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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 720x1280, kryll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12885379 No.12885379 [Reply] [Original]

kryll.io project, automated trading platform
> Marketcap at 1M$
> Working product
> Marketplace where you can purchases strats
> 40%+ without doing nothing in 1 week

>> No.12885384

Where is it from OP?

>> No.12885408

Everybody share their strats and profits on Telegram

>> No.12885415
File: 45 KB, 326x426, 1530531406041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too good to be true

>> No.12885428

Do some more research, marketing is coming I believe the price will not stay that long at 1m$ marketcap

>> No.12885434

Link twitter?

>> No.12885438


>> No.12885442

what marketing is coming?

>> No.12885459

Influencors on Twitter

>> No.12885460



>> No.12885472
File: 202 KB, 556x420, cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cucks don't want to make easy money. They are busy at Mcdonalds

>> No.12885501
File: 18 KB, 136x102, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich bois are accumulating some kryll

>> No.12885665
File: 508 KB, 791x594, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good

>> No.12886281

The idex price is pretty pumped compared to liquid

>> No.12886647
File: 57 KB, 848x808, 1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with the pump

>> No.12887057

Bought 3 months ago already. Will do a 10x from here.

>> No.12887168
File: 57 KB, 250x250, 1537982770576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do some more research
I did. It's a scam. Like all projects promising free money. If the automated trading "strategy" employed on kryll was profitable, it wouldn't be peddled to peasants for pennies.

>its free money just buy it

so fucking stupid

>> No.12887297

Bitconnect was an automated trading platform too.
This is like the retarded brother of Bitconnect.

>> No.12887319

Oh no! It's retarded!

>> No.12887365

seething nigger shill lmao
maybe stick to telegram and sell this garbage to indians or something

>> No.12888203

Im making money while I sleep kek. Not much, but every little helps and it will compound nicely whilst I sit and jerk off to hentai porn.

>> No.12888636

Guys, the automated bot are creating by users and require the coin to be used. the plateforme provide an excelent backtest and livetest where you can see if the configuration was profitable or not. The argument about "if they had a bot who works, they will never sell it is stupid since no bot is perfect and they earn money if more people are using it.

>> No.12888651

And its not an automatic trading platform, it just use API and trade on your binance or bittrex account. You just have to choose strategy you want to take. You have to spend Kryll in order to run those strategy. Guys here are too stupid to read a whitepaper and want to earn money

>> No.12888752
File: 87 KB, 1892x458, v7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no rage please while i'm making bucks doing nothing. CYA

>> No.12888900
File: 73 KB, 591x1280, kryll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seen oyur message and I hope for you that you didnt done any research, or I will declare you retarded. Continue talking, I'm making money while you are serving some nice burgers to npcs

>> No.12888990

It's a little ponzi scam

>> No.12888999

>I did. It's a scam. Like all projects promising free money. If the automated trading "strategy" employed on kryll was profitable, it wouldn't be peddled to peasants for pennies.

Kryll is a platform where you can create your own strategy with powerfull tools you dumb fuck, not a black box that promise high revenues.
You can rent strategies from others users and this is the fun part of the game where you can make the other's skills work for you retard. You should try it before spit on it. It is free if you trade on their token, so you won't use your macdonalds paycheck you fucking idiot

>> No.12889099

Are you guys serious to compare kryll to BCC ponzi scam ? Maybe you dont have any money more because you are a cuck holding shitcoins, but it doesnt means that all projects are scams

>> No.12889175

Just use 3commas.

>> No.12889198

>krill coin
>get eaten by whales
Lmao at these fucking Nigerian Prince coins. What was the other one called recently, suckercoin wasn't it?

>> No.12889270

so the other day I was wondering how to profit from TA fags and this project does it, but as a user I would need to have the holy grail of /biz/: the actually working crypto-trading strategy which I don't. you say I can rent if from other users, but how the math on this works out? doesn't it cut into the profits of other people who are renting the same strategy - so in the end only the maker makes profit on fees? the only improvement over existing twitter/youtube influencers is they now can make money directly from their followers... what am I missing?

>> No.12889287
File: 43 KB, 1136x618, kryll3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kryll cant you even read it correctly ?

> Nigerian scam giving me free money
> Dump my coins on losers calling it a scam at BTC/USD ATH
> Become rich and pay your mom as my personal hooker

>> No.12889317

Automated trading AI meme bullshit?


>> No.12889335

People can create their own automated strat by assembling blocks (quite intuitive), and they can propose their strats on the marketplace for free or for a certain amount of kryll that they will choose.
You can backtest the strats on old data for free and see what how the strats will do. Also every user can rate the strat that they are using and like that the marletplace will promote good traders who create cools productive strats.

Charters doing TAs on youtube are calling something to their fanbase and will contre trade them. You cant cheat on kryll or if you do nobody will use your strat.

>> No.12889351

Not all crypto projects are memes, please read the whitepaper and test the kryll platform before saying it's a scam or something

>> No.12889363

Well you can basically apply the stragety on all the pairs you want or on different trading platform. The strategy will per exemple say : "crossing MA 25 and 50 -> Buy then RSI more than 60 -> sell. ( it's a stupid example I know) I can imagine than if the plateforme is used by A LOT of people with many fund on the same pairs and the same platform it could decrease the effectiveness of this one. After some strategy will be more effective in bear or range trading. I mean there is so many possibilites that I don't think this problem occur now. I've discovered this coin recently so I invite all people who need information to join the telegram. The CEO is also actif on it.

>> No.12889618

it's not obvious to me from the webpage, but do people who rent a strategy can see "the source" of it? if not what prevents the variant of the following scam:

> group of 32 bagholders band together (or just one with more time)
> each makes an account on kryll
> they make and publish strategies on the marketplace,
> to make it simple for the example let's assume they created all 32 variants of buy/sell coin X for 5 days
> after 5 days one of the strategies is very successful,
> having great reputation more people use it and are willing to trust more money,
> day 6 is 'buy my bags' day
> mission accomplished, no need to care about reputation anymore

yes people did scams like that in the boomer stockmarket

>> No.12889751

Signed up there to have a poke around on the site, I've gotta say its a pretty slick interface, the back testing lab is cool, pity most of the strats are lackluster

>> No.12891161

its literally the ultimate NEET platform
im all in with my $10k trading capital swing bags

>> No.12891212

This doesn't look like a bad project but given that they are paying for marketing on this god forsaken shithole you already know this is bitconnect 2.0.

But well, I always try to be nice to you Pajeets so sure. Good luck catching the lowest IQ retards in this board into your ponzi scheme Prandeep.

>> No.12891215

My current face is $CHAM

>> No.12891224


>> No.12891247
File: 33 KB, 310x394, dr sage and mr hide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i take that back i just started an account and its literally a CLONE of cryptohopper trading bot but with less shit.

>it goes in all fields

>> No.12892323

I don't think they paid for posting something on 4chan (like really?)
Marketing is apparently coming today but I have no idea how

>> No.12893316
File: 296 KB, 800x600, npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying people promoting your project doesnt means that you run a ponzi scheme scam. This is absurd, find some more informations on their medium and telegram and you will clearly see that the core team have worked since the down trend without a pause

>> No.12893461

Well I don't think they paid people to shill here, I've seen some people on the telegram saying they will go for a thread

>> No.12893515
File: 58 KB, 412x551, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao thanks for the call +30% already

>> No.12893611
File: 663 KB, 800x450, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np senpai cant wait for the real FOMO happening

>> No.12893622

on it target please?

>> No.12893659

We are at ATH, I dont personnaly have any target I will just see how the fomo will affect on the price on the twitter influencors marketing launch. And TP depending on how bitcoin will move

>> No.12893732

5-10 million marketcap

>> No.12893780

This is a gem.

>> No.12893895

Thx me, the team is giving hard work to be recognized at their fair value. They have chosen to didnt communicate that much before their product is functionnal and intuitive. That's why marketcap is still very low and I believe it can become something huge. They recently got financed by BPI (french institution) and they will be promoted at blockchain events with french well recognized blockchain societies such as iExec and Ledger.

>> No.12894226

Bump for my fellow KryllShills

>> No.12894377

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.12895031

Isn't this basically bitconnect v2?

>> No.12895051

why that bcc v2?? i saw that like an trading platform where i can create strategy

>> No.12895232

No it's not bitconnect is a ponzi scheme, it gives you a fixed amount of ROI each day (strictly the same). To acces BCC and gain some money your money was locked for a certain period of time. The ponzi was working cause they were every day new users to lock money on the pyramid. But once the hype was done they didnt have any more money to pay the daily interest so they stole all of the money. Kryll is a platform where everybody can create and share their own algorithms of trading, it's kinda like the TV scrypts but in a more intuitive way and social media like way

>> No.12895381

Has anyone mentioned that this has a low circulating supply of just 13 million?

>> No.12895418

I am creating strategy on kryll and if you want to test by creating a account with referal you will obtain 2week 30% discount on plateforme fees

>> No.12896126
File: 80 KB, 1883x462, V7 BAT-BTC 1 month results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lame to compare them with BCC... If you have no idea what they are doing, just don't comment... I've been following Kryll since ICO and had lots of conversations with the team. They are trustworthy. So far I'm very successful with the V7 strat (which is free btw). See the LIVE results of 1 month trading BAT/BTC below (PS: last month has been crazy for BAT, don't expect returns like that every month). I need to be honest to say that some other strats gave me a loss. It's all about finding the good ones. Give them some attention, they deserve it! (And no, I'm not payed to write this comment :) )

>> No.12896206

what the kryll platform does is a scam, and total bullshit
1) it's very polished
2) it's relatively easy to use
3) it's deflationary (the kryll token)
4) it's fucking 1.3m market cap
5) it's usable on a phone right now
6) it lets normies gamble on shitcones and lose their money to us
7) the shills for this shitcoin are obviously ruthless, belligerent, and willing to lie out their ass to get even a tiny fucking forum like this to buy in
8) they are about to pay twitter cryptofags to shill this garbage everywhere

conclusion: this will 5x during this bear market in the span of a month or two, and if the market picks up anytime soon it will 10-20x as normies DESPERATELY grab anything they think can make them crypto gains

This is another form of fundamental analysis I like to call 'scam-potential analysis', and the scam potential here is very high. I'm going to throw 500 bucks at it and not even wait for a pullback.

>> No.12896398

Mention the French bank thing anon, I’m too stupid to do it myself

>> No.12896623
File: 54 KB, 687x197, binance-admin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a on their telegram channel, they stated that the last year they didn't do any marketing because they were busy to develop their platform and they didn't have time for conferences bullshit and shilling an unfinished product unless all the others Pajeet projects.

They didn't lie.. Now the platform is finished and they even are constantly improving it. The community starts to grow quickly because the product is attractive.

Just check by yourself, a Binance admin joined their Telegram channel a few days ago. Something is coming up... Get your boarding pass before it's too late..

>> No.12896718

Binance angel isn't an Admin you fucking homo, also anyone can be a binance angel, even a fucking dirty pajeet.

>> No.12896775

shut the fuck up you dumb little nigger, go shill and do your job, don't even fucking reply to me
I make a killing investing in scams because I know what makes a good scam, because I'm an ex-scammer

this is a GOOD scam, it's PRETTY, its EASY TO ACCESS, and it promises idiot shitskins like you to make money for them while they do nothing

shitskins, normies, and the low IQ absolute LOVE free money boxes, and this is what this is

I know its a scam, you know its a scam, we all know its a scam, so just stop pretending. I am ON YOUR SIDE. Go forth an shill, idiot! Make me some fucking money.

>> No.12897078

Kinda reminds me of the Dropils shit, but it’s better

>> No.12897361

Big shit bag

>> No.12897377

Look at how all automated trading platform coins have performed. Foxtrading, Peculium, the one on HitBTC- Be prepared to get dumped on, imho.

>> No.12897455
File: 136 KB, 273x283, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking ignorant pajeet doesn't know how French BPI works. It is the French Public Investment Bank, they won't allow a single fucking EURO to shitty projects.

The commission awarding the subventions is composed of representatives of the sector. They look at whether the project is innovative and propose a product with a genuine interest. They also inspect the company's accounts to see if everything is in order.

We are talking here about a minimum of hundreds of thousands of euros, if not even millions of investments, they are not going to give their money to just any company.

Not to mention the fact that they will offer the benefit of their huge network to the company. Example, every year they send french companies to CES for free..

Do your own research fucking pajeet..

>> No.12897692

Based and redpilled.