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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 380x380, Dear-humans-I-m-done-with-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12877567 No.12877567 [Reply] [Original]

Half my Networth in crypto, 90% eth, the rest in qtum, neblio, neo, rlc
I have a cash out plan, if the next bull arrives.
If crypto fails, i'll just off myself.
No friends, no girlfriend, depressed and suicidal. I have an ugly face.
I work for my money and i work out 3 times a week. But i'm still empty inside. When i make it i can at least pay a hooker ones a week to get more happiness inside me. And afford plastic surgery shit.

>> No.12877588

Please don't anon, I love you as a human being. Not everything is about money or status. Find something you enjoy doing and do it, it's better than being dead.

>> No.12877632

Find yourself a girlfriend, there's someone for everyone and dont be too picky. Money won't make you happy at all anon, believe me. And go do shit you are passionate about.

>> No.12877640

make sure you kill as many normies as possible when you go

>> No.12877655

You bought shitprojects and expect to make it. But you will not and in 5 years you will know that you only had to buy Link

>> No.12877777

Money is not everything, but it definitely gives peace of mind to quit wagecucking job and may be start a business or do something you love in life. you can take a break anytime you want, work your own hours.

>> No.12877787
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>> No.12877814

What if I don't like anything in life?

>> No.12877820
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>> No.12877855


KYS and hope your next round is in anothet planet. But just so you know it's very unlikely, we're a shithole for a reason by high margins both ways.

>> No.12877856
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That's what we want. It's a huge difference when you have financial independence instead of an endless grind getting nowhere.

>> No.12877863

Thanks for the answers anon-sans..
I have looked into link but am not hooked yet.
I'm self employed allready and make ~1000$ per month profit.
I invest every month half of that into crypto.
I'm just pissed, most human beings are dump fucks. Not thinking for themselves, just run after the herd. Thinking they matter in this world, but we are just on a fucking small planet in a big universe, with hundres of thousands of galaxies and many species which are far more advanced than we are. We will kill ourselves trouth atomic weapons and disseases before we can make it as a species and travel to other galaxies. This shit live on eaerth is fucking meaningless, i just want the money to have the most fun i can have as long as i'm still here.

>> No.12877920

You haven't seen half of what's possible. All your knowledge of what's possible comes from the indoctrinating education system which doesn't want you to do what you love. Stumble into something you like doing.

>> No.12877940

How to stumble in that and make a living out of it?

Me for my part I like travelling, getting to know new people and helping others. Bit how the fuck should this pay off?
Now I study Computer Science and hate it. But I just don't know any better.

>> No.12877967

>no LINK but random dead shitcoins
never gonna make it
Sorry bud but you will suicide as virgin.

>> No.12877999


>> No.12878636

Are you even kidding?

If your net worth, however piss poor miserable it may be, is in crypto, then offing yourself would in fact be the best evidence of a wise choice you've made to date in your pathetic life.

You know what you need to do. Don't fuck this up too. Do one thing right in your sorry life. At least be that example for other morons like yourself that might be tempted to head down the crypto path.

Unfortunately, cyrpto idiots like yourself are far too much on whining for attention and far too little on taking action - and when you do, you can't even take the RIGHT action. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.12878725

The only dream I've ever had in life is to be a successful game designer, but I know it's something that is entirely unrealistic and 100% unachievable.

>> No.12878742

these fucking digits

>> No.12878773

Because those 90% of businesses can't maintain funding/cash flow for the first 5 years while in the red. If you have 500k to put into a business yourself it will probably succeed regardless

>> No.12878777

I imagine it’s a lot like every other thing ever. Fun as a hobby, but hell as a job.

>> No.12878795

>to quit wagecucking job and may be start

>> No.12878819

I don't mean working for a AAA game company where you're beholden to what some corporate executive tells you to do. I mean being a succesful indie dev, making the kind of game you want to and being able to make a living doing that.

>> No.12878864

That's hard work right now as the market is being saturated with indies but imo it's a good time since AAAs are going to start fomo acquiring indie studios with all the cash flow hence the layoffs of a lot of their employees. Just make a micro transaction game as a service and pay for chink bots so you can show them you have a large paying subscriber base and they will offer millions

>> No.12878915

>the market is being saturated with indies
That's my point. I missed my chance and it's impossible to achieve now because there's too much competition in the market. Microtransactions are cancer and that's not the kind of thing I'd ever want to be involved in. I don't want to make games to scam people, I want to make something good that I would actually want to play and at the same time make a living doing it.