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12878284 No.12878284 [Reply] [Original]

Their tokenized assets have frown from $65m USD to over $110m USD in under a month...

Let that sink in.

>> No.12878362

Retards are gonna cry fake until they are eternally BTFO and FOMO in like plebs.

This is the real deal. Let it sink in. A blockchain start up with a cap of ~20bn mcap has tokenized $110M worth of equity and is taking on a sector with over $500tn in assets ready to be tokenized.

>> No.12878379

Where to buy?

Tokenization of real estate is the next moon

>> No.12878413

and you think that gives their middleman funding token any value? cringe.

>> No.12878419

Isnt this chx?

>> No.12878487

Yes it is sir!

>> No.12878498

And you think it doesn’t? Cringe

>> No.12878552
File: 426 KB, 931x682, 1540155019555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my bags
solid volume on todays dump
keep hodling bros cya back at 3k sats

>> No.12878576

Would you call any securities instrument a middle man funding token? Is an equity share certificate a middle man funding certificate? Are securitize or swarm security tokens middle men funding tokens? The equity must be represented by an instrument i don't get your point

Many companies seem to be interested in the transparency provided by the blockchain and the benefits that smart contracts provide in automating regulatory compliance through the securities'life cycle. Benefits also lie whitelisting processes and investor identity and qualification management through KYC/AML'd investor IDs getting tied to their wallets.

Blockchain will allow for equity to flow more freely from hand to hand and reach many more investors and reach much more capital since a huge amount of oversight processes and repetitive administrative tasks can be automated by smart contracts.

>> No.12879247

Shhh... this week is FUD CHX week, so the poorfags can sell and the chad's can buy more cheap.

>> No.12879265
File: 53 KB, 648x206, Screenshot 2019-02-27 at 2.17.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-bros have you seen this??
We can finally judge how much tokens the team will buy at mainnet omg. We just need 100k buy to bring us to 1$

>> No.12879277

I've seen it and that's why I'm not freaking out about the price dump. They're going to deliver and exactly know how to go about it.

>> No.12879495

This is fucking hilarious. They supposedly have 8bn tokenized but can't name a single client for some mysterious reason. It's like a retarded kid who says he has a hot girlfriend who lives in another city.

If you are mentally deficient enough to fall for this scam you deserve to lose your money at this point.

>> No.12879505

People fuding this don't realize that this team has been 100% on the ball with doing what they said they would do

>> No.12879529

Dude 8bn refers to the amount of tokenized shares... a single issuer can create 100M equity shares for their company. This is not so fucking hard to believe.

>> No.12879728

So pumped to be holding 100k of these bad boys

>> No.12879760

are we expecting this in a month or like a week, few days?

>> No.12879765

The company will be big, but not CHX. Otherwise, Sasha would tokenise the company stocks itself via STO on the platform. This is like Ripple/XRP.

>> No.12879766

Once mainnet drops the market buys and tokens out of circulation will drive the price past 1$ easily

>> No.12879774

didnt chx tank recently?


>> No.12880008

Oh no, we may hit multi billion mcap like ripple. That sucks...

>> No.12880039

Wrong. The chx token is used in literally every transaction on the blockchain. This has been reiterated several times via the CEO on TG

>> No.12880056

I believe you

>> No.12880070

me 2

>> No.12880157

lmao this
>imagine getting strewn along with this russian scam ico
while rvn's list of companies using it keeps growing
also the fact that craig has patented the technology but he can't do shit to rvn except go for the exchanges listing it, since it's opensource and nobody manages it unlike chx which he can tie up in legal battles for 10 years and drain them forcing them to dump their bags on you to fight or pay royalties.
also we can look at price, will companies use rvn which is dirt cheap with huge inflation, 5000 mined per 1 min and costs 500 to make one asset.
or will they use chx token that could cost some dumb price due to whale hoarding.
gee boys i dunno, it sounds like own and chx is DOA

>> No.12880216

Not even russian

CHX also has growing list of companies you will realize this in coming 2 months.

Imagine believing that a concept can be patented. It's like saying "I've patented the operating system."

The fee is set in fiat, retard. They need to pay a 1% fee in fiat. OWN converts the 1% fee, into CHX.

>> No.12880251
File: 138 KB, 428x280, 1543595871152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>c-company list s-soon
all hype and no results
keep hodling

>> No.12880270

Lmao.I can't wait to see the pink wojaks and salty threads you guys will be making.

>> No.12880272

Thats what the dashboard is for, you'll be able to see EVERYTHING

>> No.12881260

>he doesnt know about RLX

>> No.12881695

Fuck Craig, he is one market crash away from having a Monero funded kill team sent after him, and with how many people have a motive to do it they will NEVER figure out who sent them.