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File: 14 KB, 226x260, ETHEREUM-ICON_Black_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12901988 No.12901988 [Reply] [Original]

My plan is to buy at least 100 ETH while it's still sub $150. During the next bubble, cash out all when I'm at $300k. I'm yuropoor and that's my make it money. Thoughts?

>> No.12901991

There won't be another bull run. It's over.

>> No.12901993

You and every poor dipshit has the same plan. This is why it will never happen again.

>> No.12902006

This. If you didn't make it during the golden bull you are destined to wagecuck forever.
Businesses will start adopting blockchain tech, but it will be 100% private chains noone will ever use any of these public shitcoins for anything other than gambling dapps and exit scam moneygrabs

>> No.12902007

greed conquers all

>> No.12902015


There are much easier, quicker and lower risk ways of doing a x20 than that in this market.


>> make it money

$300k is fuck all no matter where you are in Europe or pretty much anywhere in the world. If you're young then over 50 years it's $6000 a year. Can even make it stretch a decade if you like and that's only $30k a year. If you get carried away you'll be ultra poor again within a few years tops.

>> No.12902019


Unironically bullish for Overledger

>> No.12902030

A few problems:
1) you missed the golden bull, that isn't happening again
2) even if it did, ETH will never be worth $3,000, ever
3) kys

>> No.12902035

you want to cash out at double ATH? If it hits 3k it will go much higher than that

>> No.12902038

>feels like 2015 all over again

>> No.12902053

Kek, the absolute state of angry newfags.

> crypto is dead
> eth is dead
> what are market cycles
> just one chance to make it

>> No.12902057

Notice how these doomers never have arguments to back up their shitty predictions. They are just as right as someone claiming there will be a bull run next year. No one knows but it's more likely than not that prices will go up long term

>> No.12902067

it will happen again with many crashes in between, we will double bottom though

>> No.12902106

Will post this once. There will not be any more market-wide bullrun. But... here is what you can do

1. Stable stack: 1 BTC / 50 ETH / 5K LINK / 500 BNB / 1000 QNT. don't touch them unless swaps

2. Create a 10K $ STO stack
5000 CHX / 2000$ SPiCE VC / rest reserve for tZero / Buy some OSTK stock.

3. Find a good "composite" trading bot from 3commas, study it and load 5K$ into that. I have found one that makes avg. 30$ / day.

When you have 500K$ + move it to a dividend fund and keep the rest in crypto to repeat.

Thank me later to make you free from wageslaving.

>> No.12902109

Why just 1 btc?

>> No.12902123

If you can execute rest of the strategy please have more BTC. Just to ensure the total portfolio starting value doesn't end up being too big.

>> No.12902148

People bought ethereum for like 1 dollar back then lmao

>> No.12902187
File: 207 KB, 719x1175, Screenshot_20190228-205006 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost a lot of money on ETH lol

>> No.12902189

ETH ico craze is over forever.
ETH does not scale.
Other platforms do and will and ETH still will not scale.
Vitalik and friends do not know how to implement scaling on ETH.
The fun days of ETH are over, it's a slow boring ride from here on out.
Enjoy those bags retard.

>> No.12902212

you forgot to insert your ETH killer

>> No.12902243

Bullshit. Whales can now profit from shorting. When the prices are low they can accumulate and pump so normies would start FOMO-ing again. Unless we get severely regulated and cucked, bull and bear markets will continue to exist as the long-term pump and dumps.

>> No.12902271

Nice portfolio. When did you buy your first crypto?

>> No.12902281

mfw people dont realise eth could have the biggest explosive fomo bubble yet with PoS

>> No.12902295

Mined back in the day while browsing /pol/ day in and day out then officially started treating it like something more than doing with my internet friends when it was around $700, so that is the entry point on the portfolio app.

>> No.12902297

Rajeet, once again, at the end of the post you are to NAME THE PRODUCT OF THE CLIENT. For fucks sake, I am paying you 7 cents per post, I expect much higher quality work from you. You are on your last thread, I am already having people in the cubicles around you wanting you fired from the smell. For the last time, jumping in the Ganges does not count as bathing. Now, continue making your posts, Creg is paying our company very valuable contracts.

>> No.12902333

Good for you! Is this your entire portfolio? So you're not a gambler with a couple of thousands in different alts. You don't need to anyways, next bull run will push you to 10mil probably.

>> No.12902367

>>12902333 (checked)
It is my entire Crypto portfolio yes. I bought a $652k house and put other money into traditional boomer stocks.

>> No.12902412

When the Gox Coins hit I'll buy your Eth for twenty dollars each.

>> No.12902605

We are in the awareness phase because of posts like this. People waiting for the next bull run like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.12902734


I know it's 2 more years till next bull it's ok anon.

>> No.12902740


How new are you? The larpers aint even trying

>> No.12902773

>1 post by ID

>> No.12902822

Hey OP , Do your own research if you like eth or whatever buy it, hold some and forget about them. ETH is a good project a bullrun can happen, but only mass adoption can do it this time not ico craze.

>> No.12903034
File: 846 KB, 2000x3000, Miss Universe - Leila Lopes - Chinese Laundry Fashion Denim launch party at Eden-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, but without irony.

There are no more greater fools to unload on.

>> No.12903798

not necessary

>> No.12903835

You almost got it, OP, but better to diversify. There will be one major smart contract platform that will be worth a trillion. It may be ETH, EOS or both. Don't put all your eggs in the same nest.

>> No.12904619
File: 1.43 MB, 3043x1113, pan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long can you wait?
My new prediction is the 2020 POTUS election is going to FUD us to the bottom.
And then we'll go sideways for two more years, until there's nobody left to sell.

>> No.12904637


Diversifying with a small stack is a shit idea, to make use of this incredible volatility we have to be //all-in and flip//

>> No.12904715

I have information the next two years are winter. But bull will come, just not for BTC.

ETH is still the best and safest way of making it IMO, just gotta have the right entry.

Just too risky with shitcoins, moneyskelly proved his worth time and time again, ETH is and will be the king. Sure shitcoins will come and go but that's just gambling.

>> No.12904724

What's the information you have?

>> No.12904747


Lenormand reading. Yeah I know anon, but I'm not larping, it would have 0 effect anyway. BTC will be crushed by competition and slowly fade, however I don't have a clear winner, the ETH is just something obvious, but.. this game is rigged like hell and all catalysts are controlled, now by very big parties. And those who think the last bull was ICO craze are wrong ofc.

>> No.12904752

>the next two years are winter
Two more years of accumulation then?

>> No.12904756


Yes. I think the real despair will hit once nothing happens at the halvening as everyones expecting a bull then, thats the big plan. Bull will come but later.

>> No.12904773

What's the info you have on why BTC won't rise?

>> No.12904782

>hurr durr there won't be a another bullrun

thanks for the buy signal.

These retards were the same ones saying that we BTC was going to $100K in Dec 2017.

We're on obviously in depression. The whole mood feels like when ETH crashed from $20 to $5 and stayed there for months.

>> No.12904802

Do you think BTC and ETH are both good to buy?

>> No.12904809

>it's more likely than not that prices will go up long term
That expectation is already baked into the daily price

>> No.12904845

Use the coins you buy. You will learn to stay far far away from BTC.

>> No.12904870

What do you think of a portfolio consisting of eth and link

>> No.12904879

good start. Keep going down the rabbit hole and build things.

>> No.12904893


ETH majority, LINK suicide prevention pack. LINK is gearing to be the next digibytes. It never mooned bull and is more of a distraction campaign. Which fucking sucks because we should be supporting each other here, not trying to distract and lie.

>> No.12904912

What is your portfolio? Also why so little faith in link? The usecase is necessary for real world smart contract adoption.

>> No.12904945


Again, reading Sergey. He's a type of guy who loses interest quickly and is mostly in it to get rich, he's already thinking of new ways.

Moneyskelly is also in it for money. Ever since young age moneyskelly was scheming to be fucking rich, he imposed his will on the world. He's also a genius. Has lots of condos and luxury appartments around the world where he travels to chill constantly, he fucking loves money. I'm ok with that as long as he's hungry for more. And he is.