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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12905421 No.12905421 [Reply] [Original]

is 10k truly enough?

i feel like it isn't

>> No.12905441

In a few years probably, they're targeting a huge market and it looks like they're taking the right steps to be successful

>> No.12905506
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nice and genuine response, thanks fren

>> No.12905520


>> No.12905525

Anon, 1k is enough to make it.

>> No.12905532

Only have 3k and I'm comfy asf

>> No.12905549

>it looks like they're taking the right steps to be successful
kek no. real projects like ETH and EOS had a mainnet and hundreds of devs using their platform 1 year in. Link is a proven scam at this point. They're just slowly exist scamming instead of doing it all at once.

>> No.12905604

>fell for the link meme

you have to be lucky to listen to /biz/ and still make money, by hoping they shill a project with real value. Link is legit a meme to people who did their research

>> No.12905631
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Link is a meme is a meme is a meme.

>> No.12905637

you need a minimum 100k to make it. probably to retire you'll need 200k.

>> No.12905663


>> No.12905678

Anon. 5K is enough to make it. Hell, 1K will PROBABLY be enough to make it. Even the majority of linkies really cannot fathom where link is going. Now, the caveat there is if you have weak hands and sell early you will kill yourself even harder

>> No.12905726

Receptive to a response that you want to hear. Color me surprised. You do know ur not likely to see any meaningful profit from this junk token right

>> No.12905740

40k to make it.

>> No.12905752

Hundreds of projects using which don't offer any real world value or make anyone any money. LINK will make businesses money.

Will it actually go to $1k? Nobody knows. I definitely believe it's possible but it would require a majority of LINK locked into nodes. More importantly, it will require that LINK actually sees usage from large business. If that does happen, you can bet your ass this will be the single largest crypto play in history other than MAYBE BTC.

>> No.12905779

1-5k stack seems small only because other /biz/ members are holding large stacks. Remember only a small amount of people know/own link.

in the future 100 will be a sizeable stack.

hold on, and good luck passing the time until we get there marines.

>> No.12905785

20k is enough to make it if LINK pays off. You sell your LINK at 1k and put it into government bonds and are able to live off the interest. But with the thrill of that successful of an investment lodged in your memory, that will never be enough to satisfy. If LINK makes you rich you will no longer be a slave to poverty, but a slave to risk.

>> No.12905790

There is ONE BILLION link tokens. You need at least 100k. The supply won't be 300M forever.

>> No.12905813

If it ever has value the supply will literally never be 1 billion. It is required that tokens be locked into nodes. The more value the token has the higher the likelihood that means staking in nodes is valuable / excellent passive income. If LINK succeeds it will likely mean holding your LINK is essentially a better/more profitable move than selling, even if selling makes you millions. Very few LINK would be on the open market, probably less than there is even now. That will inherently drive price up further. Market cap is a meaningless stat for a staking crypto, because total supply doesn't mean available supply. Demand would vastly outpace supply which is exactly what drives price up.

>> No.12905825

listen here you little shit, all you linkies with your 5k stacks thinking you will make is delusion. You need atleast 100k to make it.

>> No.12905844

700k to make it minimum

>> No.12905865

Nobody knows anon. As a few people already said this at this very moment is a vaporware as far as we know.

Assblaster who has a proven track record of being able to predict a few things said 10k but this valuation was at 200k usd. For me that’s not really making it. Making it is 10+ million usd if you ask me

>> No.12905890

This istpp difficult for me to translate. Are you saying buy link.

>> No.12905893
File: 176 KB, 750x746, 8021E5D5-5D26-4504-A690-47D6479EC3B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is def not just a meme. They have Swift as their partner. The funny thing is if Swift partnered with ripple those xrp fags will scream 1000eoy in our faces. We already got this, so I don’t understand how you say it’s a scam.

>> No.12905959


>> No.12905978

>swift is a partner XD
>literally did a POC for bond payments 3 years ago and nothign came of it
>dis meenz SWIFT will use LINK for all their transfers worldwide!!!!!!

link sounds cool if your a tech illiterate brainlet
it's literally shopin 2.0

>> No.12905984

My repeating digits confirm that 10k will be more than enough.

>> No.12906052

LIsten up friendo, Swift is definitely working with smart contracts if you did your research and read the document released last year you would know. Swift and Chainlink need test runs and trial periods, Swift moves trillions of dollars on the daily. They are not coming out and saying it just yet, but if you look hard enough the crumbs are there. Chainlink is the only answer for Swift as no other companies are doing this right now. Unless you count chains pace but that’s Facebook money not bank money

>> No.12906247

10k is more than enough to retire comfortably.

>> No.12906313

10k is about 30 ETH, not many people have even 10 ETH. To own 10k is to be able to spend 30 ETH *today*, which is a lot already. I expect a 3-7x against ETH from here max (hopefully more), which means in the next bull run you'll have easily 100+ ETH (if you actually take fucking profits), and then you can sell that easily for over 5k in the future, which is about enough to be comfy for life if you dont touch the principle.

It's also enough to build a portfolio and take on higher risk since you're probably younger than most with that kind of capital to spend. So in about 15 years you can live *comfy* while doing other things with your life, and then wake up in 15 years and worth over 2 mil liquid, because you were comfy and put a decent salary away for all those years. With 2mil, you can take out 80k with much risk of losing your portfolio and live your life as you want as a human.

that's a pretty good deal for what, 5k? What else would you do with 5k lol? 5k is rent for like max 6 months. You should have these savings to invest anyways.

Worth the risk IMO

>> No.12906337

if you feel like it isnt you have no idea what chainlink is and whats its trying to accomplish

>> No.12906359


I was skeptical at first, but after research I went all in. Super comfy

>> No.12906408

>not many people have even 10 ETH
10 eth is only a bit over 1 grand, I find this hard to believe.

>> No.12906414
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This is clown world Rajesh Google translate will not help you

>> No.12906461

>10k = 210 btc
>enough to pay off your parents mortgage and pay for their expenses to travel the world
>enough buy arable land, set up homestead and allow them to live in among nature and animals for the remainder of their lives in a spiritually fulfilling manner

it is a comfy amount anon, any other extras are for selling early.

>> No.12906465

What he is saying is link is a meme is a meme is not a meme, is actually a meme.
Got it?

>> No.12906484
File: 104 KB, 916x1200, 1551557450167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Rajesh don't listen to this pajeet scammer. What I'm saying is that link is meme is a meme is meme. Which is itself a meme and this is also a meme. Okay get it?
T. Stiff and coffee-pilled

>> No.12906486

It is never enough desu

>> No.12906556

I took out 200k loan to buy ChainLINK based on 4chan so it better turn out to be a good investment

>> No.12906566

what happened to the thing already being built and they were just quickly rewriting it in GO

>> No.12906590

links basically junk

>> No.12906601

I hate you faggots who pay more attention to bullshit “how much” versus seeing the bigger picture, Ari Juels and the occult


>> No.12906629

That’s holo bro.

>> No.12906657

Holy shit I forgot about this. Why has nobody talked about this for 18 months? Fuck. It really is a scam isn't it?

>> No.12906693

dude i can only afford to buy 100 usd a month in crypto. its a rough life leaving me with decisions like "do i buy holo or link"

>> No.12906974

Why so little? Do you work fulltime?