you and your friends had to go through all that. I wanted to enlist in 2005. I couldn't because my health is so shitty. Probably for the best I suppose.

>> No.12915592
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>You're taking a slot from guys who want to do this for 20 years.
Is it really that high demand/low supply? I see your point with the rest though, I just wanna do something thats above what the average 70iq 18 year old from bumfuck nowhere that usually enlists does
I'll take that into consideration, thank you. Any other org like that which has the least amount of idiots and psychos?

>> No.12915610

>military fags milking disability because "my knees hurt from standing in formation all day"
I know not all of them are like this but i lost alot of respect and it opened my eyes to the reality

>> No.12916016


Dude you hsve no idea. go to a seps/taps course. The VA literally comes in and tells you to milk everything for as much as possible. Which is wrong of course, but when you have a rep sitting there telling you that you can get 36k a year tax free for the rest of your life than that can be really compelling.

>> No.12916034
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because im not a mindless zog for israel

>> No.12916036


National Guard for sure.

So did I those who do it are knowingly taking moneyand resources from an over burdened system. Shame on them for doing that.

>> No.12916050


Whoops sorry. And no he wasn't, we let him go.

>> No.12916084


This poster is pretty accurate. I would mention though that there are adaptive preferences at play here so its not as black and white as the this makes it seem.

For a lot of people the military is the only way they can escape poverty. Now that situation shouldn't exist but for the time being its the best they can do.

>> No.12916086


fuck you. they print trillions of dollars and give away trillions overseas and you think plebs who get a few neetbucks are the problem

a real patriot would be doing anything he can to speed up the process of a collapse so we can actually try to fix shit instead of bandaid while getting assfucked by intergalatic vampire pedophiles

>> No.12916163


You're right. I really have no argument against that.

>> No.12916170


I don't see where one could be made either. You're fucking up my worldview over here bruh.

>> No.12916871

I did already. Was active for 5 years, made E-5, making a bit over $4000 a month. Now I'm a reservist and I go to school full time while being paid from the GI bill. Good shit.

>> No.12917463

so you got 20k signing bonus, plus another 10k for going to tech school?

>> No.12917531

I tried desperately.

Attended OCS for USMC in Quantico, Virginia.

Lung collapsed, pneumothorax/pnuemomediastinum. I had to threaten/beg to be taken to medical, and I got called a giant pussy. Was told to "drink more water."

Additionally, I was rated a 9/10 on urgency and was a 30-45 mins away from being a training casualty.

Last three generations of my family have been infantry Marine officers, including one commandant. I wallow in my failure to this day.

>> No.12917543

this, 5 years Army here, best decision I ever made was to join when I was in my early 20s, now in my 30s but being a Soldier taught me a lot. Careful with psych issues you may have, even if it’s just that you sometimes get anxiety / feel down don’t report them unless it’s already documented. Also it’s not for everyone, I’ve got ptsd from service.

>> No.12917569

no. my signing bonus was 20k total. 10k after completing tech school and 10k after my 6 year enlistment.

>> No.12917718

This guy fucks

>> No.12917876
