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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12881782 No.12881782 [Reply] [Original]

I could have had it made in my hometown. Could have had a decent career. Could have fucked ok looking women. But no, I took the high road and moved to NYC. Holy fucking shit it’s so goddamn competitive here. I can’t get a fucking job. I’m failing every interview I get, I wish I was back in my little town where I could at least feel good about myself. The daily wagekek city life is so fucking stressful.

Is living in your own small town the bluepill and choosing to compete in a world class city the redpill? Or is it the other way around?

>> No.12881807

Larp. You'd never leave the house.

>> No.12881818


Maybe it's not a big city that's the problem, maybe it's NYC. Choose neither, move somewhere else. Try being a big fish in a little pond, go live in freaking Bolivia for a year.

>> No.12881819
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That's what happens when you choose jew central, even if you're larping moving to NYC is a terrible idea. You need to move to a state with things to do but not so overpriced where you. I'm from texas, Around houston and the woodlands its very built up and nice with all the big oil and amazon.

>> No.12881827

Make it in NYC for a few years, come back to hometown and takeover the game.

>> No.12881828

Decent career as what?

>> No.12881830

NYC is a world class dump, anon. Go to a midsize city (like 500k pop) with good job prospects in your target industry and a relatively low cost of living.

>> No.12881855


I've been a big fish in a small pond. Was good for building confidence. But to really grow, you need to sharpen yourself against fish of the same size.

>> No.12881882

and let's be honest there's only like 10 of us here so yeah we're in a decent spot

>> No.12881883

Family business

Interdasting. Which cities would you recommend?

>> No.12882104

if you want to be the best you have to work with the best. that said, doing 1-2 years in a small pond then transferring to a big city after a couple quick promotions can make that happen a fuckload faster then rising up from the bottom in NYC

>> No.12882114

it doesnt matter op
none of it does
get clownpilled
its the true redpill

>> No.12882134


I dunno. I'm in Minneapolis. It's safe, at least relative to other cities. The city is a business district. Lots of bankers. Corporate headquarters. Not great if you can't hack it in a corp, but you learn alot from these monoliths. They're huge for a reason. Surprisingly large amount of talented individuals in a corp, at least to me, I assumed they'd all be shit. Lots of folk to learn from.