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12911085 No.12911085 [Reply] [Original]

What are things Millennials in debt love to buy to pretend their rich? I'll start:

Canada Goose coats

>> No.12911087

>to pretend their rich
stay in school, pajeet

>> No.12911088

The new iPhone every year

>> No.12911133

Uggs, sperries, either rolex or similar looking brands, sports cars, brand name hard liquor but only the trendy stuff (bonus points for leaving empty bottles on top of the cabinets and fridge), and a smattering of the usual stuff like designer clothing and accessories.

All the loud, tasteless shit basically.

>> No.12911136
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>carries nothing

yeah FUCK practicality right guys haha

>> No.12911149

I fucking hate the Canada Goose trend. Geese are treated like shit by the entire industry, and these fucking millenials only care about their own status. Killing just for fashion is fucking evil, and these are the kinds od NPC’s that will demand we pay our “fair” share when we make it so they can buy more shit
Other millenial memes:
4 dollar coffee
10 dollar cold presses uice
8 dollar guacamole
Bernie campaign donations
BLM news

>> No.12911161

Starbucks is a big one.

I would bring a mini kettle and some grounds to the library when i was in college but I would see the same basic asian/white girls going to starbucks maybe 3 times over the course of an 8-10 hours study session.

Imagine spending $20 a day on coffee just because the $2 takeout joint isn't hip and bringing your own from home is 'lame'.

>> No.12911171

They're made from coyote pelts actually.

And those thing are a nuisance.

Only good thing I can say about the company is that their trappers drive the population down in some parts of northern Ontario.

>> No.12911184

the latest nike x negroballer/rapper/entertainer collab
going to concerts to see their favourite drugged up rapper perform
going to festivals to spend a couple hundred on drugs and cheap booze just to hallucinate in the mud for a few days
bottle service at the club
meals out at mid-range restaurants
holidays. holidays... where do i begin... you have your holidays with the gf to some exotic location, then you have your holidays to cheap shitty countries to get drunk and fuck cheap hookers, then you have your holidays to greek or spanish islands to get wasted every day. so many holidays
what really gets overlooked though is all the little things they buy to momentarily enter the realm of the wealthy e.g. 5 dollar coffees, taxis, takeaways
it really is amazing how the miracle of credit and the consumer economy can drive ordinary folk to live constantly above their means, thus voluntarily enslaving themselves to what is essentially debt bondage to sustain their house of cards

>> No.12911209

Surprised these are still around and in style, they were the bag of choice for hipster girls when I was in high school over ten years ago.

>> No.12911277

lmao where do you think the fill comes from dummy? CG makes predominately shit tier products for the nouveau riche to larp as arctic explorers. Once upon a time I was associated with a retailer who would have tour busses full of chinese mainlanders pull up and buy any and everything with the CG disc slapped on it. All interactions I had with their sales reps and marketers were equally tacky. Wouldn't be caught dead in one of their jackets and that's without even getting into the cruelty implicit in their supply chain.

>> No.12911307

coffe and chakes that cost more than a kilo of copper

>> No.12911322

>own a Canada goose jacket
> it’s a knockoff
> have student debt.
>consider myself a troll

>> No.12911324

thr last point in particular fascinates me
i study with mostly women and they all moan about being broke yet go out for food every day, spending at least five bucks
its so retarded its mind boggling to me

>> No.12911328
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>pretend their rich


>> No.12911330

$4+ coffees
$7+ beers
$15+ burgers
Uber everywhere
Coach or Michael Kors purses
New phone every year
Pandora/Spotify premium

>> No.12911354

Huh? How much do you neets think food costs? If you're broke and I give you a grand... you're still broke. Brewing your own coffee isn't going to make you a millionaire.

>> No.12911361

jesus this is my sister. she's getting a Phd in fluvial geomorphology and cries about her 200k student loan debts. The debt collecters somehow have my fucking number. I went to visit her and she spends $20 bucks on a fucking caesar salad. I just shook my head. I've been eating beans and stacking LINK for a year.

>> No.12911387

You’ll have more money if you cut out unnecessary spending brainlet

>> No.12911394

You are retarded. The average white roastie spends like $20 a day on coffee, $30 on food, and then up to $200 over the weekend when she goes out clubbing with niggers. That's $28,000 a year. ALMOST THIRTY THOUSAND A YEAR

>> No.12911407
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>hurr durr just wageslave harder goy! more hours, more effort, more training MOAR wagie, MOAR, keep hustlin, don't you want that shiny new phone? that $60k SUV? they are absolutely necessary for a happy life trust me goy

>> No.12911410
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this nigga eating beans

>> No.12911411

lmao, I can tell you're a real leaf because you posted rich chinks, which is 100% accurate for the areas I visit regularly, thank you based leaf. I can't fucking believe how many nips there are... they own everything now. they just came in and overpaid for everything until they owned it all, lmao and the canadians that lived their whole lives there are selling out and abandoning ship for 5x what they paid for their little shitty houses. insanity up there right now

>> No.12911418

OP is only describing late millennials. Early millenials are more like Gen-X.

>> No.12911420
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What is worse? Buying a Canada Goose jacket to pretend you're rich? Or giving your money to a "content creator" like pic related?

>> No.12911424

A $3 coffee every single day of your working year would set you back about 700. 1 broke anon + $700 = u still broke. Retail frugality is a meme.

>> No.12911433

How much do you get paid for spamming biz? Is it enough to buy a fancy coffee in Mumbai?

>> No.12911444

You’re exaggerating. They probably spend $5-10 on coffee and they have maybe one fast food meal, which is $15> in most cases. They aren’t clubbing every weekend unless they are really young or at least 7/10s. I’d say they spend closer to $6-8k on those three every year.

>> No.12911449

I get paid in linkies thank you very much.

Imagine the smell.

>> No.12911459

Coffee 1-2 times daily,eating out/fast food, buying useless shit you don’t need. It adds up by the end of the year, and most Americans could use the extra thousands of dollars.

>> No.12911468

For real, how much do you make? Where can I sign up to be a "promotion partner"?

>> No.12911482
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$700 + 15-20% income tax + 7% sales tax - years of potential compounding interest, when combined with all the other wasteful spending = where the fuck did all my money go, how am I ever going to retire

Also - $3 coffee is really reaching to make your point because everyone knows these bitches spend $4-5 dollars on them, and not just on the days they work. Also, they don't just get coffee, they'll get a pastry or some other overpriced bullshit. They'll have 18 different cell phone cases. They'll have an accessory attachment for each of them. They'll have a stick to hold their phone with, they'll have ugg boots, they'll have a coach bag, they'll have a fresh dye job every 45 days, they'll have their nails done every week or two, they'll eat out 3-5 times a week, they'll buy pre-packaged and sorted shit at the store instead of buying bulk and separating at home, they'll buy a cleaner for every single specific object in the home when a rag would work fine, they'll buy $15 rolls of paper towels instead of re-using a cloth, they'll buy $100 bottles of perfume... is retail frugality a meme? complete fucking retard.

>> No.12911494

>Spotify premium

I'm a student so I get spotify for 5 bucks a month

Not a bad deal imo

>> No.12911502

Vacations to Europe after graduation, big expensive weddings, going out and drinking expensive beer every weekend

>> No.12911517
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imagine liking cool things, and not being able to use them because you're not a 13-22 year old qt grill.

>> No.12911537


>it really is amazing how the miracle of credit and the consumer economy can drive ordinary folk to live constantly above their means

Except it can't, because when you constantly take money from the future to spend in the now you're eventually going to end up in that future without money. That time has arrived. The reckoning is here. Austerity for those who were wasteful, riches for those who saved up wisely. The housing bubble has popped, the retail bubble has popped, the stocks bubble has popped as the central banks stopped buying them in January.

What's next? Massive deflation followed by hyperinflation most likely. Either that or straight to hyperinflation because the ECB and other retards print money in such quantities that it's worthless.

>> No.12911538

Adds up? Technically, sure. I wouldn't say no to a few hundred USD, who would. But these beans and rice loving, roastie hating incels are totally deluded. They're computing all these 30 year compound savings when the fact is your entire lifetime of coffee will probably be dwarfed by some random misc medical expense. You get a tooth knocked out by a hobo outside that cheap café you like? That will cost more than all the coffee you ever drink.
We don't use profile pictures here.

>> No.12911554


>fluvial geomorphology

Sounds like she'll go into high-class porn then

>> No.12911561


That's just food and drinks. Imagine all the useless shit they buy like macbooks, iphones, shoes, clothes and all other kinds of overpriced brand garbage. I see these assholes on a regular basis. As soon as they have money, they burn it. As soon as there are bills, they complain.

>> No.12911563

Except it would be closer to a few grand than a few hundred. I’m not saying that we should all live frugally, but there are things we can cut out of our daily lives that would make us better off in the long run. Obviously there are going to be some incels itt that greatly overestimate the amount you’d save like the rare that said $28k but this is good advice for everybody.

>> No.12911564

>studying rivers and streams
>Ph. D
>200k debt

How the fuck is she going to pay this off

>> No.12911571

I guarantee no one cares if you wear one of those, but you WILL look like a huge faggot. Never seen a straight guy wearing a Kanken before.

>> No.12911584

Pornhub premium

>> No.12911604
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oh i wouldn't wear that lol, im just saying, there's a lot of cool shit out there.

I want a 70s era honda motorcycle. and when i showed someone the bike they said "that's cute"

and i was like, wat? im a 30 year old man, i can't be riding on a "cute" motorcycle.

>> No.12911635

How retarded are you? Women use "cute" in a belittling way. She said that on purpose to hurt your ego. Women all know that they just call something a man likes "cute" to belittle his ego. The fact that you are letting a petty roastie dictate your life is so fucking sad.

>> No.12911653

actually it was a male friend

>> No.12911659

she's been a redditor for at least 10 years. I'm sure she's encourage by the circlejerks over there saying 'do what you love xd'. Eventually those kind of retards will hit a critical mass and they'll vote to forgive all the loan debt at the white man's expense.

>> No.12911665

Listening to Pandora and an ad just came on to have Wendys delivered via Doordash. Wtf, who does that?

>> No.12911668

uhm you pay 10$ and you get an 8$ cheeseburger

>> No.12911678

plus tip. so a $25 burger with fries and a drink

>> No.12911697
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>ftw 27 year old man who still looks baby-faced and still gets called "cute" by women all the time
Explains why the middle aged ladies at work all love me but no one my age wants anything serious with me. Not dating until I make it anyway so fuck it.

>> No.12911716

There is a new explosion of high earning single young women who are injecting money into the economy by purchasing useless tripe.

It's part of the reason large corps. are still pushing the feminist narrative

>> No.12911731

Start banging milfs and 20y/o, you're in the eternal youth sweetspot you mong

>> No.12911736

Lifting is your only salvation

>> No.12911744

Not interested in 20 year olds. MILFs can get it for sure though.

>> No.12911758

If she’s white and at least a 7/10 she will find plenty of beta providers who would pay off her debt while she fucks chad on the side

>> No.12911765

You're like the exact opposite of a normal male.
Twenty is still getting old though.

>> No.12911775

I want a woman who has her shit together. Not raising someone else's kid but I would certainly fuck an older lady. 20 year olds are retarded.

>> No.12911778

Go full Milf then man, some of the best sex I've had has been with super horny milfs obsessed with my young looks, one of them was a poly who eventually brought another milf along for a threesome

>> No.12911781

Underated post. I'd never thought about it like this before.

>> No.12911783

Fucking based

>> No.12911792

What makes you think she'll have her shit together just because she's older?
If people are capable of getting their shit together then typically they're already on their way to doing it when they're young.

Younger women look and feel nicer anyway.

>> No.12911798

Medfag sales here. 90% of my sales calls are with women and I’m single. How do you seal the deal and go from friendly banter or even light flirting to drinking the fine wine? I’m 33 and there are chicks in their late 40’s / early 50’s that I suspect would be down if I made the effort, but you also don’t want to shit where you eat.

>> No.12911804

Forgot to mention if women as a collective were capable of getting their shit together we wouldn't have such rampant feminism, emotional support animals, single mothers, etc.
Retarded women getting old just means uglier, retarded women.

>> No.12911807

Starbucks isn't really a thing to pretend you're rich, if it's on campus like it is on mine, it's just a convenient way to get some tea or coffee.

>> No.12911815


>> No.12911818

>new explosion of high earning single young women who are injecting money into the economy
Most of their high earnings comes from skimming away pay from more productive positions to give the women their pay in the first place.

It's just more bullshit.

>> No.12911837

I'm a firm believer a large group of Millennials will be near suicidal when they realized they had their retirement in their hands I'm 2017, but got sidetracked by scams because they're retards.

>> No.12911870

don't worry, they'll be in positions of power by then and will make everyone else share the cost of their mistakes

>> No.12911897

And the third worlders.

I hope you guys are developing marketable skills, wrapping yourselves in certifications, and keeping your passport current. Having options is worthwhile.

>> No.12911906

OP is a boomer.

qt Asian girls at work have these.

>> No.12911915
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>> No.12911964



>> No.12911975


Since when have so many reasonable people browsed biz? This thread actually gives me hope.

>> No.12911979

canada goose, bape, iphone X, overpriced shitty dell/hp gaming laptops, basketball shoes
(chinese specific:) bmw/porsche suvs/supreme gear
(nigger specific:) gucci/michael kors/louis vuitton clothes/wallets/bags

>> No.12911985
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>> No.12911988

Right? No trap porn, cat gore or discussions about period blood thus far; I’m thoroughly impressed.

>> No.12912805
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Don't forget the " I travelled a lot" meme.
Aber friend of mine ist always broke and used the little savings he had in a trip to Japan. Fucking weeb
Expensive cameras, clothing and furniture.
Aber friend of mine dropped fucking five grands on a couch.
My swabian blood was boiling.
A colleague of my girl tried to impress me with her car- sehr earns the same as the GF, which ist a third of my salary....
Fucking societal circlejerk

>> No.12912810

*A friend
*Another friend
Sorry mates

>> No.12912819
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>> No.12912824
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>> No.12912831

Apple Watch and AirPods

>> No.12912847

kek came here to post these
fucking roastie herd mentality

>> No.12912850


When the world is a scene and the person is an actor in it for social apps and the like, so the person thinks that the world is my playground oyster when it's just mind control propaganda psyops

>> No.12912883


>> No.12912909

lol looked at the canada goose site for keks and holy shit theyre trying to sell a fucking $20 hoodie for $475

>> No.12912970
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I think we are officially entering the hyperinflation
Of course it won't reflect in salaries
Venezuela coming

>> No.12913423

Canada goose is arabs fashion. In western europe, mostly arabs wear those.

>> No.12913945

you can literally get the ad free cracked version with downloads enabled and everything else for free.

>> No.12913976

New phones every year, cars they know they cant afford, mac laptops, tattoos, spending $300 on alcohol and clubbing every weekend,

>> No.12914045

renting a condo in downtown Toronto for 3500/month

>> No.12914081

That is a faggy bike though
Are you afraid of blacks? Just get a fast sport bike with modern technology. You'll love the speed man. Stop being a hipster cuck. Do you only listen to records? If so, then yeah "cute" kys

>> No.12914735

don't say kys that's horrible anon!

>> No.12914751


Relax dude, people do have different tastes besides yours. Doesn't make them better or worse than you either, just different. Maybe all they want to do it putt around on a little cafe racer. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12914772


How many linkies?

>> No.12914779

>cafe racer

wow so that's what those are called, they look awesome

>> No.12914806


Its not their fault, this attitude and lifestyle is reinforced by their boomer parents. And this isn't a boomer hate post but there is a vested interest on the part of the boomer to validate this lifestyle, otherwise they'll have to come to the conclusion that a large part of their own lives was spent on obtaining resources to buy useless vapid goods that didn't bring them any lasting enjoyment.

That's a pretty tough pill to swallow, especially when you're only a couple years from death. So they double down by living vicariously through their kids. I'm actually really happy (and proud) my mom found that one lady who tells you how to throw your shit away. We should honestly encourage boomers to do that, they need it.

> t.28 yo whiteboi burger