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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12909516 No.12909516 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say you took up selling drugs as a second source of income from a day job that didn't bring home enough cash for you. You save in the neighborhood of 10-30k from your illicit activities, how would you keep it safe and wash it so you could invest more legitimately in the future without fear of consequences? Where would you then use your washed savings of 10-30k for the most reliable and profitable return you could?

You always see in movies big gangsters or blue collar crimes in hudreds of thousands to million dollar increments, allowing lots of options and persuading power, more cash to spend to get it clean and stored safely. Im curious what people would do with a more moderate amount. You could just hold on to it and very slowly dole it out in cash purchases, but I for the sake of discussion Im curious how you would reinvest that amount.

>> No.12909539

bump for chicken waifu

>> No.12909542

There's almost no nation on Earth that will check into you having 20k extra cash.

>> No.12909543

What's with the increase in glow niggers latley?

>> No.12909556

where would they draw the line in the US? 50k? 100k? I know thats a drop in the ocean of most big illicit businesses but the IRS is a big big section of the government. If you spend or deposit over 10k it gets reported so you would have to keep your spending small either way.

>> No.12910314


>> No.12910700

Interesting question, OP. Offshore banking isn't only for criminals, though. Some people are paranoid enough that they fear authorities for possibly seizing their belongings for no better reason. So they put their money to where ever it's safe from the government.

>> No.12910714

Interesting question Federal Officer. None of us on here know the answer to your honey pot because everyone here is too busy posting chAinlink memes.

>> No.12910721

>moves funds to another jurisdiction
>now subject to that jurisdiction’s bullshit government too

>> No.12910774

Oh sorry Mutt your fucked! You guys have WAY to much freedom to open bank account without letting the IRS know!

Relinquish OR start a trust or offshore company & do that corporations banking in another country!
Not a mutt, so its difficult to answer, but you guys are heavily restricted, check out FATCA.
FYI your idea of suitcases full of money is dead.

>> No.12911188

So buying crypto is the only way for mutts to go.

>> No.12911301

crypto seems like a small fraction as quality of an investment as it used to be, and wouldn't be good for saving large amounts of cash for the same reasons - its unstable and not for the better from what ive seen. good for converting and spending anonymously but just that.

>> No.12911332

I would say unless you have quite a lot, its not going to happen...i dunno though, you gotta have some connections though..or get scammed.

Look into starting up a company (anywhere), convert cash to a cashers cheque/bank transfer, pay that company the funds in a bank in another country...pay tax, i don't know, i am not a criminal.
Set up a loan & use the ill-gotten gains as payment (saw it in a movie, Sicario i think) = )

>> No.12911512
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>> No.12911700
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>> No.12911706

this is a total glow nigger thread my man

>> No.12912008

>ask questions about dealing drugs
>board assumes its cia niggery and not regular niggery