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12904719 No.12904719 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12904740
File: 38 KB, 800x450, 46d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what i do and sleep with your coworkers. I mean what could possibly go wrong *nervous laughter*

>> No.12905001

Bro, just find a cool bar near you.
You can drink Pepsi all night if your a faggot that can't stomach a couple beer.
Take one to two shots of tequila while there. Just linger. Go daily for fuck sakes. Spend literal hours there.
Some Stacie that frequents the bar will approach you.
Don't be a faggot and pick a girl because your standards are too high. Just be you when she talks to you and you'll be flattered when she reciprocates. Don't be afraid to ask her if she wants to get out of there and head back to yours.
Simple. It's reallllly not that hard.
You've created a fake barrier that you can't pass because you have the wall in mind.
You can do it anon bro. Fat or skinny or buff. I have faith in you.

>> No.12905017

Just get a mail order bride, like what the fuck, how hard is that op. I prefer the Russian mail order brides but Russian women are pretty crazy and likely to fuck you over. The Asian ones will stay loyal to you atleast aslong as you treat them good

>> No.12905042

>just bee urself!
Awful advice, op you need to make an effort to make yourself desirable. Ask yourself: why would a woman want to date you? If you can’t find a good reason then you need to take steps toward self improvement.

>> No.12905055

I don't want someone I love watching me dying, that would be fucking traumatic. "I don't want to age alone", that should be the sentence.

Now anon, answer to yourself: what are you really doing for changing your situation. Are you even trying to make yourself more physically and intellectually attractive? Do you go out of your comfort zone? Crying on biz doesn't fix anything, you lazy fuck.

>> No.12905078
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i broke up with gf 3 days ago, it's just another memory. getting a gf is nothing special, finding a soulmate is a whole other thing

>> No.12905088

>getting a gf is nothing special, finding a soulmate is a whole other thing
Well good for me I’m bad at both of those

>> No.12905097

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.12905123

I am ok looking, but bald and 35 years old. I also live with my mom. Do I even have a chance for a 5/10 gf?

>> No.12905219

How can we profit from OP being a giant faggot

>> No.12905242


You should listen to this. also most likely you have some sort of mother-complex. you need to figure that out too.

>> No.12905945

I'm a 33 year old 5' 9" manlet, loosing hair on my crown. Most women don't care if you are fat, skinny bald or rich. They care how you make then feel when you are around them. When you have confidence and don't care what they think it drives them mad. They will spend their energy pursuing you simply because you don't care about them.

>> No.12906193

I have a girlfriend but she hasnt hung out with me since november. am I being cucked?

>> No.12906225

You may be cucked buddy. She should desire your company.

>> No.12906248

It's over.

>> No.12906332

Women only want Chad. I don't want to be alone either, but it's better that I accept the truth. This is why I plan on living with my parents indefinitely, even though I could easily afford to move out. I'd be even more depressed living alone.

>> No.12906374

Shave your head, hit the gym, and move out. Then you have a shot. Until then, don't bother.

>> No.12906388

Where does this meme come from? Where you do you live? In every single bar I've been to, people go in groups. Girls with their girl friends, guys with their guy friends, or couples. Nobody's there alone and if they were just by themselves and randomly approached someone they would immediately be labelled a creep. I'm not even a normie this is just a fact.

>> No.12906395
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women are overrated

>> No.12906396

This guy hasn't been to a bar in years lol
This is true. Women who are horny and want an easy fuck don't go to the bar for the guy who is lingering there drinking alone LOL. They install tinder, match with chad and fuck him. If you are an incel on tinder you should just give up because lurking at a bar isn't going to change anything.

>> No.12906400

bluepilled as fuck

>> No.12906611

holy red pilled as fuck
you can date and fuck all the girls you want but if they arent a long term relationship, they will become just fleeting memories.

>> No.12906619

Fucking source?

>> No.12906659

WTF? This is actually a chick. Gross.

>> No.12907035
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