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File: 96 KB, 1200x750, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12889931 No.12889931 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12889941

I’m a temporarily embarrassed slavemaster

>> No.12889951



>> No.12889961

No one forces you to be a wage slave under capitalism. The barrier for starting your own business is almost nothing except commie states.

Socialism and communism force you to be a wage slave

>> No.12889962

I went to visit Cuba and told me that wagies in communist countries have it way way WAY worse. Seriously, send some of our wagies to a Cuban cagie and they'll come back asking to suck the dick of his boss.

>> No.12889995

That's pretty retarded, faggot

1) Practically speaking, not true. You need a lot of start up capital which is not easy to accrue. You're often competing with large established corporations who you often cannot survive against. Your financial security and livelihood is always under threat

2) Logically also not true. Capitalism requires an underclass of wage workers. 99% of people at any given time in a capitalist system have to be in this position, even if there is some flux between workers and labourers

so tell me again, how are almost all of us not forced to be wage workers?

>> No.12890002

capitalism is gud but only if it works in my favor duhhhhhh

>> No.12890005

*between workers and capitalist

>> No.12890025

>You need a lot of start up capital
Only if your idea sucks balls in which case this is why you work for someone who can think since you can't.

>> No.12890033

I'm a neet so I
>agree with capitalism when my parents discuss their views
>secretly want gibs and handouts and actively vote for my interests

>> No.12890108
File: 15 KB, 275x183, wmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half the population has an iq under 100. wage slave isn't dehumanizing for them. i worked retail in my teenage years, the fucking zombie people that actually work at places like walmart would amaze you. these people can't be entrepreneurs, they aren't capable. In any system they would form the underclass working dredges. It seems like your question sort of supposes that there exists a utopia where this work wouldn't be necessary or where it wouldn't be "dehumanizing". I disagree with that premise.

>> No.12890122
File: 237 KB, 437x467, 1536184109116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason why fat soft body upper-middle class white kids promote communism

>I'll be a part of the intellectual, decision making government in a comfortable job, I won't be working hard labor on a farm somewhere


>When my shitcoin finally takes off I will retire before age 30 and never need to wage cuck again

It's literally the same retarded, delusional mentality located on the opposite end of the spectrum

>> No.12890126

I never get why guys like you (you are not the only one) promote capitalism like that when you chance of succeeding are super thin.

For me there is only 3 options: you are either one of the few who has succeded, or you are delusional, thinking you'll make it. The last possibility is that you indeed succeeded, but had lot of enabling factors in your life, like well off parents, or a mentor who taught you some skill. In this last case, you just refuse to acknowledge the fact that you were indirectly advantaged.

>> No.12890170

What is the alternative? The system we all abide by should be one that maximizes personal choice. People need to have the right to try and fail and they need the incentive of profit to make the risk worth taking. There is no reward without risk in anything. It seems like basically an economic law. Capitalism has created a society of abundance. Is wealth evenly distributed? of course not. It will never be. But literacy rates are high, people have more than they did a couple hundred years ago, and the enterprising have the ability to start a business and work for themselves. I would much rather have this than socialism

>> No.12890183

Cruelty is inherent to nature. Exploitation is one of the forms it takes when it comes to the human condition. Presently exploitation is most easily justified along the wage-slavery paradigm In a hundred years we may well be back to "normal" slavery, and at some point that might devolve to chattel slavery.

There is no ethical obligation to do the impossible. I can reduce systemic cruelty or mitigate specific instances of cruelty around me, but ultimately I cannot change the fundamentals of the human condition.

>> No.12890189

I agree with this 100%

>> No.12890195

Rednecks are the biggest cucks. They will eat shit before admitting Republican ideology only benefits a handful.

>> No.12890262

They don't vote red for economics, they vote that way because Democrates are the hate white people party. Rednecks know the Republicans don't give a fuck, but they don't actively hate them for their race and culture like the Dems do. I guess they think illegal trans Mexicans are the future of the working class.

>> No.12890263

>good ideas attract capital
You STILL need the capital and some rich faggot will get richer if your idea is good enough to piggyback off them

>> No.12890356


You two guys are retards.

Humans are not cruel, abusive, or exploit there fellow human.

Listing to me know. During 98% of homo sapiens existence (200000 years ago), there was no exploitation, no slavery, no one working for someone else.

This shit only happen since the neolithic revolution 12000 years ago.

To add on this, last studies about human DNA show that we are closer to bonobos than chimpanzee.

So fuck off definitively with your complaints about evil human nature.

>> No.12890376


>no exploitation or slavery

Yeah, hunter-gatherers living in groups of maybe 20 didn't need to enslave one another. They DID murder one another over hunting territory and raid one another for women and plunder, just like hunter-gatherers have been doing since ever.

>closer to bonobos

That's been debunked. But your meme science at least tells me that you think you're justified in believing what you believe.

>> No.12890383

I'm extremely pro-capitalism because I dropped out of college and got an internship. Fast-forward four years to present day and I'm making over $120,000 with no remaining college debt compared to some friends I still talk with that have recently entered the workforce with a lower salary than me and a shitton of college debt

>> No.12890407

No system will ever be perfect as it all hinges on power. Depending on a system to create a society is the equilvalent of telling yourself you need the best/most expensive guitar to play well. The perfect society is one full of dilligent, bright and noble citizens. It cannot be a top down approach but has to start from each of us and the education (both intellectually and spiritually) of the youth

Capitalism, socialism and communism all has potential to be great, but statistically capitalistic countries has highest quality of life and opportunity

Even commie china is forced to be partly capitalistic. It is the system most similar to how nature functions

>> No.12890409
File: 104 KB, 550x453, iww-abolition-of-the-wage-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socialism and communism force you to be a wage slave
Where do you think the term "wage slavery" comes from?

>> No.12890410

That's right, hunter gatherers war each other, however, war was way more humane than today. No genocide or total annihilation.

>That's been debunked. But your meme science at least tells me that you think you're justified in believing what you believe.

No it hasn't?


>> No.12890411

> Don’t know how monopolistic practices and consolidation emerges out of free market capitalism.

Retard !!

>> No.12890427


>no genocide or total annihilation

Neanderthals and the other branches of near-humans we drove to extinction during that period would beg to differ with you.

>No it hasn't

I can't be assed to dig around for studies comparing humans to bonobos/chimps right now so okay.

>> No.12890429


>Even commie china is forced to be partly capitalistic. It is the system most similar to how nature functions

NO, no, no and no.

China is NOT communist. God dammit, whenever you have owners of means of production and workers working for them, the first taking the surplus labor, it is capitalism, not communism.

It is like democracy. We are not in democracy, even if it has the name of it. Do you understand?

Mcdonals says their meals are healthy, are they?

You really need to understand this.

>> No.12890437

the point was even the communist party was forced to adopt capitalistic principles in order to grow post war

>> No.12890441

Neanderthals survived, if you are white, it is in you...

Anyway neanderthals weren't homo sapiens. For what i know they weren't killed until the last one, they just couldn't compete with sapiens for ressources.

>> No.12890458


Right. Because when they showed up in the same hunting grounds they got a spear through the ribcage or a rock to the skull.

>> No.12890459


Capitalism means you are allowed to trade anything and with anyone you want. It says nothing about wage work.

Salaries are simply the exchange of your time and work for money. The amount of that you decide to sell is up to you.

>> No.12890466
File: 986 KB, 2324x1489, D3FAAD0C-22DE-4CC8-BBBD-B55FDE31C8A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is NOT Communist

This is a good thing, faggot

>> No.12890477


I want a system were workers don't give their surplus labor to someone else.

>> No.12890483
File: 139 KB, 711x767, 74A33D90-0B13-482D-A8C2-7C9D43BAB351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up retard you don't even know what you're saying.

>> No.12890488
File: 11 KB, 239x250, 1551048625106s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related tend to be used as criticism against capitalism. it argues that:
>1. without laborers who provide the grunt work, nothing would ever get built
>2. laborers aren't able to afford material luxuries
>3. Therefore, the work of laborers are undervalued

1. laborers do not create value. They benefit from the value created by entrepreneurs and visionaries
2. most of the time there are no problems filling out vacancies when a laborer quits his job
3. Therefore, laborers are fairly paid

it's been YEARS and it's getting TIRING. Nothing has changed yet noise is louder than ever. Instead of moving upwards we're tied by a point and spinning in circles

>> No.12890489


And I want to adventure in a fantasy land of heroes and magic.

>> No.12890492


It never was communist. It was state capitalism.


>Salaries are simply the exchange of your time and work for money.

You give more wealth to your company than they give back to you in the form of wages.

>> No.12890503
File: 76 KB, 790x444, D3571407-8BA1-4310-A30E-3C05C6D3B0A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even Maoism isn't communism now

>> No.12890510

>1. laborers do not create value. They benefit from the value created by entrepreneurs and visionaries

Complete reversal of roles. Without workers, it would be absolutely impossible for the owner of the means of production to create any value.

It is the workers who create value.

>> No.12890522


No it isn't you retard. You think you're smart believing scammers like Stalin or Mao, making people believe state capitalism was communism? Even Lenin said that the new economic policy wasn't communism.

>> No.12890542

by itself, labor HAS 'value' BUT it is the LEAST POWERFUL. POWER is true wealth and that is something retards will never understand

Can a million people do what you can do? Then you have NO POWER and will not be able to afford what POWERFUL people can have. The only way the powerless can become powerful is by banding together, and that is precisely what socialism/communism is

There's nothing inherently wrong with that but just don't pretend to be holier and for the "greater good" when it is all just a form of power struggle

>> No.12890552

>1. laborers do not create value. They benefit from the value created by entrepreneurs and visionaries

Imagine you have a company, you bought the machines, paid the electricity, the building, even paid the wages. Yet you still haven't made one dollar. It is the workers, transforming materials into something, who creates value. Not the owners of the means of production.

>> No.12890554

Why company ownership is distributed only to executives, not to bottom tier wageslaves ? I have to issue with except two things

1. Checks and balances against consolidation and for competition needs to be there in the system
2. Significant ownership should be given to employees and ownership consolidation via opaque ETF funds and few “whales” needs to be controlled.

The thing is “free market capitalism” is a utopia. Without stringent regulations and amendments to corporate law, its a faulty system with proponents/idealists only looking at its hypothetical attributes.

>> No.12890565

More so in information economy. Good luck running Amazon with drones and robots.

>> No.12890574

yet that never happens. Labor is and will always be cheap and plentiful. You are viewing value 'as it is' through an objective/ platonic lens while disregarding the power dynamics that exists in society

Desire for power is an inherent part of human nature. Power is true wealth. To fix all the so called 'problems' would require a fundamental modification of the brain (possibly through technological augmentation) and turning us into a hivemind

>> No.12890576

You can't produce anything material with power. Try to produce a CPU with power, it doesn't work. You are not a fucking magician. You need human labor to produce things. It is human labor which create things from raw materials, and thus create value.

>> No.12890592

You are right, free market capitalism isnt perfect and neither is any other system... because no system is.

What we have now is the best solution as there are multiple sides keeping each other in check

>> No.12890601

Same reason I can be a libertarian, while not being a crack whore.
You can suck dick for crack or scrub toilets for minimum wage if you want. Don't know which is more dehumanizing.
I'd just like to avoid doing either.

>> No.12890603


You are a completly wrong. What happened you got badly abused during childhood or what?


>> No.12890610
File: 92 KB, 890x960, AB941E84-5B67-4210-9667-42BFBEE8782A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know what, you're right. We should be given wealth closer to our labor value. This can be achieved by abolishing income and payroll taxes.

>> No.12890611

POWER =/= literal electricity

in this context, it is the ability to make others obey because they have more to lose than you. A healthy laborer is more powerful than a nation of >160IQ geniuses with severe physical disabilities

>> No.12890613

This is true unironically. Power mongers will find ways to sabotage any “-isms” be it runaway capitalism or state-sponsored communism. The issue with human mind and its infinite desire for power over other humans and nature. Once upon a time, gold used to satisfy that power. But now power radiated by corporations is what those power mongers are after.

>> No.12890627

>when you chance of succeeding are super thin.
implying I don't already have multiple successful businesses

get off your arse stop being a nigger and do some work

>> No.12890643


And you are welcome to say no and look for a different exchange of goods. Also, you are welcome to go on your own if you want all the profits to go to you.

>> No.12890653

Cuz jews

>> No.12890654


Let's suppose i'm rich.

I don't want to live in this world. Paying somebody at a restaurant to cook for me. Paying people to keep my children. Paying people to have fun. That's a shit world. I don't want any of it. Keep it, make it yours, rejoice, but i will never be happy in this system, and always say it is shit. Always.

>> No.12890667

>Exhibit 6873759749 of why democracy will never work:

Power dynamics in a hunter gatherer society was different than the society we live in today. Tribes were kept small and nature could sustain them. Even so, who is to say that the best hunter didn't have monopoly on the best woman?

>> No.12890671

You have zero successful businesses, faggot

>> No.12890680

So you want to be a parasite?

>> No.12890683

>half the population has an iq under 100. wage slave isn't dehumanizing for them.
Yeah and half the population would also starve to death without jobs lol.

>> No.12890706

1. Capitalism is fucking based. I stole some nigger's art and I'm selling it on redbubble, and I'm making like $300 a month for doing nothing. When I get caught I'll just make another account and do it again (already got caught twice and made new accounts)
2. No one is forcing you to get a job, I sure as fuck don't have a job lmao.

Living under capitalism is like living life on easy mode. If you still have to get a job doing something you don't like, it's because you're stupid.

>> No.12890736

Wtf is this retarded shit. Kys

>> No.12890746

Pretty sure you're the one who should be killing yourself right now when I'm making money for nothing while you're too stupid to do anything but wageslave lol

>> No.12890749
File: 43 KB, 634x464, 5957290-6369955-image-a-19_1541721447079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scandanavian countries privatized social security and eliminated the minimum wage
Why cant the US do those things?

>> No.12890759

This is the root issue. Thanks. It’s “Scale”.

Egalitarian dynamics can’t be sustained at scale. Hierarchical power structures were more efficient in controlling a company or nation or other big entities like that, till decentralisation arrived. We have systematically made society impersonal and scaled. Naturally those egalitarian dynamics won’t work as it’s not just 20-50 people whom I know by name. Anything beyond 150, you would need a hierarchy till distributed consensus protocols arrived.

>> No.12890761

I swear to god communists are literally sub-90 IQ subhumans. I'm not being edgy or silly. I literally believe that communists aren't even human. They're just so fucking stupid and want to drag everyone down to their level.

>> No.12890766

You’re making pennies selling stolen art, uhhh ok lol

>> No.12890778

And you're making less flipping burgers lmao
Me - 2, retarded commie - 0

>> No.12890783

>you would need a hierarchy till distributed consensus protocols arrived.

Finally someone who make some sense again.

>> No.12890784

Scale. It’s culturally homogenous too. US is too large, diverse / heterogenous culturally to make entire public empathically convince on those ideas.

>> No.12890793

Where does the first point come from?

>> No.12890796

From not being a faggot communist lol

>> No.12890806

Innovate faggot

>> No.12890811


Guess what happened to Hunter and gatherers? They were killed, conquered by consolidated groups that formed the beginning of city states, which evolved further into nations with sovereignty.

>> No.12890823

If you don't want to make a wage, then start your own business and hire some niggers, faggot.

>> No.12890833


Hunter gatherers are our true nature. What we are. From 200000 BCE to 12000 BCE.

We need to create a system for us to live in accordance to our true nature. And our core nature is certainly not working for someone else, which is what capitalism is.

>> No.12890851

huh? how is that an analogy?

>> No.12890857

He's trying to say that capitalism isn't based because he works at mcdonald's lol

>> No.12890872
File: 39 KB, 396x382, same thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you again?

>> No.12890889

>Be you
>Take it up the poop shoot
>Work a low IQ job
>Not realize you can get out of the job byh
>starting your own business but waaaah
>I need free shit so I gotta take money
>from people that wanna start a business
Neck yourself faggot

>> No.12890898
File: 2 KB, 65x125, 1551160787791s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this

>> No.12890930

Capitalism, or in a more accurate term, Consumerism, is the best means by which you can amass wealth that can generate passive income for you and give you inordinate amounts of free time that would be unfathomable in any other kind of economic system.

Working for a salary or wage (or running your own small business without knowing who Robert Kiyosaki is) means that you have to trade up to 12 hours of your life in unfulling, tiresome, and frustrating toil for a sum of money that will be eaten away by bills, taxes, nest eggs, and dependents, leaving you with very little to spend for your own enjoyment and forcing you to buy cars and vital appliances on credit.

It's a system that fosters avarice, miserliness, frustration, and misery by making your life centered around money, how its as rare a commodity as water in the Sahara Desert during a drought, and how unexpected setbacks like a leg breaking or a car getting dinged after the insurance has lapsed become catastrophic disasters because of the inordinate strain it puts on one's carefully planned budget. It is like being a horse and sprinting on with two bruised ribs for 12 hours a day spent chasing after a baby carrot on a stick.

>> No.12890945

i work as a wage cuck, and i've come to terms that it's me that is the failure, not the system

>> No.12890984

pure projection

>> No.12890994

>i will never be happy
this is the only true thing you've said

this is the behaviour of a woman

>> No.12890998

Well you can start by supporting abolishing archaic copyright laws. Then starting your own business is much more practical

>> No.12891034

Is anyone preventing you do to just that? Set up a small homestead and incorporate natural farming as taught by Fukuoka?

Why do you need a system to make you do anything?

>> No.12891042

Name 2

>> No.12891052

Is anyone stopping you from pursuing this utopia of yours? You can start right now - come up with a decent idea, execute it to perfection and manage your business sustainably while paying your workers 30% above market rate

>> No.12891058

He’ll have to pay bullshit taxes to teh gubberment

>> No.12891065

doesnt any business owners?

>> No.12891068

because while we voluntarily enter into labor contracts with corporations, the government, through violence, can extract wealth from the masses to fund a large and growing number of state dependents. Those state dependents are public good/welfare beneficiaries ("welfare queens" usually come to mind but the average state dependent is not actually a middle aged black woman but an old person), the political and bureaucratic classes (the bureaucratic class providing the most value), and the corporations themselves. Corporations and the wealthy get the benefit of a political class who fund regulatory agencies that reduce competition, build infrastructure that reduces production cost, provide subsidies, waive taxes, start wars that allow those corporations to use resources without paying for them or even paying to seize them, and by receiving government payments themselves. My company could reduce costs from roads built with the people's money on land seized through eminent domain, using gasoline made cheap from a war fought with weapons I made, to provide a service to the government that has already paid me over and over and over again with money taken from the public.

Also waging sucks ass. Standing on your feet for 9 hours a shift just to have some fat bitch yell at you about ice cube trays makes you want to blow your head off.

>> No.12891077

It’s gay

>> No.12891082



>> No.12891104

>1) Practically speaking, not true. You need a lot of start up capital which is not easy to accrue. You're often competing with large established corporations who you often cannot survive against. Your financial security and livelihood is always under threat
This isn't true. It depends on the business. I know a business right now you can start with a thousand bucks.

You can start with less and grind your way up doing affiliate marketing.

Hell, you can start cheap grind your way up by writing ebooks on Amazon.

There's a bunch of things you can do. Escaping minimum wage cuckery doesn't mean you need to study for years or start with money to rent a building and hire employees. Though either of those can obviously help.

>> No.12891110

>I know a business right now you can start with a thousand bucks.
no you don't

>> No.12891115

>2) Logically also not true. Capitalism requires an underclass of wage workers. 99% of people at any given time in a capitalist system have to be in this position, even if there is some flux between workers and labourers
No, it doesn't.

Frankly, if there were more capitalists and they all needed workers, worker wages would have to go up.

Fact is, wage workers are needed less than ever. That's why their pay is going down. Look at the increasing amounts of automation and how that trend will accelerate (fourth industrial revolution).

Capitalism doesn't require workers at all.

>> No.12891120

Yes, I do. It's my secret, though. Also not sure if I'm gonna do it since it would entail joining a weird community full of internet drama and maybe stalking.

>> No.12891137

>Yes, I do.
no, you don't.

>> No.12891138

you always see the folks like >>12890833 talking shit and begging for the coming of a perfect system to save them. Much noise yet no action.

If you so wish to change the world start with your self and the education of your kids (both intellectually and spiritually). Employ people and pay them higher wages. Give them freedom to take leaves whenever they want. Give them plenty of paid holidays.

correct, because all systems have always been about power, and power dynamics are fluid and independant of arbitary systems

>> No.12891150

>Capitalism doesn't require workers at all.
if capitalism doesn't require workers, leaving the vast majority of humanity penniless with nothing to do, then it's only a matter of time until it gets replaced with socialism / communism. guess it's not such a great system after all.

>> No.12891157

>Capitalism doesn't require workers at all.
Btw this is actually fucking scary

There are many ways this could go.

We could have post-scarcity and everyone gets their own robot butlers and factories.

Or wagies could just fucking disappear as, with fewer and jobs (because capitalism will have less and less need for wagies), life just gradually gets more and more gruelling until wagies can't even imagine bringing kids into the world and raising them.

I think Peter thiel is right in thinking that we have a great deal of ability to influence our future as a society. If link moons, I'll be trying to work toward sustainable post-scarcity.

>> No.12891173

>2) Logically also not true. Capitalism requires an underclass of wage workers. 99% of people at any given time in a capitalist system have to be in this position, even if there is some flux between workers and labourers
c&r. Only 60 percent of people in the US work.

>> No.12891179

Communism and socialism are the complete opposite of the wage system. They believe employees should be co owners and that people are paid percentages of profits based on their contribution. Not wages.

>> No.12891188

>then it's only a matter of time until it gets replaced with socialism / communism. guess it's not such a great system after all.
Betcha we get a lighter populism first. We'll see if it's authoritarian populism or democratic populism.

>> No.12891203

>If you so wish to change the world start with your self and the education of your kids (both intellectually and spiritually). Employ people and pay them higher wages. Give them freedom to take leaves whenever they want. Give them plenty of paid holidays.

I don't mind socialism if it means safety nets but shit like Liz Warren's wealth taxes to pay for universal childcare is a bit nutty.

If we must have taxes for that, make it something to safely automate childcare... Or automate people out of jobs, so they can raise their own children instead of having someone else raise their children while they work three jobs.

God I hope link moons. Fuck work. I'm gonna drag all the wagies into Utopia.

>> No.12891218

based & ramseypilled

>> No.12891263

>Communism and socialism are the complete opposite of the wage system. They believe employees should be co owners and that people are paid percentages of profits based on their contribution. Not wages.
Almost every communist I have spoken to is convinced their bog standard vagina paintings are a significant enough contribution to society that they should be handed a living for it.

Those that don't are psychotic and want to treat the rest of humanity like a game of sim city

>> No.12891278

Sounds like a better system than minimum wage, anyway.

>> No.12891294

>Practically speaking, not true. You need a lot of start up capital which is not easy to accrue. You're often competing with large established corporations who you often cannot survive against. Your financial security and livelihood is always under threat
That argument is flawed. The first part of your argument that people shouldn't bother opening new businesses simply because it cost capital that you assume an average John Doe does not have unlike Zaibatzu INC which has lots of liquid capital. For the first part you don't take into account that Mr. Doe take out a loan (assuming he has good credit) to acquire the capital needed to open his doors. Of course, let's not forget Zaibatzu INC, (and assume it does have the capital), it will still take time to turn the liquid asset into hard assets needed to grow to meet an increase in demand.
By simply opening it's doors, a startup will steal a share of the market before the large corporation can grow to meet demand. You also arn't taking into account that small business arn't looking to steal market share from a larger competitor.
So If what you said is in fact reality, then why hasn't every mom and pop restaurant, auto shop, computer repair store, salon, game store, steel mill, paper mill, ship yard, furniture store, and pawn shop been squeezed out of the market by a larger corporation?

>99% of people at any given time in a capitalist system have to be in this position
Ah, I see we are now pulling statistics out of the aether.

>> No.12891301

there isnt a better system otherwise i would have already invented it.

>s a g *

>> No.12891941

>It never was communist. It was state capitalism.
>That wasn't REAL communism.
Every time.