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12903424 No.12903424 [Reply] [Original]

>finish writing dynamic warehousing system for my company this week

>CEO tells me great work anon, this will add $2 million a year to our bottom line and eliminate a year of man hours from our yard staffing overhead

>I get my bi-monthly $1650 check for coding away my coworkers jobs and making Mr shekelstein money in 2 weeks

How do I escape this hell

>> No.12903442

well, don't pity those apes. they would have done the same. the final boss is escaping the rat race, we're all trying to figure that out

>> No.12903444

Make sure that you're the only person that understands the software, and then demand a raise or else threaten to leave.

>> No.12903453

t. chad programmer

>> No.12903457

quads confirms.

>> No.12903458

This is literally the best thing to do in this situation. And you have to tell them that you will walk if you don't get what you demand for it. Make sure they know you aren't fucking around

>> No.12903482

>tfw get about the same for sitting at home

Thanks VA

>> No.12903488


>> No.12903493

Mess up their software and demand $1 million raise or you'll leave them.

>> No.12903495

you're welcome

>> No.12903497

You make ~$40,000 by just sitting at home?
What the fuck is VA?

>> No.12903506

Virginia (?)

>> No.12903510

How is that anon making almost 40 grand a year by doing nothing?

>> No.12903511

Dept of Veterans Affairs. We compensate for military/combat related disabilities based on severity. Anon is probably at least 50% service connected.

>> No.12903521

Can you put that in easier terms? How is that fucker getting 40 grand for sitting on his ass at home? Why the fuck would he need that much?

>> No.12903532

Actually leave (no notice if legally possible), and when you get called about the system, inform your boss that you are now a consultant who charges 500 per hour

>> No.12903555

>I get my bi-monthly $1650

So, you've got an annual wage for pajeet working 14 hours a day. And you call it hell.

>> No.12903557

So, if the anon wrote the code so well, then they would have no reason to hire him for "consulting"?

>> No.12903561

probably saw his friend get blown up while doing a tour in Iraq or lost his legs due to an IED while in Afghanistan.

>> No.12903574

Basically means you gotta pay him to sit on his fat ass because he sat on a base in a desert for 8 months, and complained about """"""back pain"""""" and whatnot, so now he's """""""""""""""""""""disabled""""""""""""""""""""" and since it's """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""service connected"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" he gets thousands a month. But don't forget he's a hero, because in that 8 month time span, two mortars hit within a 20 mile radius of the base

>> No.12903595

You're right, but to get 35-40k govbucks per year, you gotta be 100% disabled, as in totally-fucked.

t. dude married to wife with 100% VA disability benefits

>> No.12903618

>Quads confirms
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12903619

I'm currently doing this. I'm in day 4 of a visible management panic. Feels good. You should do something similar OP.

t. wrote their CRM

>> No.12903622

What kind of rent does pajeet pay? How much does a fucking plate of tandoori chicken cost in Bangalore? it all evens out in the end anon

>> No.12903631

>My wife is 100% totally fucked
By Tyrone

>> No.12903638


Oy vey

>> No.12903639

i made like 100k to do the same thing its all about making it worthwhile to em

>> No.12903682

8/8 m8 :3

>> No.12903696

That’s why he quickly needs to code in certain “features” that only he is aware of. After three weeks, if inventory numbers start suddenly getting scrambled, who else could fix it?

>> No.12903716

Become a contractor for other companies, and use what your CEO just said to sell your service.

>> No.12903757

If that's true then put that under achievements as 2 separate line for your resume. Then apply elsewhere.

>> No.12903768

This is fucking hilarious and downright true. Thank you, anon.

>> No.12903802

1650,- $ are 1650,- $.
Well done Anon.

>> No.12903805


>be employer
>buy a Lamborghini
>employee congratulates me because my new Lambo is gorgeous
>tell him: "if you work very hard next two years, I will buy another one, oy vey!"

>> No.12903911

Blackmail is the fastest way to block any chance of advancement within the company. What you do is use this accomplishment to work somewhere else that values you better.

>> No.12903930

Now that's exploitation of surplus labor.


>> No.12903934

Holy shit Anon which thrid world country do you live in?

>> No.12903937

>only $1650 every 2 weeks
the beta programmer
chekt + chad programmer

>> No.12904513


>> No.12904537

just wanna say fuck you for not standing your ground and asking for what you deserve, not only is it bad for you but you ruin it for the people behind you. You literally didnt get paid in the forst place because there was someone like you (a bitch) who submitted to the higher levels for absolutely no reason. Have some fucking pride you prick, saying no is an option

>> No.12904539

Your boss isn't a jew

>> No.12904561

what happened?

>> No.12904573

No my boss is pretty cool and I like most of the people I work with. I just like the meme about (((them))).

>> No.12904982

>get that in writing
>put it on your LinkedIn
>enjoy getting another job for 3x your current salary

Use your brain dude. You’re allowed to advertise your accomplishments.

>> No.12905009

You put that one your resume and put yourself out there for other companies to court you away ny offering a shit ton of money. You have proven yourself worthy and this is the reason you learned the skills that you learned. My friend did exactly this. As a certified Linux something or other he took shit from retarded engineers who didn't know as much as him for a few years. Then, having the work experience, he started talking to other companies and got a far better paying job. Then he got and even better one. Now he's got his 6 figs with bonuses.

>> No.12905034
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Write it in assembly?

>> No.12905091

I'm not a coder by trade. I just learned as I had to.

I'm a chemical engineer EIT working for a civil eng company and I need management to sign off of my time to get my professional licence, which is already going to be tough since I'm inter-disciplinary.

Realistically they can make me wagecuck for any price they want for another 4 years just so I can get my P eng...

>> No.12905131

This, I'm considered 60% disabled by the VA and I get 1k a month for it. On one hand thanks for fucking me up jews, on the other hand I'm probably a guinea pig for UBI. So thanks jews.

>> No.12905135

bi monthly is twice a month or once in two months?

>> No.12905160

Become a software engineer so you don’t have to have such a shitty job

>> No.12905180

Is chemistry fucked? I have a friend with a chemistry PhD who can't find a decent job.