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12893495 No.12893495 [Reply] [Original]

If you have $20k in crypto right now, you will be a millionaire in 10 years and all you have to do is hold onto it.

Just....fucking relax. Accumulate during the bear market, and fucking relax. You already made it.

Chase moonshots if you want, but keep your btc and eth stack high and safe. You already won and its just a matter of time till the world acknowledges it.

>> No.12893845
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...but I'm a poorfag who only has a couple ETH and a quarter of a BTC.

>> No.12893868

Same bro. I'm selling my precious metals tonight and converting a Roth. Going all in and buying BTC/ETH until their price is measured per satoshi

>> No.12893873


>> No.12893892

>ID Jews

>> No.12893904

That'll buy you a really nice house in 10 years which is more than most millenials and zoomers can say

>> No.12893908

Banks want BTC and ETH, so do hedge funds. That's all the proof you ever needed. Chill, and accumulate.

>> No.12893915
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It's time to sell?

>> No.12893969
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Imagine how stupid you are going to feel a decade from now for quibbling over a few hundred dollar value if BTC and ETH. About as silly as the people in 2017 who wished they could have purchased btc and eth sub 4 figures.

Do you ever understand how widely blockchain is penetrating industry right now? How many people are clamoring for more and more btc derivatives and financial adoption? This is unprecedented technology, and its already on its way to penetrating the core of our society(finance). You have a couple years if watching the market do backflips and going up and down wildly. Survive. DCA in when you can, but fucking hold onto it. You already have an invaluable financial asset with enormous momentum behind it.

The stakes are insanely high, which is why we have these whale games going on. We cannot fight them, but we can persist and carve out our slice of paradise on planet earth by eventually managing this priceless digital asset. This IS the automation that will make millions jobless, and you have it already. The core piece of the system, or even a fraction of the world computer which makes it possible.

>> No.12893977

Who are you even talking to? It's like you're trying to convince yourself or something...

>> No.12894003

I'm already convinced. I just want some fellow reasonable anons to stop stressing out so much about this game they have already won. This doesn't need to be a fat race also. ShitCoin pumps come and go, btc is (literally) forever.

>> No.12894022

>10 years
You are practically dead in your late thirties. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.12894087

i'm 29 and already starting to feel like shit, despite trying to do regular sports. 1000$ EOY or i will off myself and take my 50k link stack into the grave with me.

>> No.12894111

>all I want to do is not work and sniff AZN asshole every day

>> No.12894225
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thx anon u make me feel so much better

>> No.12894228

$20k in todays value right?

so 200 eth is enough to make it?

>> No.12894252

I have $1m in shitcoins, am I gonna make it?
No LARP will pr00f

>> No.12894269
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Is he trying to trick us? Or are ((they)) really buying crypto?

>> No.12894337
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>> No.12894354

Pajeet my son. Your coutry is at war. No time for shilling.

>> No.12894382
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Checked and based

>> No.12894404
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we are all gona make it goys

>> No.12894417

>i'm 29 and already starting to feel like shit, despite trying to do regular sports
This. I'm 27 and in better shape than 18 but i definitely don't feel as youthful as a decade ago. I really hope this crypto shit actually goes somewhere, tired of wage slaving. Just wanna travel, ski, fuck sluts

>> No.12894604

My 30s were better than my 20s by far. You kids don't know how much you can enjoy yourself with a bit of maturity, experience, and a fat bank account. You will laugh at what a dumbass fuckup you were in your 20s and on the physical side you have an even bigger advantage if you stay fit, since your peers certainly wont. Women love older men. Fit, confident older men.

>> No.12894627

It's my 28th today and I can't enjoy it at all for the exact same reasons

>> No.12894635
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>> No.12894636
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>> No.12894677

I'm all in chainlink, did I fuck up?

>> No.12894683


>> No.12894689

I can’t fucking wait for all the boomers to die!

>> No.12894701

Phenomenal post anon, thank you.

You absolutely fell for it anon. Only Bitcoin matters. Chainlink is like Milocoin. Look where Milocoin went.

>> No.12894715

Damn so I should sell my link stack into BTC & Eth? Right now it feels like they're going to moon way before link

>> No.12894846

You want as many satoshis as possible. When BTC moons your satoshi value drops like a fucking rock. Don’t measure in USD, measure in satoshi.

>So you’re telling me one day Bitcoin will be $1million per coin and I can finally cash out?
>No Neo, what I’m telling you is one day you won’t have to.

You only need 1 Bitcoin. It’s not a meme.

>> No.12894858

>When BTC moons your satoshi value drops like a fucking rock
How does that make sense

>> No.12894864


>> No.12894867

in 10 years 3/4 of the cyropto currencies wont exist and wealth will be erased

>> No.12894888

Should I buy BTC or ETH?

>> No.12894913

he's talking about people that hold alts. alts are only there to get more BTC so if you hold alts while BTC goes on a run you lose sat value even as your $ value goes up.

>> No.12894926

Hold 1 BTC and accumulate as much eth as possible.

>> No.12894948

Hmm, I see

>> No.12894955

Link is a scam. BTC and ETH will exist in x years' time, scams will not.

>> No.12894957

why just 1

>> No.12895088
File: 37 KB, 604x604, 1503233302547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This IS the automation that will make millions jobless, and you have it already. The core piece of the system, or even a fraction of the world computer which makes it possible.
I've never thought about it this way. Of course a decentralised and highly advanced blockchain/plasma would be able to make thousands and thousands within finance and banking jobless. Proof of Stake is literally automating what thousands are doing.

>> No.12895103

Good grief... every time I happen upon a picture of her I'm always hit with the same sense of anger, revulsion and fear.
From the way her hair accentuates the shape of her unnatural skull, to her beady little bird eyes. You can just tell they dart around a room, piercing every living thing, like a crow assessing threats and opportunities.
And what's up with her teeth? Whenever she has her mouth open, it resembles a horse, or some furry animal, when presented with a carrot or something. In fact her whole face is weird. It's like someone dug up one of those alien-looking skulls from an aztec burial site, fashioned a skin, and stretched it taut across the surface.
Her posture, too, is oddly masculine, and leads one to believe she could, at any moment, jump up and harangue you with marxist doctrine, and even go so far as to assault you for 'offending' her.

>> No.12895111

Bad copypasta

>> No.12895267

>Women love older men

You mean women love older men's money, you boomer creep. Young women prefer fit young guys unless the older men in question is Brad Pitt or DiCaprio

>> No.12895296

Even if BTC is valued 1m per coin in lets say 10 year, it is still not enough to make it due to inflation.
The truth is if you dont have at least 100k to invest you need to play the shitcoin roulette

>> No.12895313

Bradi pitt got divorced twice by her wifes

What are the changes of normal guy making it ?

>> No.12895325

I'll try to remember your comment next time I'm balls deep in an Asian 20 year old who is begging me to cum inside of her. Good luck zoomer.

>> No.12895976

Anon is unironically high IQ

>> No.12896104

Why would you hold btc at all? Why not go all in on ETH?
Also this board has convinced me that Link is not a memecoin and will be huge in a decade. Why would you not accumulate at least a small bag of something with so much more potential to grow? What do you think of the Oracle problem? How do smart contracts even work without something like Chainlink? I admire your spirit but genuinely do not think simply holding bitcoin and ethereum is the best crypto strategy unless you are dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into them

>> No.12896142

chainlink is middleware
middleware is replaceable with other middleware
middleware that requires a ponzi distribution system and public participation to perform a critical infrastructure role in another network, will not be used