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12896279 No.12896279 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>NEET most of my life
>get a real job at 26
>decide at 27 and a half I need to leave. I will be less depressed
>buy house
>fast forward 4 and a half years
>can barely make house and car payment
>work at a job I hate
>am poor so I just sit at home after work staring at computer cause I cant afford to go do anything
>am even more depressed now than before
>have about 1500 in shit coins
>know deep down I'll never make it

How do I escape this pain outside of an hero ?

>> No.12896307

just survive for the next decade. ai is coming. study it if you can.
also, sleep well and exercise.

>> No.12896312


You know how everyone here runs around screaming about money and the need to buy a house and the need to compare yourself to your peers?
Yeah, if go for that life you'll end up miserable.
Find out what you're good at, or what you can at least enjoy being mediocre at, and then attempt to shift into a career into that industry.
You're only 31 faggot, you have 30 more years of "working" left: don't let it be at a job that makes you want to kill yourself.

>> No.12896329

I got a felony when I was young. My application goes straight into the trash when they see that 'have you ever been convicted of a felony' box marked yes

>just lie
Good jobs do background checks

>> No.12896344

Get it sealed/expunged you idiot.

>> No.12896365

I got the felony when I was 16(tried as an adult) completed my sentence and havent been in any trouble since. Went to college. Got a house. Did all the proper wage slave american things. So maybe that could happen

>> No.12896378

God damn you idiots are stupid. Cry cry cry, I can’t get a job because I’m a felon. And you unironically can’t even take 5 min to look up the sealing/expungement process in your state. You deserve to be poor

T. Felon

>> No.12896414

Sounds like you’re depressed anon. Exercise, diet, sleep. Work on those

>> No.12896434


And a shit ton of water

>> No.12896435
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>Housepoor wagecuck

You sound Canadian.

Enjoy your mortgage faggot, soon the house will be valued at less than your loan.

>> No.12896465

He’s having financial issues. He either needs better job or he needs to find some side work to do.

>> No.12896487


Fren, get it expunged, or just mention it in the cover letter.
Protip: if the employers are normies who ree that hard over something 10 years ago, they're shitheads you don't want to work for.
-t worked for a company that tolerated my manager being a complete 110% gambling addict because they were the best manager in the company, and needed the high pay to afford their daily 2 hour casino lunches.
Company didn't give a fuck because it was run by some of the best boomers I've ever met.
You can find a good place man, just keep trying. It took me 8 months and 300 job applications to get 4 inteviews after I graduated college because of muh liberal arts degree. I'm in the process of making it, and so are you.

>> No.12896516

FYI op, you don’t need a lawyer to get it expunged. They will charge you hundreds to thousands just to file papers, do some research and it can easially be done your self for a cpl hundred in clerical/finger printing/processing fees.

>> No.12896522

pretty much this OP

sleep well eat well excersice dont drink

brush and floss

visit your dentist every 6 months

>> No.12896607
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At least you have heaven to look forward too.

>> No.12896668
File: 292 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190301_105436_601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be you...next time I give out free signals, take it. Hang in there anon.

>> No.12896830

Yeah I guess. I don't understand how that's a good thing.
>miserable for 80 years
>get to heaven
>most of everyone I knew is in hell
>Alright, now, worship me for all of time