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File: 7 KB, 275x183, Maxim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12904367 No.12904367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: How fucked your family is

You know your family is fucked up when the most successful person in it is a boylover (me in this case)

>> No.12904374
File: 419 KB, 1158x686, 1_BRJuVwF0LHlmiLT5dB5BWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.12904379

Kill yourself pedx

>> No.12904380

Let me tell in a way you'll understand...
Fuck my family be, because homosexual pedophile it's most succesful member be

>> No.12904388

Thanks for not assuming my gender
Shut up or i'll suck your son

>> No.12904389

OP is zombie Michael Jackson

>> No.12904392

Yo yo yo bjs for all lol

>> No.12904398

Lol a funny pedx

>> No.12904403

sick the pigs on 'em.

>> No.12904429

Stick the penis on them?
Thanks friendx
He was innocent!

>> No.12904450

Nice dick in your id

>> No.12904462


>> No.12904472
File: 25 KB, 150x152, orwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more boys anon

>> No.12904478

Rough shit, baseddick. Hope you get the help you need.

Check out H is for Hawk -- good book about, among other things, a deeply self-loathing boylover

>> No.12904479
File: 154 KB, 1200x1800, Meu namoradinho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12904490
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>> No.12904498

>Rough shit, baseddick. Hope you get the help you need.
I need a boy to love and do lewd stuff with, that's the help i need

>> No.12904506

Were you molested by a priest, Op?
Why do you think you are the way you are?
Dont you want to kill yourself just cause

>> No.12904518

Best 5ex Ever 4 d1ck

faggot confirmed

>> No.12904523
File: 7 KB, 120x120, 1857063_Zaaru_blepreb1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

que menino fofo anon

>> No.12904540

Bem gatinho mesmo, uma pena não ter amigos shotafags para conversar e trocar figurinhas.

>Were you molested by a priest, Op?
>Why do you think you are the way you are?
Maybe because it was a forbidden stuff in a very religious family
>Dont you want to kill yourself just cause
Nah, in fact i want to be immortal, a shame it's impossible

>> No.12904763

eu so faco esse tipo de contato por deep web :/

>> No.12905175

Te entendo.
Realmente é arriscado fora de lá.

>> No.12905186

my parents did the bare minimum raising me.

just food and lodging and a smack when i fucked up. never any hugs.

at least i finally learned at 24 that i'm supposed to scrub my asshole when showering.

>> No.12905188

Caucasians are doomed.

>> No.12905211

All thanks to the brits, destroyers of civilizations

>> No.12905841

Tell me about YOUR family guys

>> No.12905907
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I'm the poor one in the family so I have that going for me.

>> No.12905935

At least you are were with us fella

>> No.12905960
File: 45 KB, 500x345, sometimes-all-you-need-is-a-hug-4431506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet buddies. When bitcoin goes up it will be better. That or I'm really just wasting my life on magic internet money.

>> No.12906004

>mom is a fucking retard who cheated on my dad and screwed him in the divorce which ended in him getting forreclosed on for his property that's now worth millions
>mom gets with a series of rich guys after dad
>one dies, leaves her a trust fund
>she burns $8 million dollars in 2 years and is now bankrupt
>she's trying to screw dead husbands kids out oftheir trust fund
>decides to quit her meds and do only medical weed, turns into even bigger basket case
>decides to give my wife medical weed without telling her
>wife fails drug test
>mom threatens her if she narcs
>wife decides to divorce me
>won't apoloigze to my wife
>needs my signature to get the trust transferred to screw my former step stiblings
>I won't do it because my mom is a degenerate piece of shit
>she calls my dad to complain

that's my family

>> No.12906015
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it will go up 129838932189 times so i can finally find a 12yo boyfriend and be happy forever and buy steam games for /biz/

>> No.12906018

8 million in 2 years....jesus man how in the world. Sounds like a whirlwind of so much nope. Sorry to hear you have to go through that.

>> No.12906031

She deserves to die, i can help you with that.

>> No.12906039

I think it will. No way governments do anything if they can't make money. It's just taking forever. Lol I wish I was 12 and banging some hot chick it tis not the case.

>> No.12906317

The banks are behind the governments, they will try to do anything to make more money, so the only way crypto will be the future would be if they find a way to control people with crypto

>> No.12906351

They kinda have already started with kyc/aml requirements. The control part is being able to track money flow. Force exchanges to not allow transfers from certain addresses. Maybe implement some social credit score like China. *shrug* rich will stay rich but every now and then you can grab some of those chicken tendies. Just be sure to leave a few for the tax man. Lol

>> No.12906386

That's some grade +A redpill

>> No.12906402

In this day and age even most low IQ plebs know to hire an accountant and invest any outlandish earnings.

I'm so sorry for you.

>> No.12906426

Ya let them fight amongst themselves. I spent 2 years trying to figure what the hell is going on in the world. All it did was make me angry and lose friends. Biz is pretty cool. You seem like a nice person. Only annoying thing is link shilling. Omg why so much shill baka. Passes the time by I suppose. Well there was that post about the teacher that banged some student. That was kinda funny.

>> No.12906445

Even drug dealer NIGGERS here are smarter than that

>You seem like a nice person.
Thanks, people in general think i am a nice person, even the ones who know i am into boys.
>Only annoying thing is link shilling.
You are goddamn right.

>> No.12906457

MJ was innocent you bluepilled faggot

>> No.12906493

Well being into younger people has been around since forever. Jews and Muslims are allowed to marry young along with Catholics. The pedo shit really just seems like a finger to point. Same dumb shit like someone who has to go to jail for a gram of weed. Society perspectives are fucked.

I watched some videos about a guy that was caught dating a 14yo in the Philippines. Her mom was okay with it until police were involved. Seemed to start looking like extortion. But I dunno the fully story guess only the girl would know.

>> No.12906530

> It was forbidden in a religious family
Makes sense, my family isn't religious at all and we're all very pro boy love

>> No.12906532
File: 42 KB, 600x600, erik.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Brazil the age of consent is 14, so i don't have to worry much, but americans get all pissed and mad when i say i am into teenager boys

>> No.12906539

>decides to give my wife medical weed without telling her
>wife fails drug test
How exactly do you slip someone weed?

>> No.12906584

Americans have been under mind control through TV.

I've wanted to visit Brazil. I heard about that. I think it's the same Ukraine. I think 14 would be too young for me but then again at that age I was doing college level work so I could easily be okay with someone older.

Dated a 40yo when I was 20 and that was actually a great relationship. Her kids were okay with me.

>> No.12906594

Age of consent doesnt mean you wont go to jail after the teenager parents found they are with a fucked up individual and you end up being charged for rape and abuse and ocrruption of underages.

Unless you are a really good looking guy that will fuck shy twinks.

>> No.12906614

Whenever bitcoin moons I'd rather marry someone younger. Give my parents money give the girls parents money. Everyone can be happy and not be so damn poor. Plus would be better for me and the girl if she gets pregnant before college. Dreams will be dreams I suppose.

>> No.12906628

damn this is gay as fuck bro

homosexuality is not normal

>> No.12906650
File: 87 KB, 750x538, AN00547188_001_l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexuality is not normal

it's as old as civilization.

>> No.12906652

doesn't make it normal

>> No.12906736


>> No.12906761

You are right
Nope, it's not like that down here, we are NOT like america in that regard
The most advanced civilizations were the ones where pederasty was allowed

>> No.12906789

Thanks. Out of curiosity you said your family is okay with it; how did that conversation happen?

>> No.12906795

I actually never told them

>> No.12906824

Ah okay misread the post.
Any places in Brazil you recommend? Cell phones pretty much killed social contact in most places. Lmao I'll go to shill some linkies. All the girls like the linkies :)

>> No.12906829

Viado do caralho aposto que comprou LINK

>> No.12906836

Nah fren I bought xrp and other shitcorns

>> No.12906849

>that pic
'08 /b/ flashbacks

>> No.12906852

Just avoid Rio de Janeiro, it's our Detroit, only niggers there
I would recommend going to the South (Parana, Santa Catarina or Rio Grande do Sul)

>> No.12906856
File: 1.18 MB, 800x1201, 01672532136725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Se projetando, grande?
Só compro BTC, XMR e Nani.

>> No.12906864

Once oldfag, forever oldfag

>> No.12906871

Sweet I'll look forward to going to one of those places. Thanks fren.

>> No.12906880

Maxim is goddamn cute and hot, a shame his butt is way too flat, not that it makes a difference, i will never touch his butt anyways and he's probably old and ugly now

>> No.12906887

she makes her own FECO which is decarboxilated THC oil that gets you absolutely assblasted if you eat a little of it. All her dishes and cofee cups ahve weed residue on them. Her whole house is covered in the shit.

Most of what she got was solid dividend stocks. The guys family was in the newspaper business, so that took a big hit. But basically she viewed everything the trust would let her spend as a challenge to spend it on the stupidest shit possible, showing off like a new money pleb, and giving money to niggers in Africa that she met on facebook. Her husband had 1000's of guns inhis collection and she let some guy sell them for her and he basically ripped her off and she didn't do anything about it because god would osrt it out for her.

>> No.12906892

You are welcome fren