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12905423 No.12905423 [Reply] [Original]

I've read many wise words here on /biz/ yet I have few more question about the programming career path im about to take.

>29 yo energy technology and environmental engineering master degree
>pretty much no experience (just before finishing studies went for 2 year life-travelling journey)
>2 years of experience in IT company working as business analyst/consultant, but desu didnt do much during this time: thats when i got involved in crypto
> i have opportunity to start at least half-year long stationary coding classes in python/java (found them as i've decided i want go into big data/machine learning/data engineering fuckin love big amount of data and recognizing the patterns)
>im after two weekends of classes and im.. disgusted and disenchanted. i kind of dont like it, the entire idea of mathematical puzzles I have to solve..
>im too nervous, violent and rapid. love to move, love to sport and change my environment..

any of u switched u career to coding? iI'm depressed/discouraged because it's something new and demanding, or it's just not for me? i have two mining rigs (10GPUL already 2 milions of NIMIQ) running on free electricity, loading me monthly of free shitcoins yet i need some income to stop NEETing.
preferably would like to start regular work from 8-16 as data engineer but not that many open positions in my city/region (silesia, poland)

share ur coding-wanna-be stories if u dont mind, have more of this goddess..

>> No.12905450
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fuck sake, cant even type properly lol

>> No.12905610

well nigga it takes years to learn coding and get beyond pajeet level. So start now and in 4 years at 40-60h a week you might make some decent dough. Also learn online, school is a scam.

>> No.12905620

yeah, you don't sounds like a programmer type, m8

>> No.12905744

You can't fool us. shoo pajeet shoo

>> No.12905755

I totally dont. But here in poland they take every1 cos so many of them r needed. After 1 year of internship u can land decent job. But i dont fuckin fell it at all

>> No.12905759

fucking hell how is that much beauty even possible...

>> No.12905766

Actually been in india, amazing country.

>> No.12905793

If I am Russian should I try to apply?

>> No.12905802

she won. intergalactic beauty contest is hereby closed for the next decade or two

>> No.12905811

Learn golang faggot

>> No.12905820

>wants to do machine learning and 'big data'
>is disgusted by math puzzles
typical polish narcissistic lazy retard

>> No.12905833

Tbh I would suggest you don't. You need to be a very particular type of person to do this, either a nerd that enjoys the math puzzles or a Stacy that can fake it and land a manager position. If you are a man, you don't fit either (unless gender re-assignment surgery is in your plans).

>> No.12905867

Your type of person is the type Hitler wanted to eradicate, and for good reasons. Stupid, lazy AND entitled.

>> No.12905877

I'm doing that rn for fun but I don't see where it's useful for jobs. Everything seems to need c# or php.

>> No.12905901

Yeah if u can code and speak decent English they will take ya. Tons of jobs everywhere, especially Warsaw, krakow, silesia ,wroclaw
Fuck off German.
As i see coding is developing functions that give desired result but with data u can process using it variable tools, u dont need to code to do that, even fuckin Excel will do the thing. And fuck off to ur nazi camps moron
True : (
Will check it, thanks
As ive said.. by an accident ive yravelled the world for two years, ive teached skiing in china and ride bike in vietnan..
I will land position as data eng i guess..

>> No.12905913

You’re a piece of shit he’s just trying to get some advice.

>> No.12905921
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White women with blonde hair are top tier, only anime soibois prefer asian
(Latinas come close second after whites)

>> No.12905964

He doesn't want advice. He clearly thinks he achieved something and attempt to portray himself in some grandiose manner, while accomplishing pretty much nothing. What yo'll find is that if you give him any advice, he'll become aggressive as it ruins his narrative of being correct at all times.

>> No.12905987

Where can I buy this doll.
I want to play with this pretty doll.
I want to break this doll.

>> No.12906034

Actually i did achieve things like being able to quit drinking/drugs and get my shit together and even leave homecountry for two fuckin years seeing half of the world u fuckin piece of shit
I said thay because that thing points out what type of person i am (entp) and mighy have impact what ppl write here (similiar experiences etc)
Ive also found a way to fund myself 10xRTX2060 mining rig for free and generate over two fuckin milions of nim for free. back to bunkeer hans

>> No.12906043


>> No.12906095

Programming isn't an esoteric knowledge reserved for geniuses and is more akin to the plumbers and builders in the construction industry

That means it's really fairly simple and anyone can do it but you have to be a particular type of person to really enjoy the process. Things change when you want to progress further though - just like how builders can't be architects, programmers will need more math knowledge to be able to design powerful stuffs

>> No.12906104

That is precisely why math and computer science tend to be seen as a "complete" education - they are absurdly compatible with each other like yin and yang while still being disgustingly versatile

>> No.12906105
File: 61 KB, 604x748, natalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mbti is total bullshit and not used by psychologists.
>disgusted and disenchanted. i kind of dont like it, the entire idea of mathematical puzzles I have to solve
what did you expect and what do you hate? Im considering the same path.
i beg to differ. pic related

>> No.12907228
