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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12894884 No.12894884 [Reply] [Original]

0xChan confirmed for using Chainlink nodes to adjust ETH stake requirements to post on the board every quarter.
Users will have to either deposit more ETH or withdraw ETH to post again depending on the price of ETH every quarter.
The target stake price is $250~ give or take, its still being implemented and should be mainnet by the eoy.

For those of you who are not 0xChan pilled, this board is self moderated and requires (at present) a 2 ETH stake to post.
Each post to the board generates passive income to all stake holders as each post requires a fraction of ETH to post it.
The board is immutable, censorship resistant, and the moderation is decentralized - 10 of the most recent posters are picked at random when a post becomes reported.
They are notified they have a post to vote on.
If the post is deemed a bannable offense, the user who posted it loses their 2 ETH stake.
This makes the board immune to raids and retards as well as pajeets.
You're not going to post NSFW material to a work safe board if you are risking losing 2 ETH to do it now are you?

Anyways, if Sergay would ever stop eating Big Macs and finish Chainlink then 0xChan can finally be finished.

>imagine an image board where there are literally not any nocoiner faggot normies, thats 0xChan

>> No.12895150

Helping a nigga out

>> No.12895177

If someone actually wanted an imageboard with no nocoiners you can just make a forum where the registration requirement is signing a message with your keys, and the server checks that you have crypto.
Making a convoluted smart contract and "IPFS" integration is not necessary, unless you want to dab on the goyim and sell your worthless """UTILITY TOKENS"""
0xChan is a soft scam
and OP is a nigger

>> No.12895203

>2eth stake to post
Das a scam!

>> No.12895204

>he wants gookmoot to profit off of selling his user data to the FBI, NSA, CIA, KGB, FSB, MI6

pls hurry up and die faster

>> No.12895217

the ETH is staked into a smart contract, u can get the ETH back out at any time. just imagine how this would literally eliminate all of the pajeet shills from posting because it will. literally a /biz/ without pajeets. its almost too good to be true

>> No.12895218
File: 382 KB, 200x200, merchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webdev since the late 90's here...

• 2 ETH are you kidding? And you can lose it all in 1 shitpost? Barrier for entry way too high but I assume you will lower it...? Otherwise awesome idea anon, really.

• Just a reminder to Opensource ALL of your code and allow community builders like me to launch boards. Otherwise I have zero interest. I see you have this planned, good.

• Chainlink was a meme, retard! Build on chains that are going to be around in 3-5 years. The fact you even mention Chainlink makes me nervous you are not the man to lead this project.

Good luck anon been watching you closely.

>> No.12895222

Ya bro let me just risk 2 eth based on 10 randomly selected faggots who would literally profit from banning me and having my eth distributed among everyone else.

>> No.12895227

yea anyone can create a board but it takes ETH to do it. im going to be the first user to create 0xChan/biz/ so dont step on my nutz

>> No.12895230

>If the post is deemed a bannable offense, the user who posted it loses their 2 ETH stake
>shitposter selected as mods vote to ban for the lulz

Ok so who gets the eth? It's distributed back into the chan? Ok the scam is becoming clear to me now. A core group of users who already stake target and ban new users to take their ETH and distribute it to themselves. Sounds incredibly scammy and I hope it fails.

>> No.12895238

not everyone is a greedy poorfag like u dude.
no one is going to abuse the mod system just for literally $0.0001 worth of ETH
why do that when you make more passive income on the system when users are constantly posting?
doesnt make sense does it, chief?

>> No.12895249

Not what I said, come up with better arguments discord shill. How about you start off with why I should trust a developer who's "rise to fame" was writing 3rd party software for fomo3d, a self proclaimed ponzi scheme? Or why would anyone use 0xChan? Protip, nobody will.

>> No.12895268

Shut the fuck up you little faggot. Nobody is going to risk 2ETH for the priviledge of posting on a dead chan run by a group of queers who will just ban them and take their cones.

Whoever came up with this scheme is monumentally stupid and evil.

>> No.12895327

>being this poor and bluepilled

yikes and cringe

>> No.12895328

A board where you cant shitpost? It's like you're missing the whole point of an image board anon..

>> No.12895332
File: 133 KB, 500x522, 555-come-on-now-1687205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whobdev since the 90's that gets nervous over fucking 0xChan
>the industry standard oracle solution with boomer Tom Gonser aboard
guess I'll trust you, anon
>just bought 100k CHAN

>> No.12895340
File: 124 KB, 680x680, actually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore these mouthbreathers. These faggots haven't developed anything past a Wix website.

OP: Are you guys writing the chan software from scratch? I hope not because that will take 6-9 months to do properly. I worked closely with 8ch / infinitynext / lynxchan software and I can say it would be wise to check all of those out. You're welcome.

>> No.12895352

Also, if we're talking about the ability to track posters, 0xChan will be barely any different than 4chan.
Attack vectors:
1. The website that most people will use as a gateway, can be bogged as easily as 4chan.
2. The Ethereum network itself, if you think government organizations aren't running nodes and logging everything you're mistaken. This will easily identify who wrote what, bypassing even the basic SSL security most websites have, and I don't mean the address, but ip, location, etc. Assuming most people will use metamask which defaults to infura, thinking infura isn't best buds with regulators you're kidding yourself.

Come up with arguments, your poor attempts ironically attract only pajeets to your board.

>> No.12895357 [DELETED] 

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>> No.12895384 [DELETED] 

the 0xchan software will be open source and published on github before eoy when the board launches

the devs didnt meet the 2000 eth development goal but are still developing it anyways, it may be Q1-2 before a mainnet launch happens

imagine being as retarded as this brainlet holy shit

>> No.12895393

>imagine being as retarded as this brainlet holy shit
low energy ad hominem

>> No.12895395

the 0xchan software will be open source and published on github before eoy when the board launches
the chan has both a webclient and software client to access it and post - the software client ensures that ISP's and webhosts cannot disable the board from functioning via btfo'ing a webclient

the devs didnt meet the 2000 eth development goal but are still developing it anyways, it may be Q1-2 2020 at the latest before a mainnet launch happens

imagine being as retarded as this brainlet holy shit

>> No.12895398

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>> No.12895404

your arguments weren't even remotely valid and your post made you look incredibly retarded but youre too stupid to even realize that so i genuinely hope you die from AIDS, u deserve it, faggot

>> No.12895438

>If the post is deemed a bannable offense, the user who posted it loses their 2 ETH stake.

Lmao what kind of retard came with this scam?

>> No.12895442
File: 443 KB, 1280x720, meme_bg_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so angry buddy? How much did you waste on the ICO? Should've bought something not retarded
Imagine investing into something that looks like this https://0xchan.net/

Consider this your tuition into becoming a real trader :)

>> No.12895447

my dad works for 0xchan and he said it was the best system to make an image board self moderating and also decentralized at the same time

>> No.12895471

>he is excited about 4chan transitioning into pay to post register and login to an account system
>he likes having his user data mined and sold the the NSA
>he has never left his moms basement
>he only knows how to use 4chan
>he lost 99% of his money to bitconnect
>he thinks his posts are relevant and kino

yeah, im really glad you wont be posting on 0xchan

>> No.12895486
File: 287 KB, 1280x720, meme_bg_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice memes 0xchan

>> No.12895515
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>> No.12895552
File: 150 KB, 807x760, honkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine a team of 20 discord trannies banning every fucker that puts a foot on there LMAO and this is what is going to happen because no one will use this shit and will be fully controlled by said tranny discord

>> No.12895592

>he cant read and doesnt know that 0xchan moderation is also decentralized and completely randomized
>the mod system can never be gamed by any group of users or kikes or cia niggers
>mods are randomly selected to vote on a SINGLE post
>each post that is reported has a new random group of 10 0xchan users vote moderate the post in question

its almost like u didnt even read the whitepaper
also, you have to be 18 or older to post here
and no one is impressed by your seething stupidity

>> No.12895654
File: 463 KB, 540x310, 1550603428284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard, that shit will have 25 users and 20 of them are going to be trannies or any group using discord, guess what happens next? yes, a complete control by said groups and randomization will mean shit.

or you are assuming it will have 1000s of users since the first day?
fuck you and fuck your scam

>> No.12895710
File: 8 KB, 245x206, 1537984649317s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the ICO had 127 unique donators
so that shoots down you 25 user bullshit right there since 127 ppl will definitely be using it

the 0xchan discord has over 300 ppl in it so lets just assume that all of them plan on using the board

will it have 1000s of users first day? nah, just around 500 probably.

so basically you are clinically retarded and i hope you do stick with 4chan when it goes to mandatory account registration to post
enjoy having your fucking user data sent to the CIA niggers a la gookmoot's discression, faggot

>> No.12895905
File: 51 KB, 499x499, 45654623213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok let's get real here

>127 ICO donators
more like 127 speculators who got a 50% discount on their tokens
>300 people on discord
I'm in a shitload of discord groups of different shitcoins and it don't means that I'm invested in them.

Now let's see how 0xchan is different from any other board
>censorship resistant
so the only advantage is the ability to post content that is censored in any other place
but what content is censored in other places?
cp and... nothing more lmao that's your market, because you can openly talk virtually about anything in /pol/, hell you can even call for the jews genocide like nothing in there.

>> No.12895950
File: 3 KB, 124x83, schlopjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are so fucking stupid and the worst part is that you think youre smart but thanks for bumping my post, newfag

>censorship resistant
to webhosts dropping hosting the webclient of 0xchan - since it is also an application that you can use to post to the boards

>muh cp argument because im a degenerate who is on /b/ all the time posting lolis
well hey you fucking pedo, just so you know your cp posts to 0xchan will be linked to an erc-20 wallet that you have to have 2 eth staked into just to post
can your cp post to 0xchan be on the board forever? yes it can because its in the blockchain and the post is immutable BUT mods will ban your post from appearing on the board itself
posts can only be shadow banned from 0xchan, the post will always still exist in the blockchain

more people will be using this true forever version of the chan than you think, but then again youre not that good at thinking so i guess i really cant help you

>> No.12896012

>Spending money to post to an online bavarian brap posting board
>Easily manipulated to cause people to lose their ETH stakes
Absolutely 0 IQ idea, though I appreciate the sentiment.

>> No.12896023

>not understanding that you are getting paid to post to a racist online underground dog fighting image board

another fag who didnt read the whitepaper and doesnt know that 4chan will soon require user logins to post (and require paid 4chan passes to post)

>> No.12896041
File: 106 KB, 800x750, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more people will be using this true forever version of the chan than you think
no they won't, the advantage of 0xchan against other chans is literally zero, like I said above you can talk about anything in /pol/, your market is censored content that not even /pol/ wants just let that sink in.

>> No.12896057

>being this fucking ignorant and blue pilled

srsly dude, pls hurry up and die faster

>> No.12896090

>The board is immutable, censorship resistant, and the moderation is decentralized - 10 of the most recent posters are picked at random when a post becomes reported.
>They are notified they have a post to vote on.
>If the post is deemed a bannable offense, the user who posted it loses their 2 ETH stake.
this is so fucking dumb lmao are you new to the internet?

>> No.12896096

i've seen a lot of stupid ideas but this one takes the cake

>> No.12896106

>i like pissing off the jannies and mods and getting banned once a week
found the jackass

>> No.12896119

>16 posts by this ID
getting desperate pal
nobody is buying this shitcoin

>> No.12896124

>he doesnt want to give away money?
>haha, that means he is poor

>> No.12896134

>7 posts by this ID
>still doesnt know its not a fucking cryptocurrency
>being this fucking new

presently its the best candidate for a completely decentralized image board that even the govts cant fuck with. if you find a better implementation of 4chan in a decentralized framework pls let me know

>> No.12896168

OP I say good luck with your project. 4chan atm might not be complete shit, but it might be complete shit in the future. A decentralised 4chan is needed. That being said I will only visit your site if there is content since I can't be bothered to "support" anything.

>> No.12896181

>>still doesnt know its not a fucking cryptocurrency
except it is
the ICO distributed ZCI tokens
fuck off pajeet

>> No.12896188

hey kid. step away from your computer for an hour. reflect on what you're doing. when it really comes down to it? you're trying to anonymously scam people online. you're nigerian prince tier retarded. a first world nigger. you will regret this sooner than you think, and you will never get any of the money or respect you're hoping for. get the fuck off /biz/ and do something productive. you're a fucking leech.

>> No.12896190

>not knowing that ZCL tokens are NOT required to use the board at all

fucking newfag

>> No.12896198 [DELETED] 

>being this fucking cucked

holy shit you must be a janny

>> No.12896216

i will check back EOY only to see no open source software published

>> No.12896223

>my dad works for 0xchan and he said it was the best system to make an image board self moderating and also decentralized at the same time
>also, you have to be 18 or older to post here
you're 16 at best. you have a long way to go bud.

>> No.12896230
File: 74 KB, 588x391, schlop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know who OP is

found the newfag

>> No.12896314

>pls die already

why all the self hate buddy?

>> No.12896423

>being this out of the loop

i bet you have a massive bag of TRX

>> No.12896427

and wear a green pointy hat
come fight me homo

>> No.12896433

the post

>> No.12896448

I'll admit I'm not in the loop on how to lose money fast and mturk shill for 12 rupees a post on 4chan

>> No.12896460

t. non-whale pool member

why even live, Anonkun?

>> No.12896839

>not IRC
I'm never touching that chan