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12885766 No.12885766 [Reply] [Original]

I had to spend 10 hours at work listening to 7 other normalfags conversation and ""humour"" whilst i sat there in silence

i am so glad to finally be alone with my PC and with people who i like speaking to (anonymous)

I believe we are the elite, only the most high IQ can spend their life on an anonymous forum, as they know it is the pinnacle of interaction. We are very lucky to be alive.

>> No.12885782
File: 23 KB, 564x483, 1551300373954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru dat fren

>> No.12885784

Sorry but if you can't fake it around normies, not only is your IQ likely nowhere near as high as you think it is, but you will never make it.

>> No.12885790

based asf

>> No.12885791

I fake it every day, its just draining and tiresome.

>> No.12885793

Disgusting. Fat. Pig.

>> No.12885794
File: 82 KB, 600x600, 1551341073497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we what the frens have posted earlier
we are already made it

>> No.12885797

butthurt roastie/ low test onions pls go

>> No.12885801

>only the most high IQ can spend their life on an anonymous forum

>> No.12885803

something i think a lot of us are unaware of is that the market share for normies has been dropping for years and they basically don't even own the majority anymore. you're freakishness is cool now and you can be yourself and people will accept you.

>> No.12885809

>We are very lucky to be alive
You mean very unlucky?

>> No.12885815

irl conversation:
>physically and mentally draining
>pecking order
>political correctness
>have to wait for your turn

online conversation
>deeper meaning
>more intricate running jokes
>no political correctness
>can converse at your leisure
>discuss what you want

hmm really makes you think

>> No.12885825

You have pretty low standards if you're turned on by Jabba The Hut

>> No.12885838
File: 152 KB, 815x981, 1549296970704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehh le jabba the hut ..man teh harpoon xD

fuck off reddit normalfag

>> No.12885839

As if the majority of us are here for the anything other than the 3rd bullet. What deeper meaning is there to spamming shitty memes and saying things only because they are offensive? Sure, there might be one truly beneficial conversation among the hundreds of garbage ones on this site, but you can say the same about irl conversations.

>> No.12885843

Do you not have friends? So glad i dont have a job where i dont have to watch what i say. I say racist shit all the time. Nice perk when you work with working class people in a well paid industry.

>> No.12885857

Forget the double negative.

>> No.12885864


memes>>>>>>>>>>>irl ""humour""

>> No.12885872

>Nice perk when you work with working class people in a well paid industry.

so youre poor?

>> No.12885894

Film industry pal

>> No.12885926

holy fuck that girl

>> No.12885940
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>> No.12885960

holy shit dude. That’s amazing. I have a braphog GF but she has a huge ass and smaller tits. This makes me want to hunt for a new one

>> No.12885961 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12885965 [DELETED] 

I like how you can clearly see the cuts on her wrist, showing you she truly is just a broken attention whore.

>> No.12885973

For some reason this one looks gross to me. Lacks the innocence and cuteness necessary to be a brapper

>> No.12885987
File: 112 KB, 555x747, 1549611853077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too. My ones got a similar body to >>12885940
at the moment, but bigger tits.

Only downside is, she hasn't got any ass ;_;

she had a fatter ass when she was a bit heavier, but shes been starving herself and losing a lot of weight recently.

She wants a "summer body". fucking stupid bitch

wish she had an ass like pic related

>> No.12885996

this ones shit

the dyke hair cut
shitty tattoo

and poor fat distribution

>> No.12886595

I love fat girl threads. Thanks guys

>> No.12886622

a lot of braphogs have either phenomenal ass or phenomenal tits but one with both is a rare braphog indeed. Cheers to you my fellow man of fine taste. These fags have been brainwashed against women with curves so there is an abundance of meat out there. It’s a golden era for hunting braphogs. My last couple have been big ass brappers so I really am craving a soft belly big titty girl like the one you posted.

>> No.12886696

Anon, just be yourself. Love yourself and accept yourself, no matter who you are. Normies are fucking lame. Even before they open their mouth, we high iq anons know what they will say. They will look up to you, when you have self confident and make their world brighter with your crazy thoughts. Because they see and hear the same thing every day. We anons are different.

Everyone of you is a perfect diamond, like he is!
Accept this simple truth and you will make it in life!

>> No.12887186

Sauce on piggy wiggy?

>> No.12887400

no idea sorry

>> No.12887488

yo fucking facts my dumbass girl trying to slim down too, like bitch who tf u slimming down for

>> No.12887559

You sound poorly adjusted. I enjoy in person interaction as well as anonymous online interaction.
>I'm not a social reject, I'm just high IQ
fucking lel

>> No.12887565

gays and other stick women create peer pressure against thicc women through social media and fashion. You better get involved

>> No.12887582

>I enjoy in person interaction

fuck off normalfag tourist

boring cunt lmao

>> No.12887586


>> No.12887591


> poorly adjusted
KYS normalshit.

>> No.12887630


>> No.12887638

nigger fag

>> No.12887726
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Don't ever leave us again, fren.

>> No.12887738
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>> No.12887741
File: 99 KB, 698x1024, 9CF77D4810D643E2BFBFFF32C5E37076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What non-braphoggers don't understand is that it's all in the jawline
If the fat doesn't accumulate along her jawline she can get fat as fuck and still be uber hott

>> No.12888322

Cope. Thick is just a politically correct term for fat. Going against the natural desire for healthy people doesn't make you special, just retarded

>> No.12888480
File: 31 KB, 640x1216, 1534023891652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like gf's fat belly
>but it's unhealty and I don't want to lose her prematurely
I always want to bury my face in her belly fat and grope her in public.

>> No.12888496

You don’t know the right people.

>> No.12888504

>likes fat girls
>coping since he can't get healthy / fit girls
ugly betas

>> No.12888538

Stop calling each other the N word
Please spell the word 'friend' properly

>> No.12888559

don't be such a nigger, fren

>> No.12888591

Never thought about it but you're right.

>> No.12888632

this desu ne
I feel like the guy from American Psycho

>> No.12888931

Pic related might not look how you want. That's how my wife looks bent over but her ass is kind of weird, not bubbly at all. It does look good shaking up and down when she rides the d, though.

>> No.12889002

Truly a golden age for braphogs
This man is a connoisseur

>> No.12889309


Good point. I mean there's a limit, but you're right. This is the difference between hot chub and gross chub.

>> No.12889399

Christ you're so right