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12879698 No.12879698 [Reply] [Original]

What do you wish you had known when you first began investing?

>> No.12879744

I wish I knew Bitcoin would almost go to 20k and then crash to 3 k

>> No.12879745
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not to begin in Jan 2018

>> No.12879806

Buy low sell high in a bull market. Short peaks in a bear market.

>> No.12880178

taxes will fuck me

>> No.12880211
File: 186 KB, 466x400, sad fat pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That the multi year bear market was not a meme and that I had plenty of time to accumulate fiat and buy the bottom.

>> No.12880214

How is she so perfect, azns truly are the master race.

>> No.12880639

>dyed hair
>tiny tits pushed up with arms
>probably has a body like a 13 year old boy
>pancake face

it's all smoke and mirrors anon

>> No.12880688

t. Mutt
Hows all the freedom treating ya

>> No.12880695

You are poor dont diversify, go all in.

>> No.12880698

sell to take profits. nothing goes up forever.

4000% gains could have been mine but I was focusing on school and life lol woops

>> No.12880699
File: 361 KB, 1284x1174, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at 8.01.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is child pornography on the bitcoin blockchain forever.

>> No.12880714


>> No.12880729

Anon... there's cp everywhere since always "hided" in all entertaining media

>> No.12880741

Don't believe the tether fud

>> No.12880743

This. I could have made a couple of hundred bucks now if I knew the ebb and flow of crypto. Started investing in January as an experiment with $500. Now I'm up by $50 at best and probably will be in minus within two days.

>> No.12880745

I just wish I knew to start investing earlier desu.

If I had invested even in just vanguards since my early 20s I'd be sitting on a juicy sum of money right now

>> No.12881013

Link whitepaper.

>> No.12881025


My bad, here's the paper:


>> No.12881040 [DELETED] 

To trust my intuition more.

>> No.12881059

Decent face + some plastic surgery (at least nose, maybe more) and lots of good make up. I agree though, she's hot.

>> No.12881071

To trust my intuition more.

>> No.12881080

I wish I started investing before I was 26.

>> No.12881087

fucking this.

>> No.12881098


Yes but this is explicitly produced child pornography, and there is a difference between animated and real, especially in this context. If you can't understand that then you need help. Neither one is right but that's a real child that's being abused in those photo's.

I assume most of you shits on here have younger cousins or siblings so you should care about this. That's someone's family member who, as a child, will forever exist on the bitcoin blockchain in pornographic form and is under 5 years old.

What if that was someone who you truly cared about. How would you feel? Her photo will be traded like some pokemon card by disgusting men around the world who would love to get a chance to fuck and kill her. Its profoundly ironic to me that most on here believe in bitcoin because it will give people true freedom, but turn a blind eye to the most vicious form of abuse to ever exist. Where is that girls freedom? Who here cares about her?

How can anyone who claims to be ethical stand for that? I can't. I sold 1k worth of bitcoin at a loss because once I realized what this coin truly was, I couldn't even convince myself to wait it out until I broke even. And shame on me for even thinking that and not selling instantly, because that implicates me just as much as someone who knows but doesn't care.

> God help us.

>> No.12881118

In order to make big sums of money ou need to think and behave like a whale. Not necessarily whales with a few hundred grand or even a few million, but the true blue whales that have power and influence (ability to influence the masses).

>> No.12881120


And go ahead and call me a fudder and a moralfag because that's what I am. And how will your family look at you while you try to defend software that runs on child pornography? Are you guys serious?

>> No.12881167

What does that have to do with bitcoin tho?

>> No.12881253

Child Pornography was inserted into the original bitcoin blockchain at various points in the past. And because the bitcoin blockchain can never be changed, these binaries of the images will be there forever.

So this means that if some governing body, say the EU for instance, finds out that the bitcoin blockchain contains these images, there will be a concerted effort to shut down the software for good.

> but anon there's only 10,000 nodes

Ok consider the arguments as to why this is actually worse for bitcoin:

a) Major US exchanges will always comply with laws that deal with child pornography (as they should) and consider the fact that companies like Coinbase actually forked the bitcoin blockchain in the past in an effort to curb illegal activity. That means that when this paper came out, Coinbase had to have realized that they were in possession of child pornography while operating on US soil, same for others who did the same as well. You think they want to be associated with this? Doubt it. That's why they're selling on their bitcoin and not re-upping and why they aren't even bothering with SV.

b) If you live in any first world country and have the bitcoin blockchain software on your own personal computer then you too are in possession of child pornography. You are now committing the most heinous crime that exists. That should disgust and scare you.

c) Once this story finally breaks, and it will break, you'll have to explain to your family why you deal with software that facilitates the production and trading of child pornography. How can they even look at you after that? Its going to be a rough ride for people who try to defend this only because they put so much money into it.

d) Finally, there is copy writ content on their as well. All it would take would be for someone to contact a DMCA takedown agency and send them the paper. They'd launch their own investigation.

So this is shaping up to be a nice black swan

>> No.12881394


> bump because round two is coming

>> No.12881630

Fake and gay

>> No.12881702
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Read the paper for yourself:


>> No.12881736

Or humanity evolves and we accept that saying that some 1s and 0s are illegal is retarded.

>> No.12881781
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But anon, our governments are actively partaking in child trafficking for the elites and it's already public knowledge, if there is money to be made they will just turn a blind eye to it and the mainstream public would just rather forget.
ie: the Zandvoort case

>> No.12881798

This is why you don't cash out until you officially make it, or just never cash out if you're a true crypto believer. Use stablecoins to preserve gains and accumulate more, and live like a peasant in the meantime.

>> No.12881968

never take out a 401k loan. oy vey! you'll pay yourself back in interest!!! i didn't do so bad with that but what i did do badly was with cashing out when my company changed owners instead of rolling over.

now that 9k i cashed out is gone, sunken into my old car which is no longer (totaled) and a bunch of photography gear i bought and sold. so in the end i didn't lose the money overall, maybe a grand or so, but i unplugged the overall 25k i had in the investments from a couple years ago, which could have been 35-40k now with the shit i know about mutual funds.

here I sit with a whole $950 in my new roth 401k, but at least it's growing and i'm now throwing in about 250 per paycheck.

at least it's a roth.

>> No.12881988


So all the money in your bank account is retarded? What if I made a snuff film of killing your mom or something and uploaded it to the internet for people to jack off too. Just 1's and 0's right?

> stop being dumb

>> No.12881993


So you're saying we should let this slide too? If you really care you probably shouldn't.

>> No.12882003

lol poorfag

>> No.12882058


i'm hardly poor, compared to most young 4chan kiddies my standard of living is pretty high. the only thing weighing down my net worth is my wife's student loans.

>still doing better than all those huge student loan kiddies with socialism degrees

when my wife goes full nurse i'll basically be able to put my entire 50-60 grand a year into the bank and mutual funds and semi-retire in my late 40's.

>> No.12882135

name of the chink girl pls

>> No.12882173

I wish I didn’t have to make my rent payment back in 2010 after surgery. I wish I hadn’t wiped my HDD(that had several hundred btc on it), not even thinking about those worthless btc then. I wish I hadn’t have sold my computer to make rent.
I wish that I would have held onto my btc when it was $100 a piece instead of buying graphics cards with it and mining Ltc and then iverclocked the gpus too much and fried them. I wish I had stuck with the crypto game instead of getting fed up and forgetting about it for years until I saw what it was worth.
Fuck me I could be rich right now, I think abiut it everyday. Instead I’m a fucking ford technician

>> No.12882260

With that logic, youd sell at 200% gains

>> No.12882270

shapely B's are the best tits, built to last and usually have the best nipples, prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.12882294
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>I wish I hadn’t wiped my HDD(that had several hundred btc on it)
How much is this worth
I wish i invested in bitcoin instead of making fun of people who did when it was worth 60$

>> No.12882335

Bro, thenI the bought them. I mined them originally. I bought them when they were going up in value at around $4-5. I then bought some graphics card using btc to purchase them. Because I was going to start mining ltc and btc.
Them being a low wage worker, living with my girlfriend and frying the cards all caught up to me and I just gave up and forgot about it up until a few years ago when it was booming. It was out of my price range then, now I just invest in the stock market and buy silver and gold

>> No.12882342

nigger this fud was around 2013 you fucking newfag

>> No.12882345

Did any of y’all even use mtgox?

>> No.12882348

If it's at least 200 BTC at current market price it's 760.000$
Insane to think about the amount of wealth that was just lost in time, I'm sure this guy isn't the only one.

>> No.12882353

I think about selling all of that at 19k every fucking day bro, fuck my shit life, fuck

>> No.12882357

At it's peak can you guess what it would've been?

>> No.12882367
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Well I don't know how much Anon had on his HDD but selling 200 BTC at peak (20k$), it's 4 million dollars.

Oh well, money comes, money goes.

>> No.12882370

Use a calculator, if i has sold at a steady price of 19k x 200, that’s 3,800,000

>> No.12882377

Between 150-200
At least I have my wife, my house, my dogs and my future daughter and my stacks of silver and shares of stock

>> No.12882388

bless you Anon, I hope your daughter is born safely and is raised to be a proud, intelligent, and self respecting woman

>> No.12882389

Well you're doing just fine mate, no need to dwell on the past for real, if we all could see the future we'd all be billionaires.

>> No.12882429
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>you too are in possession of child pornography. You are now committing the most heinous crime that exists
You heard it here first folks, possessing a naked picture of a little girl is literally worse than violently raping and murdering someone.

>> No.12882467



It’s all good boys, life is beautiful. I just think and dwell on the bs too much, I blame my ADD lol.

>> No.12883027

Haha ok pajeet

>> No.12883101

Buy something because you actually believe in it, not just because it seems like a safe bet.

>> No.12883246

I wish I had known better than to ever come to /biz/. 99.9% of you guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.12883268

>compiler exploits could, in theory, install malware on your computer