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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12884748 No.12884748 [Reply] [Original]

>seeing normies discuss crypto
>they barely even understand bitcoin still
>they still think value in crypto adoption is about replacing physical currency
>they don't even understand smart contracts, much less the oracle problem
It's so weird how, while trapped in the biz bubble you come to worry that it's too late, but you just take a step back and realize how truly early we still are

>> No.12884765

The problem is that you think yourself smarter because you know some obscure terms.

>> No.12884785


>> No.12884894

Missing the point. There's nothing obscure about smart contracts, even a tech brainlet can grasp the basics, the end goal of automation. Everybody knows its coming but most think it's only through robotics and mainly for blue collar jobs.

>> No.12884921

>oracle problem

the value in blockchain is money, that's all. ethereum has value, but its tied to its technology only, and it's never capable of becoming money itself like btc already is. we're long past the early adopter phase, because back then it was still possible to get rich by holding money itself, now you're having to gamble on pointless funding tokens like link hoping nothing comes along and kills them, something you dont have to worry about with btc.

>> No.12884930

Smart contracts is a meme, bitcoin is the only coin that matters for now

>> No.12884948

Just say "programmable internet money" and normies get it

>> No.12884979

I've read enough reports from high level institutions and firms to know it's anything but a meme and taken very seriously in the business and legal world.

>> No.12885055

op is unironically right even if bottomfeeders will do their best to be snarky

>> No.12885062

Bitcoin is a Jewish, pump and dump.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5yh2HcIlkU&feature=youtu.be&t=5475 [Embed]

>Controversial journalist Alex Jones appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast Wednesday, 27 February 2019 (#1255). Nearly 200,000 people watched the livestream, which went on for more than four hours. The rambling conversation, fast paced, included a jag where Jones revealed having been offered $5 million worth of bitcoin (BTC) back in 2011 as a lure to pump the cryptocurrency.

>> No.12885084

jones is controlled opp

>> No.12885105 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 450x338, 32424566222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Jewish pump&dump
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5yh2HcIlkU&feature=youtu.be&t=5475 [Embed] [Embed]

>Controversial journalist Alex Jones appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast Wednesday, 27 February 2019 (#1255). Nearly 200,000 people watched the livestream, which went on for more than four hours. The rambling conversation, fast paced, included a jag where Jones revealed having been offered $5 million worth of bitcoin (BTC) back in 2011 as a lure to pump the cryptocurrency.