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12901721 No.12901721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>women have it easier
Yes, if you're a loser this is obviously true. Now lets consider the case you're successful and have a good job, education, amount of money and are generally intertesting

things men are attracted to you can't change significantly
>looks (which are only there for about 10 years tops)

things men are attracted to you can change significantly
>literally nothing

things women are attracted to you can't change significantly
>height (the ONE thing you cannot change)

things women are attracted to you can change significantly
>looks (can massively improve body)
>job prestige
>home/car ownership
>being funny
>being mature/responsible
>being an interesting person

And to top it off, women are expected to blow their career looking after any kids, and if they decide to focus on career when young it will be impossible to find an equal cause their looks have faded and their time to have kids is running out. They also have to worry about rape or assault at night whereas guys can go most places if they're not complete retards.

>> No.12901738
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>> No.12901753

What's there to cope about? All her value will be gone in 10 years. This isn't incel women hate thread, this is reality. I used to believe all the r9k shit but now I've got older realised the only people who say it are losers cause obviously they don't benefit from all the positive things about being male

>> No.12901767

>what is makeup
women can also go to the gym, that's not a male thing. get slim and build a big butt.

>impossible to find an equal
youre probably overvaluing yourself, like most women. there are even studies on this fact. women do have it easier. you can find easily find men even when your old ugly, 40 years old. not the best men but still. a loser male are not able to get any woman at all.

also men are interested in interesting women, looks is just first impressions

>> No.12901773

That's why they're so desperate to pretend they can be like men. They don't like their role in life.

Chasing a career and foregoing a family won't make them any happier though. It's actually destroying civilization because dumb women have kids and pass on their genes but smart women stay in school forever or waste time wage cucking. Then they either have fewer kids or no kids at all making the next generation stupider.

>> No.12901775

A problem with this line of thought. Some women look really great going into even their 50s, but they're an exception. You also missed reproductive value.

>> No.12901779

Just get a house LOOOOL just get a job LOOOOL.

Meanwhile if I was a woman I could just find a man who provides for me, for free.

>> No.12901784

Makeup does wonders for womens looks. Women can lose weight and weat makeup which can turn a 4-5 into an 8-9 if done right.

>> No.12901795

Women's primary problems are artificially created by themselves. They're told to spend their primary mate finding years pursuing things that actively obstruct successful pairing, and they do that without objection; then, complain about being tricked when time runs out.
$100,000 in debt with a 45 hr/week human resources job and no transferable homemaking skills at 25 makes you desirable by exactly zero percent of men. You're particularly undesirable to the class of men you'd most want to settle down with, so you spend though your mid 30's being prayed upon by pickup artists.

>> No.12901815

>Not changing height

I grew 8 cm's at the of 26 to 27 by using magic. I wasn't as well versed in magic as I am now so I have rather sever gout because of it from time to time.

>> No.12901826
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>things men are attracted to you can change significantly
home-making, child-caring, weight, tinkering hobby stuff (knitting, painting, whatever, playing some classical instrument)

>> No.12901836



>> No.12901854

I really hated my height. Saw that you could increase your height by using Hgh but your growth plates still had to be open.

I got my plates checked they said it was closed I was 25. Started getting into magic (altering physical states based on your own willpower and consciousnesses), read the kybalion and other books started memeing myself taller and within a year a started getting height gains. 8 cm (I think this is around 3.5 inches) after my growth plates had already closed.

I didn't know the principles very well, basically that if you change one thing into a positive an equal negative thing will emerge to keep the universe in equilibrium so I got gout after the height gains.

>> No.12901876


Tbqh only overcompensating autists would rather be women. I went to uni FIVE years ago, I was a 7/10 then and I’m a 7/10 now. Maybe 7.5 because I have a better body and I can grow a beard to hide my slightly weak jaw.

When I look through my Facebook it’s an absolute hall of horrors. A lot of girls who were 8/10s are already 6s, because my dorms were men + women I often would overhear conversations, and verbatim many times I heard these girls say how they couldn’t wait to get married and finally eat as much as they want. One girl looks like some Slavic grandma already, she’s probably gained like 30 lbs. I’d much rather be a man because women have far poorer self control imo.

>> No.12901898


Have you applied this technique to anything other than gaining height, like making money?

>> No.12901920

No I would fear the consequences (balance) of becoming rich with it.

>> No.12901976
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>not posting the superior version


>> No.12901982

This post is trash and OP is a massive faggot.