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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 199 KB, 1110x457, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12891912 No.12891912 [Reply] [Original]

>cheap as fuck
>moves you to the things
>lasts 300k miles
Even if you're rich you should drive a toyota or a lexus. They are objectively better cars and will last forever with regular oil changes. Supercars are fun, but they probably wont even last 100k without expensive repairs and expensive parts. /biz/ needs to appreciate Toyota for the superior product that it is

>> No.12891949

>he thinks 20 grand for a car is cheap
Way better to buy one from 2003 with 100k on it for 3 grand. If you're gonna drive a piece of shit Corolla anyway you might as well buy a fully depreciated one instead

>> No.12891976

i tend to go for bmw, benz, and volvo...been pretty fortunate with maintenance/repairs, but i'm struck by how people like warren buffet drive stuff like toyota/honda...definitely a 'head' decision...i just want to go fast and have better engineering at my fingertips.

>> No.12891983

Well said. Corolla/Camry are the most durable cars on the market. I've driven my Camry for 7 years and besides replacing oil, brakepads, tires I haven't had any maitenance required.

>> No.12891986

I have a 2016 Honda civic ex. I plan to get to 500k miles with it

>> No.12892006

You realize German engineering is a marketing meme right? Japanese cars have been superior for 30+ years now.

>> No.12892013

>cheap as fuck

Would be better off getting a early 2000’s Honda Civic for $3k at that point. Could you imagine buying this piece of shit brand new for $20k lmao get cucked

>> No.12892020

You realize you’re a fucking idiot right LOL holy fuck how could one be so thick. Gtfo faggot

>> No.12892025

This desu I spend two hours a day in my car, I don't mind paying a little extra so it's comfy and has great driving dynamics instead of some soulless asian shitbox.

Toyota cucks stay mad you could have gotten a way better car for a few extra bucks

>> No.12892033

Only a faggot cares about what he drives, might as well be a woman

>> No.12892034

What do you think of the cls 53 amg?

>> No.12892037

27 grand? I bought my used F30 BMW for significantly less than that.

>> No.12892046
File: 362 KB, 810x1080, 9685ADB3-B1AD-40BD-AF0F-ECC411195467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a fun ride
TA Cuda Tribute

>> No.12892048

>he's never driven anything but his japanese shitbox

>> No.12892059

>German cars
>better engineering
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What a dumb cuck.

>> No.12892067

>look like a cuck
>can't handle a little weather
>women think your boring
>they're right
>can't go innawoods
>get pushed off the road by scooter

>> No.12892070

Great argument dipshit.

>> No.12892071

Spoken like a true seething poorfag who has never driven anything half decent

It's not about the look of the car, more like the feeling of having a great engine, firm steering, quiet cabin, etc. I mean you have the opportunity to pilot a precision crafted vehicle, why reduce that wonder to something mundane like a tacky Asian box

>> No.12892075

fucking. hilarious.

>> No.12892076
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>They drive automatics

>> No.12892082
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based civicbro

>> No.12892083

LEXUS. Lexus is just comfy Toyota

>> No.12892088

I’d tather have an accord

>> No.12892090

No u

>> No.12892091

Anyone buying a supercar is going to be buying it as their 3rd or 4th car, and is going for have a daily driver. And if you can afford to own a supercar then yu can afford to maintain it as well

>> No.12892132

You can get all that with a Lexus RX350/LS460.
I don't know what you're trying to prove. Japanese cars are clearly better. The only better Luxury SUV than the RX350 is a Porsche Cayenne, which starts at almost double the price and goes to 150K+ with options.

The competitors like BMWX5, Audi Q7 are clearly worse.

>> No.12892154

I take it you’ve never owned anything German. Their engineering and design is something gooks only wish they could accomplish. German engineering is about making cool shit practical. Japs only wish they could follow suit. They’re close but will never reach the grade that European cars offer.
>muh reliability
Piss off and learn how to wrench pussy

>> No.12892171

this pic reminds me of that boomer meme where they're all on their lawnmowers in a fanning out formation like an action movie cover.

>> No.12892283

Based, germans could give a shit on anything less than 80k. Enjoy your CLAs fags. Until you can afford Porsche you're just a wannabe

>> No.12892338
File: 121 KB, 903x600, 1994 Lexus SC400 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>v8 "million mile" engine - 1uzfe
>paired with japanese overengineering in the 1990s
>only ~5k

lexus sc400 is what you want

>> No.12892348

>tfw all the cars i want are expensive because everyone else wants them too
>tfw normie taste but no normie skills

>> No.12892360

Reliability wise, yes. Performance wise, not really. Japs are great at making things that have decent performance while being very reliable though

>> No.12892363

japanese car and electronics are actually a meme now. you buy yourself a hyundai if you want a cheap car, lasts a long time, and doesnt look like trash.

>> No.12892365

>> Not getting a Tesla if you're rich enough to afford anything upfront, but want low operating costs

>> No.12892393

Teslas are tacky desu, if im spending that much money ill just get an s class and have better tech and more aesthetic looks

>> No.12892422

>> A Tesla is tacky, but a Mercedes somehow isn't.
Wew lad.

>> No.12892449

That's a really great-looking car. Love those curves.

I could definitely see myself getting one as a car to play around with below the hood, since it's basically the last generation that you don't need a ton of specialized equipment to work on.

>> No.12892510

> he buys car so he can entertain roasties
top kek

>> No.12892520

car version of tuxedo pepe

>> No.12892553

>t. virgin pajeet

>> No.12892554

06 camry with 300k miles still great condition reporting in SIR

>> No.12892618
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Go to bed Elon

>> No.12892645

german cars are a meme. you better lube up come repair time

>> No.12892677

> German engineering

It’s understandable that word travels slowly over the atlantic, but Germans are so technologically backwards, they have literally not adopted credit cards.
Most Germans have never owned a debit or credit card, and only use cash. Our country gets a huge stream of German tourists who are completely technologically inept.

>> No.12892681


>> No.12892685

KEK I got oldass Volkswagen for $600 few years ago and it's good and there's nothing you can do about it, richfags

>> No.12892696

Haha yeah theyre so dumb avoiding usury like that heh heh.... kill yourself

>> No.12892747

> t. submissive provider cuck

>> No.12892793

Chinese community is probably one of the most advanced in payment technology adoption. Almost everyone in the cities there use WeChat to pay. Paper money and credit cards are even not accepted in multiple places anymore.
So, according to your logic, we should all be buying Chinese cars. Thanks for the good advice, but no thanks. I'd better buy a Volkswagen, BMW, Audi,... than some Dongfeng.

>> No.12892834

> learn to wrench

Yuck, get out with that nasty blue collar attitude. Only people with no actual societal value waste thime gathering

>> No.12892860

>implying subaru isn't the best car

>> No.12893001

Toyota, Mazda and Nissan's manufactured in Japan are all good. If they are manufactured elsewhere, then it's just goldwrapped shit.

>> No.12893003

> women
> think
lol good joke

>> No.12893031

Germans don't trust banks that is why they prefer cash you swedish fgt.

>> No.12893087

Nigger I bought a used CLS for 11k 4 years ago. Looks 10x better and doesn't make any Problems.

>> No.12893227

this, i only have a credit card because its free, but i only use it when i am aboard

>> No.12893229


>> No.12893252
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My mum still drives her 2008 Aurion

>> No.12893343
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> taking on (((debt))) is a good thing goyim
anon last time your economy crashed it was because of subprime mortages, the next time it will be because of subprime SUV loans, the default rate is already increasing. mark my words. i mean i get it.. SUVs are the only car amerifats fit into but why buy them on credit if you're a wagecuck at Wendy's, tell me why?

the rest of the world thinks america's economy is fucked because of all the heroin junkies and the student loan crisis, but most people missed the subprime car loans.

>> No.12893350

German cars have more tech there’s no doubt about it, it terms of reliability there’s no doubt Toyota are the best. People saying you can’t have a supercar as a daily driver don’t do they’re research on cars, an E55 AMG was the worlds fastest saloon for a time and absolutely bulletproof in terms of reliability, add a supercharger pulley for $400 and you’ve got a 700bhp car that will last you 400k miles

>> No.12893351
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this is funny, gas guzzlers will end up costing less than an electric vehicle, and as time goes on the difference will become greater and greater until most people drive electric

>> No.12893359

Saying this too, Mercs new 4 litre bi-turbo engine shows a lot of promise for being much more reliable than the old 6.2NA and that produces 612hp.

Americans know nothing about cars lol

>> No.12893365


Yeah agreed, also i dunno about anyone else but teslas interior are boring asf. Merc beemer and Audi walk all over them in interior and exterior styling

>> No.12893378
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>Omg spending $10k on a devaluing asset? Check my $500 shitty chink car, everyone! I'm so frugal!

>> No.12894284

lmao I guess you're too poor to own a car

>> No.12894315

Buicks are better cars than German pieces of shit.

Everyone I've known traded their Mercedes back to a Lexus. Mercedes are for black people to pretend they're rich. Particularly the C class.

>> No.12894318

and a 20k asian meme care will make a difference?

cars are the most stupid investment you can have.
losing 40% of their value at the first ride lmao

how valuable can they be in the first place then.
even a 60k mercedes has only maybe 30k real value. 30k is just the brand

>> No.12894362

Not to mention that "wrenching" is impossible on newer cars. You have to plug into specific diagnostic devices to woke on cars with all the computing and electronics. It's not like the boomer working on his Thunderbird I'm the front yard in 1977. Those days are long gone.

>> No.12894372

Cars are tools, not investments

>> No.12894480

Not an EV, but it was good option a few years ago. Too bad they swallowed the hydrogen bluepill

>> No.12894727

My grandfather is a multimillionaire who drives old ass corollas
I find that amusing
According to him, theres two things you keep on the street: your car and your trash can, you shouldn't waste money on either

>> No.12894825

>the subprime car loans
>when your countrymen are so poor and shit at life that they not only need a loan to get a car, but they can't repay the said loan, and this happens with such frequency that it crashes the economy.

I don't know if I'll laugh or feel really sorry for your fuckers should this happen lol

>> No.12894830

I have a toyota that I will never change for anything other than another toyota.
When I make it, I might buy a 2-doors sports car for prestige and bitches, but I will probably keep driving my beloved mistress for all the day to day travels.

>> No.12894874

WTF is a buick you fat redneck? And what the fuck is wrong with your country when black people drive mercedes??

>> No.12894968

bogan af

>> No.12895040

You misunderstood my post. I'm making fun of frugal s o y boys shilling Japanese cars which are cheap and crap.

>> No.12895043
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good post, OP. /biz/lets are mostly bus riders, though.

>> No.12895127

lose the stupid american market chrome wheels though

>> No.12895155

Are Lexus actually cheap in the US? I see them all the time in tv shows as the "middle class family car", but they're luxury items here in south america

>> No.12895181

toilet roll is a luxury item in south america

>> No.12895266

You are thinking of India but its a honest mistake to make.

>> No.12895312
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I already do, paid 12k for this thing in 2013

>> No.12895360

SEETHING beemer cuckbox drivers

>> No.12895432

Comes with risk of unforseeable repairs from the Jew who tricked you into buying their shitty pre-owned car

>> No.12895511

Cars exist to take me to work and the grocery store. I literally don't care after that. All the fucker has to do is start reliably and I'll buy it.

>> No.12895599
File: 388 KB, 1600x1066, aa82b211ebf1a0d30590bd8bb1021314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2020 corolla for 20k new os best
Breh, 2017 pre owned toyota avalon is superior in every way.
Heres why:
>low volume assembly line means each worker has plenty of time to work free of stress and pay attention to detail.
>first owners are often retirees that want a lexus but find the Avalon more than sufficient for their needs. They baby these cars
these cars are also know for 250+k miles

>> No.12895671

This arguing about whose engineering is better is pointless.

The only german cars worth forking out money for are high performance variants. In order for them to be at their performance level, while also meeting emissions standards, the engines need to run HOT. This is unfortunate as it means you have more frequent maintenance intervals and potentially issues. That and because they drive so well, they encourage you to be an absolute asshole while driving because everyone else is always much slower and in the way. Personally I love it. And I always use my turn signal.

However, on the Japenese end of the spectrum, we have an extreme attention to detail on materials qualities, and Japanese products tend to be overengineered for their application, on top of keeping temps in check. This ensures that their parts are always operating in less stressful environments, however japanese sports cars tend to be much heavier and much slower. They're just not as rewarding to drive.

So, you will PAY for performance, or you buy a refrigerator. It kind of depends what you want in life. Stop arguing about stupid shit you fucking sperges.

>> No.12895744

why are you idling in gear
stop that bumbaclot

>> No.12895783

Not when it comes to actual style or performance.
Japanese cars are reliable but they are ugly as shit both inside and outside and their performances are meh.
Both are still planets ahead of mutt cars though.

>> No.12895830

A model 3 SR would be way cheaper after 300k miles then a corolla.

>> No.12895891

I would gladly drive a European or American car and risk the higher maintenence costs than be associated with any faggot who drives a Corolla or Camry.

>> No.12895980
File: 367 KB, 1280x850, 01-2014-mazda3-fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 2014 Mazda 3 can be had for 1/3 of the price of a new Corolla and would be 5x fun to drive, 5x better interior and 5x better looking.

Toyotas are for soulless middle aged people who see cars are simple appliances.

>> No.12896040

g/o/ back

>> No.12896079

Unironically fucking based. I own a shop and bmws are the absolute worst

>> No.12896118

>Even if you're rich you should drive a toyota or a lexus
I can get twelve old as fuck beaters that the parts cost nothing on has no computer doesn't have to meet smog emissions BS and costs way less to drive every year, or one 70s frame modded with brand new everything still doesn't have to meet smog because body is old, engine is new

>> No.12896120

My 2004 Corolla was fun to drive but the roof had a leak and winds would affect the car more especially on the freeway.

Now I have a 2009 G37X and have 0 complaints.

>> No.12896147
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 2014-toyota-4runner-frontside_tt4runsr5141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts literal boomermobile
Fuck fagda, I'd just get a used rav4 or 4runner

>> No.12896156
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Only those who really understand engineering will get this.

>> No.12896180

Stay ignorant

>> No.12896200

>specific diagnostic devices
All you need is your laptop, a cheap connector and some software trivially obtained from the internet.

>> No.12896225

Germans prefer cash.
Germans also use contactless (debit) cards. Contactless hasn't even made it to the U.S. yet, we're barely getting chip & pin and most places still insist on swiping the barcode like it's Africa.

>> No.12896237

magnetic strip
Also google and apple are pushing NFC in the US with their pay-products

>> No.12896290

Samsung Pay uses MST and is the most widely accepted to my knowledge. Cashiers will routinely tell me it won't work as I look them in the eye while successfully paying with my phone.

>> No.12896295


would agree with that.

the VW/Audi 1.6 TDi engines are some of the worst on the road. especially with regard to DPFs.

also 2.0 TDis in some Audis seem to have a fairly common fault of burning through ridiculous amounts of oil, something Audi will sort for you, but only after youve spent several hundred to get them to diagnose it for you

the new mercedes a class apparently uses a renault engine which is prone as fuck to killing its own turbo

t. friend is a mechanic that fucking hates working on german cars

>> No.12896298

Woman detected.

>> No.12896319

I drove a 2001 camry that I bought for $2k for 5 years, then sold it for $1.8k 3 years ago. Not having a car is the dream, no insurance, no parking hassle, walk to work ...

now this is the boomer life, comfy as fuck

>> No.12896328

I hate these griddles, why does every new car have them they're so large and obnoxious

>> No.12896352

Toyota Prius for life. 100k miles while only spending money on tires and oil changes. Spend $18 at the pump each week (I drive a lot).

>> No.12896368


Because they have to do something, otherwise it looks even worse.

>> No.12896472

Tesla interiors are Vegan. Considering that, they're very good compared to vegan interiors from other carmakers.

Audi and most other luxury carmakers rely on covering everything with the hides of animals that have had their brains blown out.

>> No.12896486

Nobody cares liberal lmao

>> No.12896524

No, see >>12892338 , or any Tesla or Porche for a gridless front that actually looks decent. If there is an inlet, it should be at the bottom imho.

>> No.12896566

is that right?

>> No.12896583

This. Also, German engineering usually involves extremely tight tolerance parts and not shying away from complexity if it improves performance.

Japanese engineering makes parts to high tolereances but does not require them in the design. The actual design is generally intended to work even if you throw a bunch of sand & dirt into the engine compartment every day and cover every part with grime.

>> No.12896677

I don't like touching dead skin, I'm not a dust mite. I prefer solidified dino juice covered with silver nanoparticles to make it antibacterial, it feels much more hygienic.

>> No.12896737

Sedans are for fags though. You have better visibility in an SUV.
t. traded my accord for an explorer

>> No.12896780

Why own a car at all ?

Live in a city and just walk or take subway, bus

Cars are bullshit, always need repair, gas , insurance

Fuck that Don't let that industry take your money.

>> No.12896797

I have a dodge challenger, tell me how retarded I am.

>> No.12896926

Is it a V6?

>> No.12897211


>> No.12897298

Very retarded.

>> No.12897370

Lexus IS f sport here. Great car

>> No.12897445


I love the American white millenial attitude... you're basically the equivalent of your 'Merican niggers.

> Life is hard and takes effort so I don't even wanna try!

>> No.12897454

You’re a faggot honestly. I bought a used corolla for 1600 3 years ago and have only had to replace the muffler. Suckadick. Check the car facts

>> No.12897581

If you live in a dense metropolis, a car often isn't worth it. I wouldn't bother owning one if I lived in Hong Kong for example.

A central apartment also does not depreciate like a car does, although the principal is also significantly higher.

>> No.12897598

(Hong Kong is 14th in GDP per capita and 115th in car ownership per capita)

>> No.12897611

You retarded NEET incels got it all backwards, he drives the good car because he isn't in self denial about wanting one, roastie like a man who knows what he wants and the roastie wants to be wanted by such a man, not by some retarded confused incel NEET who is only deluding himself

>> No.12897657
File: 200 KB, 1024x683, mr2222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought one of these bad boys for a little over 1k USD. Never had any reliability issues, it was my first car and I've been teaching myself repair and upgrading it. Gas cheap and the drive is fun.

Take the classic car pill.

>> No.12897667

I only buy American cars fuck japs and krauts

>> No.12897714

>new 4 liter
>more reliable than old 6.2
This is retarded on so many levels I dont even know where to begin...

>> No.12897922

Guys. German vehicles are ONLY good in Germany where they are made. Anywhere else the quality is shit.
Lexus/ Toyota produces the best reliable vehicles. (Japanese in general)
American vehicles are only good for hauling shit everything else is shit (F150)

T. driver of many cars.

>> No.12897973

Not likely to happen if you are an actual man that has repaired cars before. There is no excuse to not have the knowledge nowadays especially since you can learn everything online. You have failed as a man if you ever buy a lemon, that's on yourself and your dad for not teaching you right

>> No.12898259

The only thing I liked about Tesla's interior was the giant fucking panel display, and the pickup, your head literally flies back into the seat. But I'll never buy one, electric is a meme without expanding our nuclear power program, neglected for like over 40 years now

>> No.12898271

t. nigger

>> No.12898280
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>duhh japanese cars are crap!
>lasts 500k miles, sometimes even 1 million miles

>> No.12898284

I remember my mom was involved with ordering fleet vehicle Camry's in Brazil for her company. Apparently they cost like 40k down there, seems you have high import taxes/tariffs

>> No.12898295
File: 206 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick to my Honda's, never failed me once and they last just as long.
Had a 1995 Honda Civic for 20 years, now own a Civic Type R GT.

>> No.12898303

Well said

>> No.12898333
File: 225 KB, 470x496, A15743C2-4F1E-414E-A06F-5A8F81534B35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying an electric car
imagine being this cucked

>> No.12898581

>living in an expensive city
>not living far from it and saving you THOUSANDS a month, for bigger, cozier living that lets you afford an expensive car or more money
It's so easy to tell the sheep from the lions on this board, the cope I see on a daily basis was enough for me to quit posting.

>> No.12898596

>move to bumfuck house in the middle of nowhere
>die an permanent virgin incel because there are no women your age around for miles

>> No.12898622

>german engineering is superior
>fucking kek

>> No.12898629
File: 261 KB, 1280x877, car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this car. Hope it lasts me a long time

>> No.12898648

Oversanitizing your kids causes autism, amongst other issues

>> No.12898652

Living in the city fucking sucks. I live between philly and nyc and just visit friends there for the weekend. Too many niggers and awful roads

>> No.12898659

2009 Corola here. 160k miles. runs perfect. Literally no issues out of the ordinary (failed water pump). I do all the maintenance on it. It is cheap as fuck to maintain.

>> No.12898663

I bought the high level honda civic back in 2015. I don't drive much. It cost 19k and will last me forever. Still looks new. get car washes and keep it clean. tint the windows

>> No.12898665

enjoy your spontaneous combustion

>> No.12898669

I've abused the living hell out of my $800 '01 Corolla.
260k miles.
Check engine light has been on for 5 years, transmission is slow shifting into 2nd.
I don't change the oil either. I just pour more in when I hear some rattling.

Any other car would explode at this point.

>> No.12898676

change your trans oil retard

>> No.12898678


i bought an 8 year old car 6 years ago and the only thing i have had to replace is oil and tires, the trick is just not to be a dumb fucking basedboy retard

>> No.12898705

Brazil is different from most other south american countries in that they have massive taxes on stuff not made in Brazil.

>> No.12898712

At this point the sludge is keeping it together and plugging the hole that the Walmart auto place put in the bottom of the oil pan.
Fuck Walmart

>> No.12898715

Let him see what happens kek

>> No.12898723

Oh wait I see what you mean
Do you see why Toyotas are so good now

>> No.12898726

Bought a dealer-demo Audi A4 in 2014. $30K. Put 15K down and had cheap payments but if I had to do it all over again I would have bought a cheaper car and just invested the difference. My car will be paid off in 12 months and I'll have it for another 5-7 years, but I'm definitely choosing a cheaper vehicle next time around.

Also, if you continue to save your car payments after they're done, you'll be able to afford a nice down payment on a car in the future and saves you interest.

>> No.12898736

Are there any old reliable AWD you'd recommend? Preferably something to go hit the mountains in the winter

>> No.12898778
File: 114 KB, 1200x675, DvO3AfBXgAAURlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooo a car thread. So ive been riding motorcycles for the last 10 years full time. Got in a wreck and now am facing a large settlement. I am absolutely in love with the hyundai genesis, 2015ish. Whats a comparable vehicle that would be a smarter choice? I want leather interior, 2 doors, and a sunroof. Wat do?

Pic related is what i survived.

>> No.12898880

Unacceptable. Watch your damn mouth

>> No.12898896

What happened nigger? (just for the anon above you)

>> No.12898913

07 Corolla with 116 reporting in

Buying a new car is for suckers I bought this at 70k for 5k

>> No.12898920

Buy an older genesis that has already depreciated.

>> No.12899224
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what does biz think of this? have had it for 4 years, thinking tesla or used i8

>> No.12899302

>buying a used BMW
Based retard

>> No.12899495


>> No.12899592

If you are white you have to drive a GM or Ford otherwise you are a race traitor, sorry but there's no getting around it.

>> No.12899607

GM and ford is for mexicans.
Fuck off with your thirdworld garbage.

>> No.12899622


These are taxis in Bangkok

>> No.12899627


why, fag? Electrical engines being merely electrical motors, lasts almost forever

>> No.12899634


they have spent all their engineering skills on cost cutting and shilling

>> No.12899653

Wait, what is wrong with idling in gear? I do that at every stop light.

>> No.12899658
File: 1.05 MB, 1536x2048, 458BC0A8-96CF-4280-A588-9015E7A99920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my car. an e46 coupe.

i like it because normies shy away from it, because theyre too pussy to drop the subframe to change the oil pan gasket.

once the gaskets are changed, and the cooling system is done, this car is a reliable, comfy, based ride.

the steering and handling is so much better than a japanese cuckbox its a joke.

also anything made past 2011 is most likely absolute trash.

bmw inline 6's are redpilled. fuck your shitty camry's and civic's. if youre too much of a pussy to fix your own car, you deserve to drive one of those embarassingly hideous slavebox's.

also if you drive a VW you support hitler. and porshe's are the only non-poorfag tier german car thats actually nice for the most part.

>> No.12899743
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All these wagies debating which cage is better to spend your own money on

>> No.12899922

I don't get why people buy $20,000 cars. I drive a mazda 3 with 100k+ miles. I haven't done one thing to it besides gas, oil, and brake pads. Any car made past 2010 lasts forever, I don't get the point of new cars.

I've also driven multiple friend's "luxury" cars and they are nice, but they are $100 nice, at best. Not $30,000+ holy shit I don't understand it at all. I have over $100k in the bank too. I could go out tomorrow and buy a brand new BMW or Audi or w/e but have literally 0 desire.

And I know some poor ass people up to their eyeballs in debt who have no business buying a new car and they are spending $20k+ on a fucking toyoda or other bland as fuck car because its "reliable." Makes no sense to me.

Just buy any car made in the last 10 years, it will need like no repairs. And keep it clean, then its more comfy than most dirty fuck's "luxury" cars. You are just an idiot if you are shelling out 5-10x the price for a new or "luxury" car unless you are actually fuck-you rich and it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.12899951


put 227k on my '07 avalon limited before it was totaled. great cars. they do everything a v6 camry does but better, and cheaper than a ES 350 lexus.

i exclusively only drive lexus and toyota now.

>> No.12899966

If you like driving around an appliance this is the best option. Boring car for boring people.

>> No.12899984

Checked and redbassed and pilled. Are you m3 fag?

>> No.12900002

>spending more then 5k on a vehicle and investing the other 15k
never going to make it anon

>> No.12900042

That’s the right way to do it. But as somebody who drove around shit boxes for 10 years (bought Infiniti g20s and Sentra se-Rs and swapped the motors) it gets old. I have been more productive and living my best life buying cool cars. It’s motivation for car people.

>> No.12900066
File: 48 KB, 645x729, stupid 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wears out your clutch

>> No.12900076

No it doesn’t faggot. If anything it wears your throw out bearing. Learn about cars retard.

>> No.12900102
File: 94 KB, 1051x699, 1453240348105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


desu senpai there are a fuck ton of 'cool cars' you can get all day every day for 5 grand a pop.

the reason people buy 20 30 40 50 thousand dollar cars is because they think they can afford the payments......but they absolutely cannot afford the car.

>> No.12900113

What if they can afford it? You retards think everybody is drowning in debt

>> No.12900121

how old should a car be before you buy another one? or just keep it as long as it runs?

>> No.12900128


something like 3/4 of the USA is drowning in debt.

if you can afford to buy a new car then that's cool, it's still a bad investment vs a 2-3 year old used variant with low miles for half the cost.

>> No.12900144

I agree. If you go that direction, why not just buy a cool Acura tsx with the 4cyl and 6spd or a rsx type a for well under 10k?

>> No.12900155

expect it handles winter better than most other sedans in snow due to higher clearance lol. who cares about what women think you dumb normie

>> No.12900164

All you need is snow tires. You can drive a fucking 1994 Dodge Viper in the snow if you have proper tires.

>> No.12900216

>>Not living in a city where you can make six figures as a starting salary, and retiring further away.

>> No.12900222


Actually he is right, can't beat the yellow brains

>> No.12900235

Again he is because his past experiences, he didn't got rich by buying soportie expensive cars as a hobby

>> No.12900321

If im paying that much id rather hear an amg engine instead of a vacuum cleaner

>> No.12900324

Based as fuck. E55 amb is a reliable tank.

>> No.12900470
