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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12883764 No.12883764 [Reply] [Original]

>pass the resume screening but rejected on the IQ test
>pass the IQ test but rejected on the resume screening
>pass the resume screening and IQ test but fail at the phone interview
>pass the resume screening, phone interview but fail at the IQ test
>pass the IQ test, resume screening, phone interview, onsite interview but fail to get the job because they went with a more experienced candidate
You just can’t win...

>> No.12883807

All I needed to do was put pretty colors on my resumé to impress the HR manager

>> No.12883821

>tfw niggers and women get jobs over you to fill a quota

>> No.12883841

>provide socially relevant service where I save people's lives
>supermarket worker with a dog's IQ makes more than me

>> No.12883845

Am I the only who gets jobs just talking? I can talk my way into any job, always have. On the flipside I always get fired after a month or two when they realize I can't do anything.

>> No.12883928

They look at my CV and tell me to fuck off

>> No.12883988

IQ tests are bullshit made up things by white supremacists actual companies don't use them.


>> No.12884016

>rejected on the IQ test
We've got a genuine brainlet over here